no cover
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1 Carrillion
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2 Ironic Afternoon Orchestra
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2 D Filme The Laszivious Ears presented by: Secret Department for Cynical Musicology and Semiotics of Sound
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a reau gare bbr/njr
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Active Resistors David Prescott
Adventure Brainticket
AĂ©roproducts Alesia Cosmos Aerovivanda Merzbow / Xerosx
Aerovivanda #1 Merzbow / Xerosx
afro-electronica Alien Planetscapes / Barney Jones
Afrodisiaca John Tchicai And Cadentia Nova Danica
After Dinner After Dinner
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Aha Anne Gillis
Aide Memoire / Folk Music / Sonaty SlavĂkovĂ© Georg Katzer / Zygmunt Krause / Jaroslav Krzek
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Akarui Panya San Y. Fujimoto & T. Isotani
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All Our Yesterdays Alien Sex Fiend
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Alsations Nervous Choir
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And Suddenly It's Evening Various
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Aqua Vasilisk
Aqua Edgar Froese
Aqua Cosmos Juma
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Arcana CĆlestia (Nexus One - An International Musical Explorer) Various
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Art is the Tool From Nursery to Misery / Nostalgie Eternelle
Artefact 2 Ruud Kluivers
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As Diamond Clearness Luisa Cividin, Maurizio Marsico, Roberto Taroni
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Atsumono Ni Korite Namasu O Fuku Setuna
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Au Homard Vincent Barras / Jacques Demierre
Audio Arts Magazine Volume 2 Number 1 R. Buckminster Fuller & Joseph Beuys
Audio By Visual Artists Various
Audiopoems Henri Chopin
Aug 28 N. Takemura, Y. Fujimoto, T. Kamada, K. Usami, M. Sasaki, C. Mukai, T. Kuramoto, T. Nakamura Aurasound I William Aura Aurasound I William Aura Aurasound II William Aura
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Auschwitz War Wunderbar! Parts
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Automaten Mittageisen
Automatic Writing Robert Ashley
Avant Marghen Vol. 4 Various
Avatamsakas Wave Tekst
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Away With Words P.J. Otto
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Axis Sally Various
Babilonia Merzbow / Null
Back To Sing For Free Again Soon Various
Backdoor Possibilities Birth Control Bad Alchemy 01 Various Bad Alchemy 05 Various Bad Alchemy 12 Various
Bali-AgĂșng Eberhard Schoener
Ball Der VerwirrungÂŽ Family 5
Ballet Bag Rubella Ballet
Balling Buddha John Giorno
Balling Buddha John Giorno Balling Buddha John Giorno
Bamboo J. Derwort
Bananamour Kevin Ayers Bande De Salauds Costes Baptized & More Involved Not 1/2 & Violence and the Sacred
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Bausteine Non Toxique Lost
Bear Ears And Other Songs Joyce Lightbody Beat Repeat On Feet Endless Nostalgia
Before ...And After Walls Of Genius
Before that - After That Erik MĂ€lzner & Konsorten
Before The Beginning We Were Living - I can't hear you anymore 5ive Ximes Of Dust
Behind Dark Glasses Those Nervous Surgeons
BeitrÀge Zur Sinnespflege Mannschreck
Berlin 4-81 Pionier Seriös
Berlin Blondes Berlin Blondes
Berlin Cassette 2-84 Various Berlin Diary: Volume 7 - Reflexive Godfear M. Finnkrieg & John Heins & Dan Potter & Thomas Sutter
Berlincassette 03/87 Various Berlincassette 2/89 C60 Various
Bertolt Brecht: Zeit Wird Knapp Heiner Goebbels & Alfred Harth mit Dagmar Krause & Ernst Stötzner
Best Of Le Tombeau
Best of Volume... I / The Best of Volume I Throbbing Gristle Beta Clank
Bevor Die Quellen Versiegen 1 Various Bevor Die Quellen Versiegen 2 Art Brut 2 - Art Brut 009 Various
Beyond Step One Various
Beyond The Graves Of Passion Theatre Of Ice
Bier 4 Tot (Frankfurt Jukebox Hits) Der Durstige Mann
Big Ego Various
Big Mother In The Strain Nightmare Lodge
Big Skin Algebra Suicide
Bildstörung Bildstörung
Bio Machine / Techno Machine Album, C90 Alien Planetscapes
Biotop Asmus Tietchens
Bist Eulen (with Lauren Newton / Wolfgang Puschnig / Woody Schabata / Mathias RĂŒegg) Ernst Jandl
Bites Skinny Puppy
Bitte Warten Alu
Black Box No. 09 Various
Black Box No. 12 Various
Black Box No. 15 = Breathingspace/77 (Touchstone Series) Various
Black Box No. 17 Various
Black Snakes The Red Crayola with Art & Language Black Written: Experimental Radio Programme No. 2 No Artist
Blech Auf Blech PĂ€dagogische Hochschule
BlindgÀnger BlindgÀnger Blitzkrieg Vrije
BLOOD AND GOLD - Theme Propaganda Graf Haufen & Monty Cantsin & Das Synthetische Mischgewebe
Blood Gigi Catdog
Bloody Revolutions / Persons Unknown Crass / Poison Girls
Blue File Compilation Various
Blue Window Guy Klucevsek
Blurt Blurt
Blurt Blurt
Bob Reigle with Surrealestate Bob Reigle
Body Politix V2 Schneider
Boku No Sukina Zenseiki T. Isotani
Bolt! Masters of the Obvious (M.O.T.O.)
Bon Voyage Various
Born out of Dreams Various
Boule (Vien Ici) PtĂŽse Production Box & Or Machine Sponge
Brabançonnes Various
Breasts Of Misconception (Part 1) Doc Wör Mirran
Breath Joe Leonard
Brian Jones Patti Smith
Brigaden der Sehnsucht 4712 BrĂŒckenkopf Im Niemandsland Permutative Distorsion BrĂŒckenkopf Im Niemandsland Permutative Distorsion BrĂŒckenkopf Im Niemandsland Permutative Distorsion
BrĂŒckenkopf Im Niemandsland Permutative Distorsion
Bruise Medicine Cephalic Index
Building And Breaking Proclamation Plague
Burn Baby Burn Viktimized Karcass
Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee Gila
Bush Of Bamboo Yximalloo
C.A.G.E. (Cincinnati Artist's Group Effort) Sound Theater (Qubais Reed Ghazala) C2 Doppelwirkung
Cabdriver Andreas Bick
Caesura Hal McGee & Thomas Sutter
Café Florian Katamaran
Caged/Uncaged - A Rock/Experimental Homage To John Cage Various
Can Can (DE)
Carnage Un Drame Musical Instantané
Casioworks Gust de Meyer
Cathedrale Opera Multi Steel Catspaw Emerald Web
Catspaw Emerald Web Cause And Effect Summer 1986 Catalogue Promo, C90 Various
CCMC 90 CCMC Celestial Bridge Robin Miller
Celestial Dance Hits Alien Planetscapes Celestial Realms Laraaji & Lyghte
Cenotaphe Various
Certain Expansion Mist (John Elliott, Sam Goldberg)
Chance Meeting On A Dissecting Table Of A Sewing Machine And An Umbrella Nurse With Wound
Channels Lauri Paisley
Chansons des Malcontentes Mandodroid
Chaos Krank & Roger Smith
Chaos & Silence Y. Fujimoto
Chapter Eleven Robert Turman
Chem. Ab. T. Nakamura
Chicago Slow Dance George Lewis
Children Of Slaves Alien Planetscapes
Chounenten Japanese Title
Christmann - Schönenberg - Duo â Remarks Christmann - Schönenberg - Duo
Chronicles Of A Lost Land Octopus's Garden
Circles Circles
Circus Maximus Momus
Circus Minimus The Games
Classics In Jazz Part 1 Miles Davis
Classics In Jazz Part 2 Miles Davis
Claustrophobia Various
Cleanse Fold And Manipulate Skinny Puppy Cliché Stormy Six Con Guido Mazzon E Tony Rusconi
Clicks & Cuts Various
Climates Replay Sam Mallet Clones Borghesia
Codex from the Trickster Peter Stenshoel
Cogluotobusisletmesi - Fassung FĂŒr Klavier/ Fassung FĂŒr Elektronische Klangerzeugung Klarenz Barlow / Herbert Henck
Coilectif Various
Coincidence Phinney/McGee
Cold War Night Life Rational Youth
Collaboration Through The Mail 83/84 Jean-Louis Houchard & Masami Akita
Collaborations Gen Ken Montgomery
Collage 03 Various
Collection:007 Merzbow
cOlor A. Koshi
Combinatssampler 01 Various
Community Center Cyber Crash / Live In Pittsburgh C.C.C.C.
