Companies, etc.
- Distributed By – Dischi Ricordi S.p.A.
- Recorded At – Fono Roma, Milano
- Art Direction – sas
- Coordinator – Antonio Aliverti
- Liner Notes [Cover Texts], Management [Director Of Series] – Gianni-Emilio Simonetti
- Music By – John Cage
- Photography By – Antonio de Gregorio
- Technician – Ambrogio Ferrario, Piero Bravin
Released in a gatefold sleeve, includes printed inner sleeve.
This is the first release distributed by Dischi Ricordi S.p.A. as indicated on the upper right corner of the backcover. Later vinyl editions on Cramps were distributed by Baby Records S.r.l..
This is the first release distributed by Dischi Ricordi S.p.A. as indicated on the upper right corner of the backcover. Later vinyl editions on Cramps were distributed by Baby Records S.r.l..
Related Releases
1. Schwäbische Kurkonzerttage 1994 Various
10+2: 12 American Text Sound Pieces Various
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5 September 1982 A Tribute To John Cage Various
59 To 1 Cassette Nr. 12 Various
Adenoids 1977-1985 Severed Heads
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An Afflicted Man's Musica Box Various
An Afflicted Man's Musica Box Various
An Anthology Of Noise & Electronic Music / First A-Chronology Volume #1 Various
And His All Stars Mario Schiano
Antropofagia Patrizio Fariselli
Arbeiten Nicolaus Einhorn
Art Is Either A Complaint Or Do Something Else John Cage
Aspen Magazine No.5 + 6 Various
At Oundle Public School 16th March 1980 Throbbing Gristle
Atlas Eclipticalis With Winter Music John Cage
Atlas Eclipticalis • Winter Music • Cartridge Music / Glossolalie John Cage
Audio Arts Magazine Volume 6 Number 2 & 3 Various
Avantgarde Vol. 2 Various
Bird And Person Dyning Alvin Lucier
Biting Off The Tongue Of A Corpse Various
Black Angels (Images 1) / String Quartet In Four Parts George Crumb / John Cage / The Concord String Quartet
Black Box No. 15 = Breathingspace/77 (Touchstone Series) Various
Body Music 1 Jean-Paul Curtay & John Cage
Caged/Uncaged - A Rock/Experimental Homage To John Cage Various
Cantare La Voce Demetrio Stratos
Cheap Imitation John Cage
CHICAGO 82 Various
Chorals / Cheap Imitation (with Paul Zukofsky) John Cage
Circles / Frammento / Aria With Fontana Mix Luciano Berio - E. E. Cummings / Sylvano Bussotti / John Cage
Clarinettissimo Jesús Villa-Rojo
Concerto For Prepared Piano & Orchestra / Baroque Variations John Cage / Lukas Foss
Cramps Records, 5206-501 Demetrio Stratos
Dada For Now (A Collection Of Futurist And Dada Sound Works) Various
Dé-coll/age Musik Wolf Vostell
Delta 6 Experimental Audio Research
Die Neue Musik Und Ihre Neuesten Entwicklungen Various
Dikke Mannen Dull Schicksal
Disconnected (The Dial-A-Poem Poets) Various
Early Electronic And Tape Music John Cage
Electronic Music, Fontana Mix / Visage / Agony Various
Empty Words John Cage
En Rouge Et Noir Label: Miguel Angel Coria Erwachet! Various
Etudes Australes For Piano John Cage
Etudes Boreales Ryoanji John Cage
Extended Voices (by The Brandeis University Chamber Chorus and Alvin Lucier) Various
False Phonemes Various Fast Forward 011 Various
Finale (1971-1973) Paolo Castaldi
First Record Petr Kotik
Five Hanau Silence John Cage / Sterneck / KomistA
Fluvine Fernando Grillo
Four Principles On Ireland And Other Pieces (1974) Cornelius Cardew
Freeman Etudes I-XVI John Cage
Futura: Poesia Sonora Various
Heures sans Soleil Various
Highfidelity John Cage / Terry Fox
Hohe Ufer Konzerte Various
Hoisting The Black Flag Various
HPSCHD / String Quartet No. 2 John Cage & Lejaren Hiller / Ben Johnston
I Ain't Nuthin' But A Gorehound Cramps
I Fiori Del Sole Michele Fedrigotti / Danilo Lorenzini
I-VI John Cage
Il Treno di Cage / le train de Cage John Cage
Improvisation Derek Bailey
In Other Words / Circuit / Night Flowers Noah Creshevsky / David Mott
In Sara, Mencken, Christ And Beethoven There Were Men And Women Robert Ashley
In Terram Utopicam Walter Marchetti
Indeterminacy: New Aspect Of Form In Instrumental And Electronic Music John Cage / David Tudor
