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Anarchy in the UK

Artist: Sex Pistols, Jamie Reid, Sophie Richmond, Vivienne Westwood

Year: 1976
Country: United Kingdom
Format: Mag/Lit
newspaper/magazine from December 1976 published by Jamie Reid with Sophie Richmond and Vivienne Westwood (the
ANARCHY IN THE UK newspaper No. 1. (Glitterbest: London) with Soo Catwomen on the Cover.
12 pages, tabloid newspaper format, 45x32cm

This fanzine, the only one issued, was intended for the Anarchy tour and first went on sale on 20 December at the Cleethorpes concert (copies were brought up from London by Debbie Juvenile and Tracey O’Keefe).
Its content spans visual profiles of the band members as well as of its early fans the ‘Bromley Contingent’, as well as a page contributed by Vivienne Westwood and Reid’s re-working of Situationist Suburban Press graphics.
Incorporating photographs by Ray Stevenson from the group's September 1976 Paris trip and their first appearance at the 100 Club, as well as a cover photo of Soo Catwoman, the fanzine proclaims a punk transgressive antagonism.
Fanzine published at the end of 1976 (probably in December) by Malcolm McLaren to promote his new group with 12 pages of black and white photographs with a few printed sentences (“I am an anarchist”, “I wanna destroy the passer-by “,” Vive la resistance “,” Oh so pretty… pretty vacant… and we don’t care!…). The Fanzine was designed by Jamie Reid, Ray Stevenson, Vivienne Westwood and Malcolm McLaren. We find the members of the group (including the latest arrival Sid Vicious) but also the members of the Bromley Contingent, a group of unconditional fans who followed the Sex Pistols in all their concerts. The first fanzines were distributed during the concert of Sex Pistols at Winter Gardens in Cleethorpe during the Anarchy Tour Magnificent collector’s item.