Compilation 1989 Abortive Gasp
Computer Music J.K.Randall / Barry Vercoe / Charles Dodge
Computer Music Retrospective Lejaren Hiller
Concert Synthetique Concert Synthetique
Concerto Pour Violoncelle / Photoptosis / Tratto II Bernd Alois Zimmermann
Concocting Chaos / Spurt Ditties Tara Cross
Conductor Carl Michael Von Hausswolff
Confusion Illusion Of Safety with Dead Tech
Consider Museums As Concentration Camps/Another Miracle Culturcide
Contactdisc 3 Various
Contaminate Vrije
Contaminate Vrije
Continuity's Changes Lauri Paisley
Could Be...Today Alien Planetscapes
Crayon Grenade (7 & 8) The Minoy Speakeasy Club Grandbrother
Creed John Duncan
Creed John Duncan
Creeping Jenny Dave Fuglewicz
Cri Primal Cri Primal Cries To The Sky I.G Farben Cristal (Part Two) DhismĂą Cromlech Le Diapason
Cross Parallel Juma
Crystal Fantasy Michel Genest Crystal Loops Nightcrawlers Crystal Resonance Lyghte
Cthulhu Myth Arumekat Oiron Cumulo Robert Andrews
Curios K. Yoshimatsu
Curse Legendary Pink Dots Cut The Throat Of Angst Viktimized Karcass
Cybonesie CYBE
Cyclone Par L'Immobile Habité PGR
D (Side 3 / Decervelag) The Horse He's Sick / Cerebral Haemorrhage D.A.R. Compilation Saken
D.o.A. The Third And Final Report Throbbing Gristle
D.o.A. The Third And Final Report Throbbing Gristle
D.O.C. Das Organisierte Chaos (D.O.C.)
Dadadicky Dadadicky
Damp If, Bwana
Dance Nos. 1 And 3 Philip Glass
Dance To This WeR7
Danger In Paradise Album General Strike
Dangerous Games (as Richard Termini Project) Richard Termini
Dark Corridors Xylem
Darling, Let's Have Another Baby Petticoat / Crash (Stef Petticoat / Robert Crash)
Das Beste Von Z.S.K.A. Z.S.K.A.
Das Ende Vom Anfang C60 Various
Das I Album Das Daydreams Of Night Big City Orchestra De Novo K2 (K. Kusafuka)
Deadlock Thomas Dimuzio
Death Cultures III Premature Ejaculation
Death Disco PIL (Public Image Limited)
Death House Attrition
Decade Ian Boddy
Deichbruch Red
Delicate Creatures Rancid Poultry
Deluxe Harmonia
Demo MĂ€rz 84 Heera And The Common Sense
Dependence / 49 Second Romance P1/E
Der Apathische Alptraum Der Apathische Alptraum Der Blutige Ernst Die Mysteriösen
der Erste Versuch Konrad
Der Grosse Hirnriss Various Der Grosse Klaus Die Maus Schwindel - Berlin Excess '80 Die Radierer
Der Liebe Auf Der Spur (as Mekanik DK) Mekanik DestrĂŒktiw Komandöh (M.D.K.)
Der Sandman / Baggersee Der Moderne Mann
Derek Jarman's The Last Of England (The Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) Various
Des Accords D'Accord Virgule IV
des traces Retrouvees 3 Michel Banabila
Desinfektionsraum Laxative Souls (LXSS)
Desperate Straights Slapp Happy / Henry Cow
DĂ©tail Monochrome Pascal Comelade
Deutsche Wertarbeit Deutsche Wertarbeit
Deutschland Nicht Ăber Alles Xao Seffcheque
Deux Demos Attrition
Deux Demos Attrition Devilish Songs For An Unredeemable Cloister Crime
Diabolik Trepidation Vrije
Dickhead & Happy About It Doc Wör Mirran
Die Alten 3 - Noch Mehr Arbeit Die Alten
Die Dominas Die Dominas
Die Doraus Und Die Marinas Geben Offenherzige Antworten Auf Brennende Fragen Die Dorau und die Marinas
Die Einwegcassette T.O.L.L.
Die Fesche lola Various
Die Hamletmaschine Heiner MĂŒller / EinstĂŒrzende Neubauten
Die Hamletmaschine (Heiner MĂŒller) EinstĂŒrzende Neubauten
Die Hamletmaschine (Text Heiner MĂŒller) EinstĂŒrzende Neubauten
Die Kapitulation: L'Allemagne Année Zero Les Joyaux De La Princesse
Die Kleinen Und Die Bösen Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft Die Letzte Konsequenz Der Verdacht
Die Letzten Tage Drahtkur Die Macht Der Reichen Stahlbau
Die Moschusfunktion Grosse Freiheit
Die Name-Schallplatte Das Name
Die Sucht Z.S.K.A.
Dilemma Dilemma Dinosaurs With Horns Album Dinosaurs With Horns
Disconcert Erik MĂ€lzner
Dislocation Hafler Trio
Distant Lives Mark Piersel
Distress Signals Controlled Bleeding
Disturbances Quadraphase
Ditch Phinney / Jackson / McGee
Diving Into Cool Waters Projekt Electronic Amerika
Do The Residue! Kontakt Mikrofoon Orkest
Doc At The Radar Station Captain Beefheart
Dog'n Doll Catdog
Dogs Blood Rising Current 93
Dokument: Ten Highlights In The History Of Popular Music 1981>1982 Various Domestic Exile Steve Piccolo
Don Quichotte Jean Schwarz
Dopo Numero 3 - Trucchi Senza Volto Various
Double Bind Enrico Piva
Double Heart Robert Rental
Double Heart Robert Rental
Doublebill Click Click / Borghesia
Down The Poppy Stairs Of Heaven M. Finnkrieg
Dr. Jekkyl And Mr. Hyde Klingons
Dramatic 2000 Plus
Dreamer William Aura
Dreamlab Mythos Dreams Of Atlantis David Naegele Dreamscapes David Naegele
Drei Andreas Asselborn
Dresser Album A. Koshi
Drift Study 4:37:40-5:09:50 PM 5 VIII 68 NYC La Monte Young
Drifting Dave Fuglewicz
Drip Drop Catdog
Drowning In A Sea Of Bliss (Anthems Of The Meat Generation) Nocturnal Emissions
Dry und Fear Trio Senza Regula
Dub Flack RBE (Raudive Bunker Experiment)
Dust Never Sleeps Dust That Collects
Duty Now For The Future Devo
E Ku Iroju A-Musik
Ă Un Sole DsorDne
Ean Non Toxique Lost
Ean Non Toxique Lost
Earache Earnerve
Early Electronic And Tape Music John Cage
Early Fall Fall Mountain
Early Stuff Volume 1 Dave Fuglewicz
Early Stuff Volume 2 Dave Fuglewicz
Earth & Sky Sequence Paul Nagle and David Hill Earth Calling Fumio Kosakai
Ebats Spirituels Vox Populi! & Vox 231
Eccentric Projections Volume one Ken Moore / Stuart Rosenzweig
Eccentric Projections Volume two Ken Moore / Stuart Rosenzweig
Echoes In Infinity Stranger Station
Eelvibes from the Voodoo Kitchen Wallmen
Ei Blot Til Lyst, Spontaneous Opera Cora
Ein BĂŒndel FĂ€ulnis In Der Grube Holger Hiller
Ein Raum Fuer Edgard Varese Klaus Ebbeke Eine Sammlung Bankiers & Teufelsreiter
EinfĂŒhrung In Die Elektronische Musik Herbert Eimert
Einmal So Doof Sein Wie 'ne Stulle! Legion Fondor
Einmaleins des Guten Tons fĂŒr Haus, Familie, Körper und Geist Erik MĂ€lzner und JĂŒrgen Richter
Einstein on the Beach Philip Glass El Trygve Mathiesen
El Sigilo De La Sigilografia El Secreto Metro
Ălectre & Cie Bob & Nev
Electric Zebra Eric Muhs Electronic Music Ian Boddy
Electronique Guerilla Heldon Elements Of Chance Ian Boddy
Elements Of Chance Ian Boddy
Elixir Ken Moore
Embrace Martin Kornberger & Volker Kuhn
Ămergence Du Refus - Volume 1 Various
Ămergence Du Refus - Volume 4 Various Emit Contagious Enthusiasm You. Me. Us & Them
Emotional Music Frozen In Amber Empetus Steve Roach
Emutated Jack Hurwitz End Of The World Mofungo Ender's Game C60 Various
Endless Heaven 17 Endogeny Gen Ken Montgomery EnhÀnta Bödlar Plays En Halvkokt I Folie / En Halvkokt I Folie Plays EnhÀnta Bödlar En 1/2 Kokt Bödel & En Hand I Folie
Enjoy Overflow Entrance To The Secret Lagoon Upper Astral
Entropical Paradise Douglas Leedy
EpigĂšnesi Giancarlo Toniutti
Epitaph FĂŒr Aikichi Kuboyama / Sechs Studien Herbert Eimert
Epsilon In Malaysian Pale Edgar Froese
Equal Opportunity Various
Erda / Symphonie Jean Schwarz
Erde 80 Christof Glowalla
Eros In Arabia Drahcir Ztiworoh alias Richard Horowitz
Erpsongs 1984-85 Ozric Tentacles
Escape from Noise Negativland
Escape from Noise Negativland
Escape From The Cage, Vol 2: Into The Underworld Various
Eskimo the Residents
ESP Ricky Starbuster
Eternal Memories Various Ethnotronik Quadraphase
Eulid Cocoon K. Yoshimatsu
Euphorie Und Wahnsinn Sampler Various
Europa Pseudo Code
Eve of Departure Port Said Evening Repose Nightcrawlers
Every Electric Part Of You Dave Fuglewicz
Everything z ok Charles Rice Goff III
Exclusivo! Alesia Cosmos
Exorcism Rosengarten
Expanding Space Per NÞrgÄrd
Experiment Incest Experiment Incest
Experiments With Environments Autumn (Be)
Explicit Catharsis Blowhole
Exposed to Control Paul van de Vliet / Joke van Kerwijk
Extended Voices (by The Brandeis University Chamber Chorus and Alvin Lucier) Various
Exterminator K. Usami & E. Fujinuma
ExtremMist '82 C30 Der Neue aus dem Schwarzwald Various
Fabrique Electriqe Various
Face on Radio Conrad Schnitzler & Wolfgang Hertz
Faces of Ever Steve Mc Linn (Ojas Music)
Factory Walk The Neon Judgement Falso 800 Merzbow / Null
Fashion Is A Dirty Word Bene Gesserit
Fast Forward 008 / 009: Annual Report Various
Faucet Plains Outer Space