Indicazioni Paolo Tofani
JC + TT + SFT EP John Cage
John Cage John Cage
John Cage & Marcel Duchamp John Cage & Marcel Duchamp / Donald Knaack
John Cage / Kenneth Patchen John Cage / Kenneth Patchen
La Caccia (Da Arpocrate Seduto Sul Loto) Walter Marchetti
La Maquina De Cantar Horacio Vaggione
Live John Cage
Luna Cinese Costin Miereanu
Memo From Giancarlo Schiaffini / Michele Iannaccone
Metrodora Demetrio Stratos
Microphone David Tudor
More Encores Christian Marclay
Mr. John Cage's Prepared Piano John Cage
Music Before Revolution Ensemble Musica Negativa
Music For Keyboard 1935 - 1948 John Cage
Music Of Changes John Cage / Herbert Henck
Musica Su Schemi Gruppo di Improvvisazione Nuova Consonanza
Musique Concrète - Elektroakustische Musik Various
New York Report / Interviews Various
Note Di Atemporalità Luigi Cinque
Ostranenie 1913 Nurse With Wound
Piano Space by Aki Takahashi) Various
Prati Bagnati Del Monte Analogo Raul Lovisoni / Francesco Messina
Prima Vista Pro Musica Da Camera
Promotional Copy Promo 48 Cameras
Psychedelic Jungle Cramps
Refried Ectoplasm [Switched On Volume 2] Stereolab
Refried Ectoplasm [Switched On Volume 2] Stereolab
Roaratorio John Cage
Rrose Sélavy Juan Hidalgo
Scribble Music Sampler Franz Kamin
Secret Pastures ballet suite Peter Gordon & Love of Life Orchestra Side 3 Severed Heads
Sixteen Dances John Cage
Slow Musics Pascal Comelade
Sonatas And Interludes / A Book Of Music John Cage
Sonates Et Interludes Pour Piano Préparé (1946-48) with Maro Ajemian John Cage
Songs The Lord Taught Us Cramps
SoundViews Volume One: Sources Various
Source: Music Of The Avant Garde Issue Number 4 Various
Source: Music Of The Avant Garde Issue Number 7/8 Various
Speaks Mureau John Cage
speaks Mureau John Cage
speaks Mureau John Cage
Straws Steve Lacy
Sugar, Alcohol, & Meat (The Dial-A-Poem Poets) Various Suonare la voce Demetrio Stratos
Talking to Hans G Helms on Music and Politics John Cage Talking to Hans G Helms on Music and Politics John Cage Talking to Hans G Helms on Music and Politics John Cage
Tamaran Juan Hidalgo
Tapesongs Joan La Barbara
Tempo Furioso (Tolles Wetter) Martin Davorin Jagodic
Tempo Liquido Christina Kubisch & Fabrizio Plessi
The 25-Year Retrospective Concert Of The Music Of John Cage John Cage
The Dial-A-Poem Poets Various
The First Meeting Of The Satie Society John Cage
The Music Of John Cage And Harry Partch Harry Partch / John Cage
The Nova Convention Various
The Nova Convention Vol 1 + 2 Various The Nova Convention Vol 1 + 2 Various
The Second Bow Frances-Marie Uitti
The Universe Is The Messiah Various
Thirty Pieces For Five Orchestras / Music For Piano (With Savaria Symphony Orchestra) John Cage
Three Dances & Four Organs John Cage / Steve Reich / Michael Tilson Thomas / Ralph Grierson
To The Quiet Men From A Tiny Girl Nurse With Wound
Totally Corrupt (The Dial-A-Poem Poets) Various
Txalaparta '75 Iraila Arza Anaiak
Untitled Gageego Valentines Day Mix for John Cage Chris Lapina
Variations I Für Orgel John Cage
Variations IV John Cage / David Tudor
Variations IV Volume II John Cage
Videokongress 8: Metasprache I+II Various
Violetter Dschungel (C20) Wolf Wohlstand
Vision #4 - Word Of Mouth Various
Voices And Instruments Jan Steele / John Cage
Related Artists & Bands
Chris MannDavid CunninghamDavid TudorDick HigginsFrances-Marie UittiGentle Fire / Earle Brown / John Cage / Christian WolffGeorge Crumb / John Cage / The Concord String QuartetHarry Partch / John CageJackson Mac LowJan Steele / John CageJean-Paul Curtay & John CageJohn CageJohn Cage & Lejaren Hiller / Ben JohnstonJohn Cage & Marcel Duchamp / Donald KnaackJohn Cage & Sun RaJohn Cage / David TudorJohn Cage / Herbert HenckJohn Cage / Kenneth PatchenJohn Cage / Lukas FossJohn Cage / Sterneck / KomistAJohn Cage / Steve Reich / Michael Tilson Thomas / Ralph GriersonJohn Cage / Terry FoxJuliusLuciano Berio - E. E. Cummings / Sylvano Bussotti / John CageMichel RedolfiR.I.P. HaymanUlrich BlumeRelated Artists & Bands Literature
