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Distant Lives
Artist: Mark Piersel
Year: 1983
Country: United Kingdom
Label: DYS (Label)
Catalog No: DYS 09
Format: Tape

Many Mansions
A2 The Illuminating Door
A3 On A Quiet Axis
A4 Terra Firma
B1 Trisan (The Brute)
B2 The Betrayal
B3 The Bardo
A2 The Illuminating Door
A3 On A Quiet Axis
A4 Terra Firma
B1 Trisan (The Brute)
B2 The Betrayal
B3 The Bardo
- Artwork [Visual] – Joy Froding
- Guitar, Synthesizer [Guitar Synthesizer] – Mark Piersel
Small edition size. Comes in normal black cassette snap case with printed, triple folded j-card.
Liner notes:
these were never intended to be compositions in a traditional sense.
although several pieces did seem to develope along specific lines, my intentions were only to familiarize myself with certain musical and recording processes.
in this context these could be considered as experiments.
there has also been a desire on my part to maintain a certain purity with regard to the material itself in that my wish has been to be spontaneous by reacting to each previously recorded track with limited forethought and no real effort to develope rhythmically or harmonically.
Liner notes:
these were never intended to be compositions in a traditional sense.
although several pieces did seem to develope along specific lines, my intentions were only to familiarize myself with certain musical and recording processes.
in this context these could be considered as experiments.
there has also been a desire on my part to maintain a certain purity with regard to the material itself in that my wish has been to be spontaneous by reacting to each previously recorded track with limited forethought and no real effort to develope rhythmically or harmonically.
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