Faust Faust
Faust Faust
FĂ©condation Sonique DZ Lectric & Arnovah
Feedback Works Eliane Radigue Ferienlager Bei P.J.Ă. Die Lustigen NĂŒsse
Fetisch X Mal Deutschland
Fetisch X Mal Deutschland
Fibrillation Blowhole
Fiction Music Roy Finch
Filaments Fading... Nomuzic
Final Solution Pere Ubu
Final Unit Final Unit
Finally Heartless The Team
Fingerprince the Residents
Fire Escape In The Sky: The Godlike Genius Of Scott Walker Scott Walker
Fireside Favorite Fad Gadget
First Contact Irsol
First Contact T. Tukimoto
First Contact Irsol Flamme Und Asche Allerseelen
Flesh and Steel Society KĂŒhe Im Nebel
Flicker Fetus Productions Flower in Asphalt Rousseau Flux Robert Turman
Fluxus Anthology Various
Foam Spins (One) Sponge
Fog Tropes / Gradual Requiem Ingram Marshall
Folk Music Grim
For Jon (Fragments Of A Time To Come) 1977 Lars-Gunnar Bodin
Forest Peter Davison
Formen Irmler / Oesterhelt
Fortschritt Hirnheimer
Fossil Papillon K. Yoshimatsu
Four Million Years David Prescott
Four Months Later Enrico Piva
Four Track Mind Toiling Midgets Fractured Mystery Plane Fractured Mystery Plane Fragment Lawrence Crane
Fragment / Miltvuur Dier
Frame of Reference Ken Moore
France Various
Free In Emptyness Little Seed
Freedom Beyond The Clouds Various
Freitag Der 13. C60 Das Freie Orchester French Cabaret X-Ray Pop
Friday Musica Elettronica Viva
Friday the 13th Ken Moore
Friends Atmaksis
Frikture Brume
Frisch Und Fruchtig Phosphor
From A Trench Various
From Atop This Hill Christus And The Cosmonaughts
From Distant Shores Steve Hillman Frugality Imbroglio
FĂŒr Ilse Koch Various
FĂŒr Konrad Adenauer Dirk Matten
Futile Combat Skeletal Family
Futura: Poesia Sonora Various
Future Travel David Rosenboom
Futurism & Dada Various
Futurismusik 33 Alberto Savinio E George Antheil Daniele Lombardi
Gamma Plus / Suite N Jean Schwarz
Garçons Oubliés DZ Lectric & Anthon Shield
Garden Pt 1 John Havermans
Gargoyles Placebo Effect
Garuda Release Music Orchestra
Geheimnis Bizarre Leidenschaft Geisterfahrer (Demo) Geisterfahrer
Geistige Erneuerung (C55) Alu
GelÀndeterror EP GelÀndeterror Gerard Leckey Gerard Leckey
German Suppression Fiction
Get out while you can Velvet Warrior
GĂ©zĂĄnak 418
Ghost Among The Weeds New 7th Music
Ghost Of Blossom The Arnold Incorporated
Ghost Riders Suicide
Ghost Voices Various
Ghost Walking Double EP Mighty Sphincter
Gimme Printemps Remo Tobs Gimmick!!! The Kaz Radge Band
Given Names Gregory Taylor
GlĂŒckliche Jahre Kriminelle Tanzkapelle
Go The Heartbeats
God Is My Solar System / Superpower Sun City Girls
Goes Underground FSK (Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle)
Goin' Thu The Motion Jo Jo Kenn Gorilla Aktiv 12/82 Gorilla Aktiv
Gott Sei Punk Harald Sack Ziegler
Gott und die Welt Die Radierer
Gott Und Die Welt Die Radierer
Grand Visions Damon Edge
Grandstand Play H. Osada
Grauzone Grauzone
Gravitation And Its Discontents David Myers Green Hiroshi Yoshimura
Grey Eminence Erik MĂ€lzner
Groove City / Dance New-Radic Reesa
Gu Sea: Show 4 Various Guided Missile Favorites Larry Wendt
Guitar Solos 3 Various
Guitars on fire Modern Art
Gut Level One - A compilation Various
Hai! Cabaret Voltaire
Hai! Cabaret Voltaire
Hail Cabaret Voltaire
Half Alive Die Werkpiloten Half Decade Ganja Music Vox Populi!
Half Machine Lip Moves Chrome
Half Machine Lip Moves Chrome
Half Mute Tuxedomoon
Half-Mute Tuxedomoon
Halli-Galli Tanzmusik Deutscher Kaiser
Halos And Horns Mystery Hearsay
Hamburg '74 (with The Choir Of The NDR-Broadcast) Globe Unity Orchestra
Hard To Decipher Dave Fuglewicz
Hardscore (with André Jaume) Michel Redolfi
Hark Various
Harsh Ears Now !! 3 Various Harsh Ears Now !! 4 (C55) Various Harsh Ears Now !! 5 (Ltd, C90) Various
Harsh Ears Now!! Various Harsh Ears Now!! 1 C26) Various Harte Zeiten Ausbruch
Has It Ever Started The Two
Healthy Music For Insane People!!! Sanity Commission
Hear to Eternity Steven Jason Halpern
Heartbeat Chris and Cosey
Heathen Earth Throbbing Gristle
Heathen Earth Throbbing Gristle
Hee-Haw The Boys Next Door Hell Without A Sin Various
Hell Without A Sin Various
Hellhole Mental Anguish Hemd Gunter Braehm
Henlespin Mori & Takigawa
Here Cum Germs Alien Sex Fiend
Heretic Die Produkt
Heroes To Ecstasy C90) Various
Heures sans Soleil Various
Highfidelity John Cage / Terry Fox
Hilosophy (as Turn-Air) Ho. Turner
Hiroshima SĂ€urekeller
Hörtexte Zwei Ferdinand Kriwet
Holocaust White Hospital
Holy Wars Tuxedomoon
Home Made Music 1980/1 T. Kamada
Home Made Music 1980/2 T. Kamada
Home Made Music 1981/1 T. Kamada
Home Made Music 1981/4 T. Kamada & Koshi & Nakamura
Home-Made Music For Home-Made People Vol. 5: "Crazy But Chic" (Soft Blend) Various
Home-Made Music For Home-Made People Vol. 6: "Crazy But Chic" (Harsh Blend) Various
Home-Made Music For Home-Made People Vol. 7: "Sexy But Chic" / Ode To Samantha Fox (Soft Blend) Various
Home-Made Music For Home-Made People Vol. 8: "Sexy But Chic" / Ode To Samantha Fox (Harsh Blend) Various Honduras Mahogany Perlen Vor Die SĂ€ue
Hoodoo Man Birth Control
Hopes And Fears Art Bears
Horde Mnemonists
Hot Bip Philippe Laurent
Hounds Of Love Kate Bush
House Music J.A.J. Entreprise
How did we miss these? Equal Local
How Do You Like My New Dog? / Pernod. Malaria!
Human Conflict Number Five 10,000 Maniacs
Humor Und Gute Laune Mit SĂ€urekeller - Live Im Gym. St. Georg SĂ€urekeller
Hydra Andrew Cox
Hymnen Karlheinz Stockhausen
I Osso ExĂłtico I Ching Evan Schoenfeld
I Lived Three Lives Tom Dyer
I rage I Melt Click Click
I Tamsa Wejdas
I Want To Function With You Magnetic Head Cleaners
I wish I had a Synth No Commercial Potential (NCP)
I.E.M.A. Collective Tape #2 Album, Various
I.E.M.A. Collective Tape #3 Album, Various
I.E.M.A. Collective Tape #4 Album, Various
I.E.M.A. Collective Tape #5 Album, Various
I.E.M.A. Collective Tape #6 Various
Iatrogenics The Electronic Music Club Of Edmonds Community College
Ice Music T. Kamada
Iceberg Dead Ahead Lester Palocsay
Ichisangosichi Band 1 Erik MĂ€lzner
Ichisangosichi Band 2 Erik MĂ€lzner Ici & Maintenant Lightwave
Icon Kevin O'Neill
If The Face Fits... Graham Palmer
Ignobles Limaces PtĂŽse Production
II The Jitterbug Works / Musik fĂŒr Bankkaufleute und Mittlere Angestellte L'Edarps A Moth
Illigiti Non Carborundum Various
Illuminated 666 No.1 Various
Illuminated 666 No.2 Various
Illuminations Devadip Carlos Santana & Turiya Alice Coltrane
Im Labyrinth Leerer Worte Aktive Stagnation
Images Ian Boddy
Images Ian Boddy
Imagination Dead Imagine Robert Lawrence
Immer Laut Hören Nachbarn Stören Kosmonautentraum
Immersion / Pacific Tubular Waves Michel Redolfi
Imperfect Space Journeys Jeff Carney
Impressionen '71 Damenbart Improvised Drop Outs Tangle Edge
In a Pound of Logic Ken Moore In Another Country Tim Story
In Limbo Lydia Lunch
In Mezzo A Azione Et Sogno Oltre La Morte
In Reel Time The Electronic Music Club Of Edmonds Community College
In Sara, Mencken, Christ And Beethoven There Were Men And Women Robert Ashley
In State Blowhole
In Terram Utopicam Walter Marchetti
In The Caverns Of The Dead L.G. Mair Jr
In the Dreamtime Michael William Gilbert
In The Realm Of The Hungry Ghosts Attrition
In The Regions Of Sunreturn Michael Garrison In The Sea Ellen Fullman
In The Sea Of E Royal Family and the Poor
In The Shadow Of The Sun Throbbing Gristle
In the Thicket Peter Gullerud In The Underground Antone
In Time Bengt Emil Johnson
Incident In Moderan Those Little Aliens
Incident in Moderan Those Little Aliens
Incidents Out Of Context Other Music
Inconsequence (Album, Ltd) Le Petit Mort
Indecent Exposure 1 & 2 (Music For Brass, Woodwind, Drums & Violins) Nasmak
Indecent Exposure 3 & 4 (the smell remains) Nasmak
Indecent Exposure 5 & 6 (Only this day and 77 others) Nasmak
Independent World Vol. 2 P/Unofficial, C60 Various Independent World Vol. 3 P/Unofficial, C60 Various
Individually screened The Sea of Wires Individually Screened The Sea of Wires
Indochina Various
Indochina Various
Industrial Sabotage Mars Everywhere
Industrial Strength #1 Dave Fuglewicz
Infinite Anatomies Tekst
Information of Death Neon
Information Overload Unit S.P.K.