21 matched Asymetries (Aloes Books) Jackson Mac Low
22 Light Poems (Black Sparrow Press) Jackson Mac Low
36th Light Poem (Permanent Press) Jackson Mac Low
4 Trains (Burning Deck Providence) Jackson Mac Low
a book abozut love and war (Nova Broadcast) Dick Higgins
A Few Words about John Cage (Visual Studios Workshop Press) 1999 Mark W. Sutherland
A Year from Monday: New Lectures & Writings by John Cage John Cage
alle radici delle seconde avanguardie (Italian / English) (Fluxus) John Cage
Anarchic Harmony John Cage
Anarchic Harmony (Festival Frankfurt) John Cage
Aria John Cage
August Light Poems (Caterpillar 9) 1967 Jackson Mac Low
Begin Again John Cage
Cage a house full of music John Cage
Cage Box John Cage - Festival Tage Neuer Musik Bonn 1979 John Cage
cage fuer die vögel (merve Verlag) John Cage
Cage I VI John Cage
Cage-Cunningham-Johns: Dancers on a Plane John Cage
Composed in America Edited by Marjorie Perloff and Charles Junkerman John Cage
Computers for the Arts (Abyss Publications) Dick Higgins
Conversing with Cage (ed. Richard Kostelanetz, Limelight Press) John Cage
Diary (Great Bear Pamphlet) John Cage
Die Fabelhafte Getraeume von Taifun Willi (Abyss Publiscations) Dick Higgins Die Musik ist los John Cage
Empty Words (Part III) Cramps Records ?76 page Booklet with 3CD's John Cage
Empty Words: Writings, 1973-78 John Cage
Europeras 1 and 2 John Cage
For the Birds: In Conversation With Daniel Charles John Cage
Gloses sur John Cage (10/18 [i.e. Dix/dix-huit] ; 1212 : Se?rie Esthe?tique) (French Edition) John Cage
Hanne Darboven - John Cage, Staatsgalerie Moderner Kunst. John Cage
I-VI (Charles Eliot Norton Lectures) John Cage
I-VI (Harvard Press book) inc. 2 tapes John Cage
John Cage & Sterneck / KomistA – Five Hanau Silence John Cage
John Cage (Documentary Monograph) John Kostelanetz, Richard; Cage (Author) John Cage
John Cage (ex)plain(ed). (ed. Richard Kostelanetz) John Cage
John Cage (Peters, Frankfurt) John Cage
John Cage / M Writings '67-'72 1st Edition 1973 John Cage
John Cage /Terry Fox /Gudrun Wassermann: Ausstellungskatalog John Cage
John Cage at Städtische Galerie Erlangen John Cage
John Cage Etchings 1978-1982 John Cage
John Cage im Gespräch (DUMONT) Richard Kostelanetz (Autor), John Cage
John Cage oder Die Musik ist los (Internationaler Merve Diskurs: Perspektiven der Technokultur) John Cage
John Cage Reader: In Celebration of His Seventieth Birthday John Cage
John Cage und die Moderne Kunst als Grenzbveschreitung 1991 John Cage
John Cage WDR composition in retrospect John Cage
John Cage • Itinerari oltre il Suono John Cage
John Cage. Partituren, Graphik, Zeichnungen, Aquarelle. Stooss, Toni / Abbt, Theres Verlag: Zürich Kunsthaus Zürich John Cage
John Cage: Writer : Previously Uncollected Pieces (Limelight) John Cage
Klänge des Inneren Auges: Eine pazifische Freundschaft Mark Tobey, Morris Graves, John Cage John Cage
Konzert Gespräch Film (Festival Erlangen 1990) John Cage
Kunst als Grenzbeschreitung Poster John Cage
Kunst als Grenzüberschreitung. John Cage und die Moderne. John Cage
Light Poem for Larry Eigner (Tetrad Press) 1969 Jackson Mac Low
Milarepa Gatha Jackson Mac Low
Modular Poems Dick Higgins
Morton Feldman and John Cage – Radio Happenings – Conversations John Cage
Musik • Musik-Konzepte • John Cage I | edition text+kritik John Cage
Musik • Musik-Konzepte • John Cage II | edition text+kritik John Cage
Nachtcagetag: Vierundzwanzig Stunden für und mit John Cage 14./15.Februar 1987 John Cage
Notations John Cage
Off Course Chris Mann
Phone (Printed Editions / Kontext Publications) Jackson Mac Low
Prepared Box for John Cage John Cage
Programme doe Royal Albert Hall COncert 22 May 1972 John Cage / David Tudor
Promo to Edition Michael Frauenlob Bauer 2Lp-Release John Cage
Roaratorio (Athanäum Verlag) John Cage
Silence. Vortrag über nichts. Vortrag über etwas. 45' für einen Sprecher. John Cage
Silence: Lectures and Writings John Cage
Silence: Lectures and Writings John Cage
