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Aerovivanda #2
Artist: Merzbow / Xerosx
Year: 1984
Country: Japan
Label: ZSF Produkt
Catalog No: ZSF Produkt, ZSFM 06
Format: Tape
Spezification: C60

Aerovivanda 7
A2 Aerovivanda 8
A3 Aerovivanda 9
B1 Aerovivanda 10
B2 Aerovivanda 11
B3 Aerovivanda 12
A2 Aerovivanda 8
A3 Aerovivanda 9
B1 Aerovivanda 10
B2 Aerovivanda 11
B3 Aerovivanda 12
Companies, etc.
- Recorded At – Pisarcik Office
- Remixed At – Merz-bau
- Composed By – Merzbow
Recorded at Pisarcik & Merz Home Studio Nov.'83
Re-Mixed at Merzbau.
Re-Mixed at Merzbau.
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