Information Overload Unit S.P.K.
Inkey$ No.03 Various
Inkey$ No.10 Various
inkompatible GerÀusche Knusper Knack
Inland Pyrolator Inner Harvest Pushkar
Inner landscapes Robert Rich
Insane Music For Insane People Vol. 03Â Various
Insane Music For Insane People Vol. 03Â Various
Insane Music For Insane People Vol. 05Â Various
Insane Music For Insane People Vol. 18Â Various
Insane Music For Insane People Vol. 25 Various
Inside Down Sponge
Insomnia Theatre Psyche
Instant Music Instant Music
Intensive Care Unit Fetus Productions
Interact Peter Tedstone
Intercommunion H. Osada
Internal Damage Kallous Boys
International Aeterna Autopsia
International Audio Communication Compilation Cassette N°2 Various
International Sound Communication 04 Various International Sound Communication 11 Various
Internationalism Various
Interplay H. Osada
Into Dark Water O Yuki Conjugate Into The Grave Suicide Commando
Intrendent Fansette Various
Intrendent Fansette 5-210 Master-Reels Various
Introduction à La Théorie De La Subjectivité RelativeLtd, C60 Vox Populi!
Invisible In The Midwest Noring/McGee
Invisible Voices RĂŒdiger Lorenz
Inweglos P.D.
Iörmungandur Tim Benjamin & Ronald Heiloo & Harold Schellinx
Ion Robert Banks
Ircam: Un Portrait Various Is It This That's That? It Is Isn't It ! Alien Planetscapes
It Would Be Quiet In The Woods If Only A Few Birds Sing Mekanik Kommando It'll End In Tears This Mortal Coil It's My The Age 9 Various
Iter Magneticum Christina Kubisch
ITN In the Nursery
Its Shower Time Yximalloo
Ja - Nein - Vielleicht Xao Seffcheque
Japanese Garden Bernthöler
Japgirls In Synthesis Hermann Kopp
Jazz Mad ADN Ckrystall Jazz My Azz Doc Wör Mirran
Jazzpoems Ted Joans
Jenny Ondioline Stereolab
Jessica In The Room Of Lights John Avery Jesus Christ Masturbatiing EnhÀnta Bödlar
Jeszcze Polska Mona Mur
Jobless Streets Real Time Music
John Foster's Pop Philosophers John Foster's Pop Philosophers
Johnny Guitar 1 & 2 John Giorno
Johnny Guitar 1 & 2 John Giorno Johnny Guitar 1 & 2 John Giorno
Join Inn Ash Ra Tempel
Join the Car Crash Set Car Crash Set
Josef Anton Riedl Josef Anton Riedl
Journey Into Pain Various Journey Into Pain / Meditative Experiment Various
Jude the Obscure This Window
Juli '80 Martin Hoogeboom Peter Kok
July Neil Nappe
June 1, 1974 Kevin Ayers / John Cale / Brian Eno / Nico
Jurassic Cyle Juma
Juri Gagarin Kosmonautentraum
Just For The Record Robert Sheff Kaiser Nietzsche Kaiser Nietzsche Kanada Steff GBH
Katacombe Vol. 1 Num, C90 Various Katacombe Vol. 2 C90 Various
Katacombe Vol. 2 Num, C90 Various
Katacombe Vol. 4 Various
Katacombe Vol. 5 Various Katastrophe No. 10 On Tape !! C90) Various
Katastrophenschutz Katastrophenschutz
KebabtrÀume / Gewalt Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft
Kennen Sie den Ziegler Harald Sack Ziegler
Kennen Sie den Ziegler Harald Sack Ziegler
Kicking Against The Pricks Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds King Lear Subcutaneous Theatre King's-X Communi/cationsany - Experimental Radio Programme No.1 No Artist Kingdom Come Minus Bill
Kiri Kiri H. Osada
Kit / Parts S. Izawa
Kitsch as Kitsch Can Erik MĂ€lzner / Rolf Pax
Klangfelder Josef Anton Riedl
Klaus Nomi Klaus Nomi
Kleine Negertjes Kleine Negertjes
Klimax Axis Sigillum S Klood Klood
Knot Music - Musica Per Ascolto Distratto Luigi Maramotti
Knowledge Of Human Frailty Proclamation Plague
Köln Reading Patti Smith Köln Reading Patti Smith
Königin Von Honululu Dino Martini And The Longlegged Girls
Konna Hazu Dewa Nakatta Mori & Takigawa
KontinuitÀt Der Befindlichkeiten (Minimal Electronics 1981-1983) Various
Kopf zu, finger in Arsch, Pogo Autofick
Korm Audio Art Three: The 4 Elements (Anthology Of Interpretations) Various Kort Prosess PLX 15
Kracked At The Konservatory Konstruktivists
Kraftwerk Kraftwerk
Krang Music Kraang (John Murphy as Kang, Krang, Krang Music, Kranng, Rkang ) KĂŒttel Im Frost H.N.A.S. (Hirsche nicht aufs Sofa)
KĂŒttel Im Frost H.N.A.S. (Hirsche nicht aufs Sofa)
Kundalani Opera Cyrille Verdeaux
Kunstausstellung Philippe Laurent
Kurt Schwitters Ursonate Jaap Blonk Kurzschluss Kurzschluss
L'Archange Enflammé Vol. A Various
L'Art C'Est La Guerre Costes L'Edarps A Moth II L'Edarps A Moth L'Enfer Du Musicien Costes
L'Enorme Tragedia La 1919
L'Ăpuration Various
L.A. Free Music Society Live At The Brand Le Forte Four / Doo-Dooettes L.A. Mantra II (2x Ltd, Num) Various
L.A. Mantra II (2x Ltd, Num) Various La Cathédrale Morte Vox Populi!
La Chambre Nuptiale Michel Madore
La Famille Des Saltimbanques Deficit Des Annes Anterieures (D.D.A.A.) La Fraternité Anthon Shield
La Ronde Michel Chion
La Société Des Timides à La Parade Des Oiseaux La Société Des Timides à La Parade Des Oiseaux
La Sureté Z.S.K.A.
La TĂȘte Contre Les Mures Oltre La Morte La Vie En Nevrose DZ Lectric La Zona De La NĂĄusea Dix Ferro
Labyrinth Various
Labyrinthe De Violence / DANCE Luc Ferrari
LAFMS: The Lowest Form Of Music - The Los Angeles Free Music Society 1973-1994 Sampler Various
Laios Hero Wouters
Lakov Art Control
Land Of Look Behind Kerry Leimer
Landed Can (DE)
Landscapes In Thin Air Enno Velthuys
Largos (for Learning, Loving & Living) Don Slepian Largos Album Don Slepian
Last Lizard K. Yoshimatsu
Last Wave Bernard Xolotl
Last Word From Mothership Carl Matthews
Laugh China Doll Edward Ka-Spel
Laughoncue Radio Free Europe
Lawalree / R. Fesler / Oosterlynck / De Visscher Dominique Lawalree / Robert Fesler / Baudouin Oosterlynck / Eric De Visscher Lazare Minox Le DĂ©filĂ© Des Ăpaves Ltd, C90 Various
Le Jour Du Cochon Brume
Le Pont Mirabeau Guillaume Apollinaire
Le Rat DâHĂŽtel Ericka Irganon
Le Trésor Maudit Mortification To The Flesh
Le Vaisseau Blanc Fondation
Legerdemain Keeler
Leichenschrei S.P.K.