Sounds Like Silence. John Cage - 4’33” Silence Today (Jan Thoben) John Cage
Sounds Like Silence: Silence Today John Cage
The Epickall Quest of the Brothers Dichtung (Printed Editions) Dick Higgins
The Pronouns (Station Hill) Jackson Mac Low
The Pronouns - a collection of 40 dances Jackson Mac Low
the Rationales (NMA Publications) Chris Mann
The Roaring Silence - Revill, David John Cage
The Tiwn Plays (Great Baer Pamphlet) Jackson Mac Low
the Virginia Woolf Poems (Burning Deck) Jackson Mac Low
Themes & Variations John Cage
tuesday Chris Mann Word for word (Christine, New York) Chris Mann
Writing Through Finnegan s Wake (printed editions) University of Tulsa, 1978 John Cage
X: Writings '79 '82 John Cage
Related Labels
CrampsRelated Labels-Literature
Aids Treatment Project 1991 Information fold-out poster Giorno Poetry Systems
Catalogue 1987 Giorno Poetry Systems
Catalogue 1989 (Issue 19) Giorno Poetry Systems
Cramps Complete Catalogue (ultralarge Poster) Cramps
Giorno Poetry No.19 Giorno Poetry Systems
Giorno Poetry Systems Catalogue No.20 Giorno Poetry Systems
Promo-Info to GPS 001-GPS007 Giorno Poetry Systems
Promo-Info to GPS 001-GPS011 Giorno Poetry Systems
Promo-Info to GPS 003-GPS013 Giorno Poetry Systems
Promo-Info to GPS 003-GPS015 Giorno Poetry Systems
Promo-Info to GPS 005-GPS019 Giorno Poetry Systems
Promo-Info to GPS 005-GPS019 Giorno Poetry Systems
Promo-Info to GPS 006-GPS021 Giorno Poetry Systems
Promo-Info to GPS 006-GPS023 Giorno Poetry Systems
The Nova Convention Poster Giorno Poetry Systems
Related Press & Organisations
MusicsSource: Music of the Avant GardeRelated Press & Org Literature
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KULTuhr 01 Anthologie des Möglichen (Norbert Tefelski) KULTuhr
KGNM 06 a Portrait Series for John Cage Kölner Gesellschaft für Neue Musik
Musics 10 (November 1976) Musics
Musics 15 (December 1977) Musics
Musics 20 (December 1978) Musics
Musics 03 (August / September 1975) Musics
Musics 08 (July 1976) Musics
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Musics 18 (July 1978) Musics
Musics 23 (November 1979) Musics
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Musics 11 (February 1977) Musics
Musics 16 (February 1978) Musics
Musics 21 (March 1979) Musics
Musics 04 (October / November 1975) Musics
Musics 09 (September 1976) Musics
Musics 14 (October 1977) Musics
Musics 19 (September 1978) Musics
Musics 02 (June / July 1975) Musics
Musics 07 (April / May 1976) Musics
Musics 12 (May 1977) Musics
Musics 17 (March 1978) Musics
Musics 22 (June 1979) Musics
Musics 05 (December 1975 / January 1976) Musics
Open System Project 03 (September / October 1983) Open System Project
Source: Music Of The Avant Garde Issue Number 10 Source: Music of the Avant Garde
Source: Music Of The Avant Garde Issue Number 03 Source: Music of the Avant Garde
Source: Music Of The Avant Garde Issue Number 07 / 08 (with 2x10") Source: Music of the Avant Garde
Source: Music Of The Avant Garde Issue Number 01 Source: Music of the Avant Garde
Source: Music Of The Avant Garde Issue Number 11 Source: Music of the Avant Garde
Source: Music of the Avant Garde Issue Number 06 Source: Music of the Avant Garde
Source: Music Of The Avant Garde Issue Number 05 Source: Music of the Avant Garde
Source: Music Of The Avant Garde Issue Number 09 (with 2x10") Source: Music of the Avant Garde
Source: Music of the Avant Garde Promo to Issue Number 4-10 Source: Music of the Avant Garde
Source: Music Of The Avant Garde Issue Number 02 Source: Music of the Avant Garde
Source: Music Of The Avant Garde Issue Number 04 (with 2x10") Source: Music of the Avant Garde
Source: Music Of The Avant Garde Issue Number 10 Source: Music of the Avant Garde Spanner 01 - John Cage / Eric Mottram The Pleasure of Chaos (editor Allen Fisher) Spanner Musikprotokoll '92 Steirischer Herbst / Musikprotokoll
Sound by Artists Various
Fluxus Da Capo - Wiesbaden 1962 Various
Zweitschrift 02 Neue Musik / new music Verlag Zweitschrift