Lemondog Catdog Les Chants De La Nuit DZ Lectric & Anthon Shield
Let The Suffering Grow Inside Lyke Wake
letzter Stand Unbekannt
Libra Philip Besombes
Licht Alu Licht Und Schatten Projekt 3
Life Peace & Freedom
Life in the Water K. Yoshimatsu
Light Pseudo Code
Like A Duck To Water Mother Mallard's Portable Masterpiece Company
Lilith The Vyllies Line Compilation Various Line Of Souls Hidious In Strength
Lingva Pravorvm Peribit Various
Liquid Sky (Album, C60 Alto Stratus
Listen To What A Moon Can Do Appelation controlee
Listening World David Brown
Litia Asmus Tietchens
Live BlÀsse
Live Der Schwarze Kanal
Live KM2
Live Mental
Live Non Toxique Lost and Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft
Live 001 / Live 002 Third Door From The Left
Live Am Jazzfestival Willisau Unknownmix Live At "Centralino" Legendary Pink Dots Live At Atheneum 87 Norma Loy
Live at Fashion Moda 10/11/86 Thick Slimy Whisper
Live At Goethe Institut 1976 (Live In Kabul 1976) Hartmut Geerken's Rock And Free Jazz Group Kabul
Live At Kingsland Hall, Southhampton 1981 Album New 7th Music. Idid Idid
Live at N113 T. Kamada & Koshi
Live At S.O.36 Club 25.2.83 (with Tass 2) Das Synthetische Mischgewebe
Live at The Lyceum 08.02.1981 Cabaret Voltaire
Live At Thee Pyramid Psychic TV
Live Atonal 2 Berlin Non Toxique Lost
Live Deep Cuts Hypnobeat
Live Ethereal Cereal Ozric Tentacles Live EWE Paris Concert, 9.2.1978. Bernard Heidsieck
Live From Planet Boomerang Sun City Girls
Live in B 80 / Live in London 5/ 84 Non Toxique Lost and Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft
Live in B 80 / Live in London 5/ 84 (C60 Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft & Non Toxique Lost
Live In Florida Pension Stammheim
Live in Kunstkopfstereo Moon 1. April 1980 EinstĂŒrzende Neubauten
Live in my Room Arumekat Oiron
Live In San Francisco Enzo Minarelli
Live Madam Arthur 22-9-83 S.M. Nurse
Live Sciences 1979 Young Scientist
Live Sciences 1979 Young Scientist
Live Sheffield Summer 1977 The Studs
Live Tour U.S.A. 1981 Non Toxique Lost
Live Tour U.S.A. 1981 Non Toxique Lost Live Wiesbaden 1982 Non Toxique Lost
Living in the Distant Present Carl Weingarten
Living It Out In The Dead Air Space Darren Copeland & Company Living With Victoria Grey Cleaners From Venus
Living With Victoria Grey Cleaners From Venus
Livorno Kosmonautentraum
Ljubav Je Hladnija Od Smrti Borghesia Ljudforsok Frak Load And Go! Scientific Americans
Löwenherz Karl Löwenherz
Lonely Killers R. Schiemann Group
Looptape Unknownmix
Lord Of The Dark Skies Outskirts Of Infinity Lotussongs 1 Ojas
Loubi Stem Ken Moore Love & Ecstasy Cyrille Verdeaux
Love Among The Mannequins Inter City Static
Love Amongst the Mannequins Inter City Static
Love is so aggravating Mark Lane
Lu-Berg 89 Sektor
Lucky Streik Floh De Cologne
LumiĂšre For Synthesized & ConcrĂšte Sound Dub Taylor
Lust Package (Kirchenglocken) Potenzstörung 81
Lustige Lieder L'Edarps A Moth
Lxgrin Anne Gillis
Lyra Sound Constellation Michael Stearns
Lyra Sound Constellation Michael Stearns
Lyrik Der Zeit 2 / Es Lesen Eigene Gedichte Various
Mad In Belgium 3 Various
Made On Cuba Non Toxique Lost
Madness & Mayhem Viktimized Karcass
Magic Brother Gong
Mail Music Project (by Nicola Frangione) Various Man Of Sinistra Robert Andrews
Maneuvers Phinney/McGee
Mania D Mania D
Manicured Sound Richard Truhlar / Steve Mc Caffey
Manipulate Ausgang Many Lives Ago Karl Schaffner
Mars Audiac Quintet Stereolab
Massa (with BlÀsse / EKG / Roter Stern Belgrad) Various
Material Action For 2 Microphone Merzbow Material Action For 2 Microphone Merzbow
Material Action For 2 Microphone Merzbow
MC Creatrix Shiny Gnomes Mecanik Bébés / Musiques Cruelles (Ltd, Num, C30) Anton Shield and Reed 013
Mechanism Of Thought (with Cykx) Ray Buttigieg Mechanization Takes Command Merzbow
Mectpyo Blut Maurizio Bianchi (M.B.)
Medical Music (Home Mada Music 1981/3) T. Kamada
Meditation Eberhard Schoener Meere Atzender Langeweile Elektrozange
Megalomania The Blood
Mehr Alkohol AbwÀrts
Mekano Turbo Esplendor Geometrico
Memor Exodus Lauri Paisley Memory Bubbles Nightcrawlers
Memory White T. Kamada & Yoshimatsu Men In Motion EP Blackouts
Men Without Clothes Software
Mental Design Panta Rhei
Meontological Research Recording Record 1 The Anti Group (T.A.G.C.)
Mess of After Moon Cat Moon Girl
Message From An Undiscovered Universe Jeepees Soap / Hidden Faces
Messenger of the dark Necronomicon (NL)
Meta Homer The Laszivious Ears presented by: Secret Department for Cynical Musicology and Semiotics of Sound Metal Machine Music (The Amine ? Ring) Lou Reed
Metamorphosis Fondation Meteored Enthusiasm Meteored Enthusiasm Methane Spirals From Uranus Earnerve
Methods Andrew Cox
Metrodora Demetrio Stratos
Mezzosphere Alan Freeman
Micro-Phonies Cabaret Voltaire
Microfonie Van Zuidnederlandse Schrijvers 2 Various
Milch Rules OK! Prima Alkoholika
Mind Break Bill Rhodes
Mind Over Matter Sound Theater (Qubais Reed Ghazala)
Mind/Body/Split Mind/Body/Split
Mineral Composition (Edges 40 Vol. 2) Various
Minutes Various
Mirage C90 Various
Mirror / Theory Sleepers
Mirror Inside K. Yoshimatsu
Miss Mauger Operating Theatre
Missing Children! Various Mission Is Terminated / Nice Tracks (with Various Artists) Throbbing Gristle
Misunderstandings Mark McGuire
Mitternacht Die Alten
Modella New 7th Music
Modern Destroyed The New Age Modular Experiment Lightwave Moebius Cyrille Verdeaux
Moloko Plus / Moloko Dub Idid Idid
Monarchie Und Alltag Fehlfarben
Monetachek Anne Gillis
Monkey Jive Tiger Lily
Moog - The Electric Eclectics Of Dick Hyman Dick Hyman
Moonbeam Movies Vidéo-Aventures Moonwind Wavestar
Mord und Totschlag Der Lustige Musikant
More Circles Circles More Music E.P. Inane
Mori Nite Y. Ohi
Morning Of The World RĂŒdiger Lorenz
Mosque Of Torment Mosque Of Torment
Mother Mallard's Portable Masterpiece Company Mother Mallard's Portable Masterpiece Company Motodrom Synco-Music
Mountain Peter Davison
Mouth of Babes Nocturnal Emissions
Moving Human Coils Tekst
Moving Pictures Michael William Gilbert
Mr Happy Man Wallmen
Multiple Choice the Metronomes
Mumbo Jumbo Jim Staley Murmer It In The Mud Nomuzic
Music & Youth - Rich Performances By Over 20,000 Voices Vol. I: Heritage Various
Music As Transformation C60 Various
Music by Machines John Henri
Music for the fun of it Bene Gesserit Music For Winefride L.G. Mair Jr
Music From Divided Germany Various
Music from hell Nervous Gender
Music From Mills Various
Music From The Beast Penga Music From The White House Vol. 4: France Various
Music From Three Films 'Die Kunst Des Handewaschens Rheiver Hensel alias Rainr Henzl
Music Has Charms To Sooth The Savage Breast Jack Marlow
Music Of The Cubes Sponge Music Of The Five Elements Sam McClellan Music Of The Five Elements Volume 2 Sam McClellan Music Of The Five Elements Volume 3 Sam McClellan
Music of the Moment Urban Ambience
Music Works for Industry Marc Barreca
Musica Elettronica Angelo Paccagnini
Musica Por Cortesia Musica Por Cortesia
Musicalische KĂŒrbs HĂŒtte David Tibet & Steven Stapleton
Musicworks 34: There Is No Reason To Believe That Music Exists C45) Various
Musicworks 37: Mechanical Disturbances, Especially In Air Various
Musik Aus Einem Deutschen Wohnzimmer Frank D.
Musik For Mannequins Sleep Chamber
Musique D'été Pierre Mariétan Musique En La Sainte Chapelle L'Avis G821
Musique Pour Un Film Imaginaire VO Musiques pour Synthesiteurs, guimbards et autres instruments Marc Vanneste and Guy Stuckens Musiques Pour Synthetiseurs, Guimbardes Et Autres Instruments Guy Stuckens & Marc Vanneste
Mut Zum Schlag Mut Zum Schlag
Mutant Pop 78/79 Various Muzyka Reportaz
My Life In The Bush Of Ghosts (with David Byrne) Brian Eno
My Mind Is Killing Me Illusion Of Safety
Myscitismes Vox Populi! Mystic Memories Robert Slap
Mystical Illusions Steve Frost
Myths 2 - System Of Flux & Energies Various
National Grid 1 Various Nature Tircis
Nearing the Surface Proclamation Plague
Necronomicon 3 Various
Negativland Negativland
Neologisms David Prescott
Neu! '75 Neu!
Neue Paranoia Neue Paranoia
Neurasthenia Kraang (John Murphy as Kang, Krang, Krang Music, Kranng, Rkang )
Neutral Temperature Chyusei Ondo New Age Gregorian Chants Robert Slap
New Age Of Earth Ash Ra Tempel / Manuel Göttsching
New Found World Vernal Equinox New Humanity Switchboard New 7th Music
New Jazz Poets Various
New Life Vrije New Music for Cathedrals David Prescott
New Music For Electronic And Recorded Media Various
New Positions Voidkampf
New Swing Mood Things/Two At Noon Mud Pie Sun
New World Odor The Swingin' Love Corpses
Nexus Xisle Nick Loves Septic Synthia Nick Loves Septic Synthia Nick Loves Septic Synthia + Opus IV Nick Loves Septic Synthia
Nicki (with Chris and Cosey) John Duncan Night Of Desirable Objects Snakefinger's Vestal Virgins
Night Of Desirable Objects Snakefinger's Vestal Virgins Night$oil 5 Futurists? Various Nightcrystal (with Peter SchÀfer) Edgar Hellwig
Nightlands Various
Nights Laughing Hands
Nights Laughing Hands Nightwalk Nightcrawlers
Nightwalk Nightwalk Nightwalk Nightwalk
Nikki John Duncan / Cosey Fanni-Tutti / Chris Carter
Nimal Nimal
Nine Bells Tom Johnson
No AId No Aid
No Easy Way Out 391
No Focus K. Yoshimatsu
No Futuri Y. Fujimoto & K. Usami No Hope For Periscopes Expanded Metal
No Machine Is Silent Various No More Kitchen Cooking The Second Alternative Capitalists Compilation Cassette Various
Noch Immer Alles Neu! Henry Spencer
Non-Stop / Ultramarine WKGB
Nordborg Adalbert von Deyen
Normal Tape 2 Various Not Afraid To Die HSR
Not That Song Again David Bunny
Notre Dame 3 Various
Notre Dame 8 Various Nouveau Cane David Scurr Novo Beatnik X-Ray Pop
Now Steve Roach
Now Silent Dave Lunt
Nr. 9 Bunsenbrenner
Nr.9 Bunsenbrenner
Nuages 2 T. Isotani
Nuclear Rap Trat! Joint Forces
Nuclear War Tactics Atomic Thinkers
Nuit Horrible Various
Numb Tongue No Taste Various
Number Nine Psi Nukli Nur Nich Nervoes Werden Toxyne
O Darkness! O Darkness! Edward Ka-Spel
O Superman Laurie Anderson
Oasis George Garside Objet / Déficit Des Années Antérieures Deficit Des Annes Anterieures (D.D.A.A.) Ocarina Orchestra Ocarina Orchestra
Ocean Sand Rick Hauser
Ocean Zero Jumo
oder was? Landfunk
Oefening Kunstbaardt Geluidshouwerij
Oeuvre DĂ©sintĂ©grale François DufrĂȘne
Oh Oh Oh Fockewulf 190
Oh See Can You Say Jim Brown
Ohne Gnade - Elektronik BrutalitÀten Henry Spencer
Ohne Titel Non Toxique Lost
Ohne Titel Non Toxique Lost
Ohne Titel Sonne Mond & Sterne
Ohne Titel 2 Non Toxique Lost
Ohrenschmaus (Neue Pop-Musik Aus Deutschland) Various
Oil Burns Skin EHI
Old Wounds Vol.3 Zircon And The Burning Brains
Olleh, Olleh Rotcod Renaldo & The Loaf
On-Slaught No. 3 C90 Various
Once Again Kenandall
One Michael Bordt
Open like a Flute - Music for Dream and Love Ariel Kalma
Operation Birth Control
Optimystique Yanni
Opus 1970 Karlheinz Stockhausen
OPUS CCCXIV N.N. und Àhnliche Elemente
Orakel / Tiefe Peter Frohmader
Oral Fixation Lydia Lunch
Orange Mist Sunrise and Sunset Dave Fuglewicz Oren Delftsch Wormenkoor
Organic soundscape music Ur Kaos
Organize Hey! 418
Original Sin / Machine Religion Factor 42 & Teknition
Originals Hijokaidan Otello Falso Movimento & Peter Gordon
Otozure Yamiramiccha / A. Oiron
Our Nebula Incured 1-6 Various
Our Own Universe Ken Moore / Stuart Rosenzweig
Our Solar System 1/2 Japanese
Outtakes T. Kuramoto
Over Low Trees Young Scientist
Overdrive Fiction
Ozone Music Rupert Chappelle
P.H. PĂ€dagogische Hochschule
P.T.M. Works Ilitch
Pain Pain Pain in progress Bomb The Daynursery
Pain In Progress Brighter Death Now
Painting Dog As Master / If, Bwana
Painting by Numbers Random Bob
Pandémonium: Non, Jamais L'Espérance (Perspective Pour Une Politique Païenne) Jean-Baptiste BarriÚre
Panjandrum Various
Paradigmenwechsel Erik MĂ€lzner Paradoxa Paradoxa Merzbow
Paradoxa Paradoxa - Live at Kid Ailack 1981 Merzbow
Parages Jacques Lejeune
Parakromantie Deadline Paranoia
Parole Et Musique Pierre Schaeffer Part of a lecture and performance at San Francisco State University, March 22, 1979. Allen De Loach Party In The Suburb Of The Sun Evan Presley And The Extreme Being Paryxysm Enstruction
Passage Dave Fuglewicz
Passions Still Aflame Clock DVA
Pasta Lahm Makarna Pasta Pavor Nocturnus Panoptikon
Paysages T. Nakamura
Peace Artists The Magnificent Gonads
Peat Margolis/McGee
Peng! Stereolab
Perfect Lives (Private Parts): Music Word Fire And I Would Do It Again (Coo Coo) Robert Ashley
Pérfido Encanto Diseño Corbusier
Performance 13. Oct. 1985 Andrzej Dudek-DĂŒrer
Performance Music Alle Tiders Duster
Pero's Plastikmusik Pero
Perspective - Compilation 1976-1982 Richard Pinhas
Peter Pan Hits The Suburbs The Astronauts Phase Pervers Kompilation (C46) Various Philosophies DZ Lectric & Anthon Shield
Physical Fall K. Yoshimatsu Pi ProgramaciĂłn Infantil
Piano Room E.g Oblique Graph
Picassos On The Wall Van Kaye & Ignit
Pickpocket Album Ludus
Picture Music Klaus Schulze
Pictures of Arab Villa
Pillar Of Fire Crash Worship Pinched Awake Peter Catham Pink Harpoon For Girls X-Ray Pop
Pinpoints On A Nation Various
Plane of Section Plane of Section Planet and Universe Alien Planetscapes
Planetary Unfolding Michael Stearns
Planung Planung
Plastikmusik 45% 293 Pero
Platonic Love & Other Stories Venus In Furs
Play Struvé & Sneff Renaldo & The Loaf
Pleasure Dome Various
Plot H. Osada Po' Boyz Mental Anguish & Nomuzic
Poems For Peace Various
Poésie Sonore Internationale 1 & 2 Various
Poltergeist I Various
Poltergeist I I Various
Pomme au pas Pomme Anne Gillis & Devils Picnic
Pop Collection 1 Various
Pop Religion Is Love Problemist
Positive Movement Music CYBE
Post Modernes Los Paranos Pour En Finir Avec Le Jugement De Dieu Antonin Artaud
Pour En Finir Avec Le Jugement De Dieu. Antonin Artaud
Pourquoi De Musique? Non Toxique Lost Pourquoi De Musique? Non Toxique Lost
Pourquoi De Paix? Non Toxique Lost
Pourquoi De Paix? Non Toxique Lost Pourquoi De Paix? Non Toxique Lost
Pourquoi De Resistance? Non Toxique Lost
Pourquoi De Resistance? Non Toxique Lost
Prat Culture Scattered Order
pre Pink and Purple O.R.D.U.C.
Pre-Chaos F. Yasumura
Predator Xylem
Predator Xylem
Prelude Steven Jason Halpern Preludio Al Apocalipsis Anubis Premier Bilan Various
Premonition Legendary Pink Dots
Premonition Legendary Pink Dots
Presentiment KOMAndante D'Insetti & Musik Like Kondiment
Presto I Topi Verranno A Cercarci F:A.R.
Prima Vista Pro Musica Da Camera
Prime Numbers Other Music
Princess Of Mars Tim Stebbing
Principles / Body To Body Front 242
Private Parts Robert Ashley Private Parts And Pieces VII: Slow Waves, Soft Stars Album Anthony Phillips
Procession Bernard Xolotl
Prochronisms Morphogenesis
Produkt Der Deutsch-Amerikanischen Freundschaft Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft
Prohecy Cyrille Verdeaux
Project/Third A. Turuta Prophecy Cyrille Verdeaux & Bernard Xolotl
Prophecy Cyrille Verdeaux & Bernard Xolotl
Prophets And Genius Tremor Sense
Prost Wochenschau
Prozession Karlheinz Stockhausen
Psychotron 0: The Best Of Magic Moments At Twilight Time Magic Moments At Twilight Time Punishment Block Mystery Plane
Punishment Block Mystery Plane
Pyroclastics Birdsongs of the Mesozoic
Quasar 2C361 Neuronium
Que Faisiez-Vous DerriÚre L'Oreille ? N° 8 Various
Quiet Music 1 Steve Roach
Quiet Music 2 Steve Roach
Quiet Music 3 Steve Roach
R.U. Xperienced? Caresse & Sickmob
RADIO ARTPOOL No. 1 casette-radio, radio-work Various Radio Code Fushitsusha Radio Iceland Peter Griggs & Iris Brooks & Glen Velez
Radio Special Vol X Alien Planetscapes
Radio Special Volume III Alien Planetscapes Radio Special, Volume VIII Alien Planetscapes
Raging Beauty 96 Eyes
Raging Beauty 96 Eyes
Ragnarok Ragnarok
Rags Lindsay Cooper
Raiders Of The Stolen Hearts Man's Hate
Raiders Of The Stolen Hearts Man's Hate
Ramasse-Miettes Nucléaires Philippe Doray / Les Asociaux Associés
Rampton Come
Rant FOMT (DJ at Fomt)
Re Music T. Kamada
Re Records Quarterly Vol. 1 No. 4 Various
Re-Musik K2 (K. Kusafuka) Re-Musik K2 (K. Kusafuka)
Re-Musik K2 (K. Kusafuka)
Reaching Beyond the Sphere Ken Moore and Wayne Myers
Read Only Memory Chrome Ready-Made Pascal Comelade
Real Moral Fibre Venus In Furs Real Time 1 Various
Real-to-Reel Lauri Paisley
Reality Conversion Cass Blank Crowd
Reanimator Those Nervous Surgeons Recast Hands To
Recurring Spacemen 3
Red Exposure Chrome
Refinement H. Osada
Régalade L'Eponge Synthétique / Merzbow
regard extreme Brigade Internationale
Regional Zeal, Mouth Music From Olympia Washington Various
Rekonstruktionen Non Toxique Lost
Relativ Cool YĂŒsĂŒf
Remission Skinny Puppy
Remission Skinny Puppy Remove Your Head Sponge
Reproduction The Human League
Requiem Bogart
ReR Records Quarterly Vol. 3 No. 3 Various
Resist Much - Obey Little Rhythm Activism
Results not answers Young Scientist
RĂ©trospective Vol. 1 Maze 1066
Return Of The Golden Mean Album Bernard Xolotl
Rework / Odiom Hands To / Kapotte Muziek / Merzbow / PBK / S.B.O.T.H.I. / Das Synthetische Mischgewebe
Rework / Odiom Various Rhythmizid Siegmar Fricke
Rhythms For Computer And Percussion Joel Chadabe / Jan Williams
Rideau! Un Drame Musical Instantané
Right Way M.Sanderson
Ripples Of Change Stream Of Unconsciousness Rite 64 FĂąLX çÚrĂȘbRi Rite 64 FĂąLX çÚrĂȘbRi
Rite 64 FĂąLX çÚrĂȘbRi Rite 64 FĂąLX çÚrĂȘbRi Rite 64 FĂąLX çÚrĂȘbRi
Rites Of Passage Ben Kettlewell
Rituals Various Rivals Of Medusa Various
Rock is Hard Rodney Graham
Rock'N Roll Won't Never Die! Rancid Poultry
Rogues Gallery C90) Various Rolfs Amazing Shirt Sponge Rrröster Brunst
Rue Morgue Blues Hugo Race / The True Spirit RĂŒckstand 1 RĂŒckstand
Rupprechts Werke Bill Rhodes
Rupprechts Werke: An Anthology Of The Electronic-Synthphonic Works Of Bill Rhodes Bill Rhodes
S. Central Rain (I'm Sorry) R.E.M.
s/t Avanti Dilettanti
s/t Chi (Hanyo van Oosterom Willem Cramer Jacobus Derwort Michel Banabila)
s/t Japanese Title s/t La Algodonera
s/t (K. Yoshimatu, T. Isotani, A. Koshi, T. Kamada, T. Nakamura) Vados
Saarland Sampler Various Sacred Cities Garry Hughes
Sacred Voyage Mike Brooks
Sacrifice Norma Loy Saint Of The Pit Diamanda GalĂĄs
same Butsumetsu Aikou Kai
same THX113
Same No A.I.D.S.
same Ostomy
same Big City Orchestra / Illusion of Safety
Sample Land
Sample 3 M.NOMIZED Sample 4 M.NOMIZED
Sans Etiquette Fondation
Santa Maria Strafe fĂŒr Rebellion Satisfaction And Despair (Album, C60 Viktimized Karcass Satori Satori
Saulei Tekant Wejdas
Saw - Music For Instruments And Machines The Too Much Too Soon Orchestra
Saw Delight Can (DE)
Scene In Mirage O Yuki Conjugate Schaf im Wolfspelz Peter SchÀfer Schaf Im Wolfspelz Peter SchÀfer
Schlauchlos Sissis Kinder Schrott GĂŒnter MĂŒller
Schrottplatz. Die Fahrschulen Organisation Verabschiedet Sich Various
Scombermix Frank Brettschneider
Scream With A View Tuxedomoon
Seattle Blowhole
Second Edition SEP/8363
Second Strike Various
Secret Flight Projekt Electronic Amerika
Secret Mind Project Bene Gesserit & Usvard Secrets Never Told Stephen Winfield & Kat West
Secrets Of The Beehive David Sylvian Sedona: The Psychic Vortex Experience Robert Slap
Sehr Gut Kommt Sehr Gut Various
Sellemols & Heid Various
Seltsames GlĂŒck Tommi Stumpff
SĂ©mi HĂłra Aart Zwaans
Sensationnel No. 3 & 4 Various
Sensationnel No. 5 Various
Sense of Recreation Ken Moore
Sequences PaĂŻennes Pascal Comelade Session 24.11.1986 Berlin Das Freie Orchester & Ashra
Seven Codes Seven Codes
Seven Days Autumn (Cass 1) Autumn (Be)
Seven Up Timothy Leary and Ash Ra Tempel
Seventeen Great Ideas From Europe What's In A Name
Sex & Bestiality Various
Sex & Bestiality - Cassette 3 Various
Sex Beyond Entanglement Clock DVA
Sexorama - An International Industrial / Noise Compilation Various
Sexorama Vol.1 Various
Sexorama Vol.4 Various
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band Galen Herod
Shake The Disease (Remixed Extended Version) Depeche Mode
Shamala (with Jean-Philippe Rykiel) Cyrille Verdeaux
Shinrin Kitan Smau
Shit Parade Mixreflex
Short Wave Karlheinz Stockhausen / The Negative Band
Shousousha 1980.10-1981.6 Shoushoula
Show Me A Sane Man Omming For Woks Shrug Shrug Shrug Shrug
Side 2 Severed Heads
Signs Of Life Quieter Than Spiders
Signs Of Vice / Regulation Comedy Volkstanz
Silances Henry Krutzen
Silver Apples Of The Moon Morton Subotnik Silver Eagly Georges Boutz
Since the Accident Severed Heads
Sinusbeil Chaos Combo Six, Retrospection I Vrije
Six, Retrospection I Vrije
Sketchbook Part Six - Skizzenbuch Teil Neun Erik MĂ€lzner Skies Above Skies Constance Demby Skinned Alive Album, C90 Viktimized Karcass Skybirds Upper Astral Skybirds Upper Astral
Skylore Album Alien Planetscapes
Skywords Lauri Paisley
Slaapschutters Corneil Nies
Slaughter of the Innocent Various
Slaving For The Great Dictator Various
Sleeps With The Fishes Pieter Nooten & Michael Brook
Slights Unspoken Voigt 465
Slow Death Leather Nun
Slow Musics Pascal Comelade
Slowscan Vol. 5 Various Smokosphere Cancerous Growth
So ... Und Nicht Anders ! Hans Kopf Terzett
So Far Faust
So Hot Swamp Children
Soap Pop Company
Solitude Is The Future Various
Solo 82-83 Markus
Some Attributes Of A Living System Mnemonists
Some Deaths Take Forever (with ZED) Bernard Szajner
Some Experiences With Shock Die Form
Some Experiences With Shock Die Form Somnambulism Kadef
Songs For Swinging Larvae Renaldo & The Loaf
Songs For The Ten Voices Of The Two Prophets Terry Riley
Songs From Neuropa Mental Measuretech
Songs Of Resignation Crustaceans
Sonic Arts Union - Electric Sound Various
Sonic Debris Ambient Meat
Sonic Waters Michel Redolfi
Sorry (A Minimal Musical In Parts) Bruce McLean With Silvia Ziranek
Soul Possession Annie Anxiety
Sound Theater Two: Visions Sound Theater (Qubais Reed Ghazala)
Source: Music Of The Avant Garde Issue Number 7/8 Various
Southland RĂŒdiger Lorenz
Souvenir Stephan Eicher
Souvenirs Du Futur Luc Marianni
Space Museum Solid Space
Space Shuttle and Roll Vol. 1/1 Various
Space/Time Collision HKO
Spacerock 3 Alien Planetscapes
Spacerock'88 Alien Planetscapes
Spacewalk Nightcrawlers
SpÀt-Europa Asmus Tietchens
Spain Various
Specific Pacific Archipelagos Marten Ingle
Spectrum Suite Steven Jason Halpern
Spherical Voyage K. Yoshimatsu
Spiral Rebound David Chesworth
Spiritual Beauty Blue China
Spleen Concert 18-9-1983 Ende Shneafliet Spleenconcert Zondag 18-9-1983 Ende Shneafliet
split Alu & Attrition Split Attrition & Alu
Sprechklavier: Traute Foresti Und Die Dichterin Friederike Mayröcker
Sprudelnde Vielfalt - Sampler II Various
Stagmanaut! Metabolist
Stainless Whales T. Isotani
Star Gazer Peter Davison Star's End Xyl
Starborn Suite Steven Jason Halpern
Starburst Ricky Starbuster
Starburst Ricky Starbuster
Starring Rosi Ash Ra Tempel Starter Starter Starting With Silence New 7th Music
Stay Or Go (360Âș Of Monochrome Bleu) Monochrome Bleu
Stay With Me Tonight Alex Fergusson
Steel Negro Music XX Committee
Stein Des Anstosses Family 5
Stellar - Tunnel (with Peter Gulch) Steve Brenner
Stereococktail Lisa Carbon
Sternklang Karlheinz Stockhausen
Sternzeit Adalbert von Deyen
Stig Clothearz
Still Human Transparent Illusion Still No Reply Moisten Before Use
Still No reply Moisten Before Use
Stitching Small Tears Various Stoner Burner Various
Storm Bugs Storm Bugs Straight Dope ...No Guesswork Album Alien Planetscapes Strange Cargo David Van Tieghem Stranger Days Hidious In Strength
Strategy & Freedom Of Coincidence S.Kwi Stratus Flight Paul Steve Korsmo
Strawberries Damned
Strawverry Secret K. Yoshimatsu Stretched Across The Sea Endgame
Structures From Silence Steve Roach Structures From Silence Steve Roach
Strukturelle ZusammenhÀnge Various
Stuck In The Mind Cage Wooden Baby
StĂŒrmer FSK (Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle) Sub Sonic Slam C60 Various
Submit To Desire Sleep Chamber Sucre De PastĂšque Vox Populi!
Sue Y. Ohi
Sugar, Alcohol, & Meat (The Dial-A-Poem Poets) Various
Summerland Danna & Clement
Sun City Girls Sun City Girls
Sundaes Peter SchÀfer
Surface Tension DK
Sustained Space (Album) An Bene & Pierre Lambow Svet Ozveny Alto Stratus
Swastika mania APPI
Symphonie Au Bord D'un Paysage Jacques Lejeune
Symphony Natura Henning Christiansen
Synth Bites Man This Little Alien
Synthesis Ltd. Various
Synthetics Pur
Synthetik 1. Seesselberg
Taboo Arnold Mathes Taboo Arnold Mathes Tachyon Alto Stratus
Tagein Tagaus / Mildred (Interferon) Family 5
Tales from T. Oldrat
Tales Of Dumb Noses Spitting Melx
Talfahrt Sampler 2 Various Talfahrt. Sampler 03 Various
Tantus Amor T. Isotani
Tanz Musik fĂŒr schöne Frauen YĂŒsĂŒf
Tape 1 (Alien Tape) Clock DVA
Tape-O-Matix / 14 All-Time Home Tape Favourites! C60 Various
Tapes 88 HI3ORON
Tarquins Seaweed Farm Porcupine Tree Tasty Morsels Alto Stratus Tavo Ctas Esna Non Toxique Lost
Techno Temple Choir Yximalloo
Teknoville 4 Various
Telegraphe Big City Orchestra
Temperature of Blood Reptilicus
Tempo! Tempo! Deutscher Kaiser
Tempo! Tempo! Deutscher Kaiser
Temporary Temple Psychic TV
Tempus Fugit Ken Moore
Ten To Strange Peter Tedstone
Tender Prey Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds
Tensei Y. Ohi, T. Kamada, T. Komiyama
Tension Albert Mangelsdorff Quintet
Terminal Attraction Konstruktivits Termination Point Land Of Yrx Termination Point Land Of Yrx
Terminus, Retrospection 2 Vrije
Terra Incognita I Various
Terror Story / Anorexia Iron Curtain Test Pattern Richard Franecki
Test Tube Fantasy C.C.C.C.
Testen Sie mal Vol.2 Ein-Vertriebs-Cassetten-Ăberblick Various
Text-Sound Festivals 10 Years Various
The 150 Murderous Passions Nurse With Wound The 150 Murderous Passions (C60 150 Murderous Passions
The Acceptance Of The 12,000,000th Customer Zanstones
The April Rain Projekt Electronic Amerika
The Australian Years Daevid Allen
The Bangkok Project - Das Bangkok Projekt Minus Delta T The Beatear O.R.D.U.C. The Best Of The Rest 19/20 Various
The Big Dentist Lemon Kittens
The Black Field PGR & Thessalonians
The Blur John M. Bennett
The Blur John M Bennett The Cavern 17th March 87 Sponge
The Celler Richard Franecki The Chess Kingdom Ken Moore
The Christmas Album Smell & Quim
The Chrome Box Chrome
The Compositions Of Dizzy Gillespie Various
The Cop Killers Cop Killers
The Covenant, The Sword And The Arm Of The Lord Cabaret Voltaire
The Crackdown Cabaret Voltaire
The Curiosity Shop Funeral Danceparty
The Dark Sea Of Pain Lyke Wake
The Decoration Of The Duma Continues Pump
The Deserts Of Utah John Trubee And The Ugly Janitors Of America
The Dreamer David Prescott
The Dying Man PM (Prescott and Minoy)
The Elbow Is Taboo Renaldo & The Loaf
The Electric Family - Mariopaint (The 12 Inch) Various
The Electronic Cottage International Compilation Cassette Series: Volume Two Various
The Element That Defies Description Solomonoff & Von Hoffmannstahl
The End Of Buggsy Viktimized Karcass The Eternal Optimist Album, B&W Roland Barker
The Expanding Universe Laurie Spiegel The Eyes Of Fate Eyes Of Fate The Family That Blows Up Buildings Face In The Crowd
The Final Academy Documents (Brion Gysin, John Giorno, William S. Burroughs) Various
The Final Unsound Various
The Fire Of Dreams Lauri Paisley
The Fog Horn T. Isotani
The Frater Vital Torrent / Ckauses Eyes Naked Sensitiv
The Golden Age Legendary Pink Dots
The Great Walk Trigger B
The Greenhouse Effect, Pt. 1+2 Alien Planetscapes
The Hall Of Gates Barney Jones
The Haunting Theatre Of Ice
The Healing Music of Rana Randall McClellan
The History Of Decency / Out To The Various Edges Craig Burk
The History Of The House Sound Of Chicago Various
The Image has cracked Alternative TV
The Improvisors (Album,) Various
The Invisible People Xisle
The Jupiter Effect Ken Moore
The King George 13-8-87 Sponge
The Last LP: Unique Last Recordings Of The Music Of Ancient Cultures Michael Snow
The Lewd The Mad Alien Sex Fiend The Light Of Tao - Universal Planetary Music Aeoliah The Long Last Dream Lyke Wake
The Lowest Form Of Music - Sampler Various
The Luxery Of Horns The Invisible College
The Luxery Of Horns The Invisible College
The Memory Waltz The Violence 1/2
The Micrart Group vzw Various
The Mnemonic Fire Escape EP Richard Sinclair's Caravan Of Dreams / Nurse With Wound / The Underworlde
The Music Of Her Sleep / Towards The Enfolding Flower PBK / Vidna Obmana
The Mysterious Radio Recordings Brian Noring, Phillip Klampe
The Negative Communication Age Various
The New Rock N Roll Various
The Night Of A Thousand R's Bean Church
The Night of Chaos Tetsuya Fukui
The Obvious Identity Cardiac Arrest
The Off Band Und Waffelschmiede Off Band
The Old Lake Projekt Electronic Amerika
The Only Cure Exiles The Other Side Of The Sky - The Alternative Capitalists Freebie Tape Various
The Pony Various
The Portal Dave Fuglewicz
The Remembrance Of A Technological Past Larry Wendt
The Ressurection Theatre Of Ice The Right To Be Wrong Post Destruction Music
The Ritual Alto Stratus
The S.M.Tape Hessel Veldman & Nick Nicole The Sacrifice Of Reason Tour Dog As Master,If,Bwana
The Satanic Mass Anton LaVey
The Science Of Ecstasy Crash Worship
the Sea Org Hafler Trio
The Seduction Ludus The Sensual Art Of Wading (C60 Verboten And Tabu
The Shadow Traders Randy Greif
The Shrill Ho. Turner
The Silence Of The Noise That Collapse Opera
The Singular I Perfect Heller
The Sky's Gone Out Bauhaus
The Sleeper Dislodged Northern Machine
The Sonosopher Retrospective Sten Hanson
The State Of Affairs 360 Sound
The Tear Garden The Tear Garden
The Thin, White Arms, Obtusely Angled At The Elbow, Methodically Dipping And Emerging Possession
The Third Album Big Star
The Third Reich 'N' Roll the Residents
The Universe Is The Messiah Various
The War against Sleep Cassandra Complex
The War Against Sleep Cassandra Complex
The War Game Atomic Thinkers
The Wonderful World Of Die Werkpiloten
The World Today Deadline Paranoia
Thee Book Various
Their Heads Are Green Sponge
These #1 Live These
These #2 Live These
These #4 These They Dance Like This From As Far Off As The Crazy House Crazy House
Third Vrije Third Vrije
This Heat This Heat
This Is Electronic Body Music Various
This is your brain on Drugs Your Brain On Drugs
Thoum Aesh Neith LAShTAL
Thoum Aesh Neith Master-Reel LAShTAL
Three of Swords Nepenthe
Through Veils Port Said
Thrust 888 Regicide Bureau
Time Signals Dirk Jan MĂŒller
Timeless William Aura
Timeless Goldie
Tionchor P16.D4
Tips Zum Selbstmord Necronomicon
Tissue of Lies Nocturnal Emissions
TIssue of Lies Nocturnal Emissions
Tissue of Lies (Stamped Cover) Nocturnal Emissions
To Come Into Being Ken Moore
To No Avail Ken Moore To Post A Tape Vol. 1Â Ltd Various
To Post A Tape Vol. 2Â Ltd, C60 Various
To Things Above Colin Weavill
Todesmelodien Andreas Dorau
Tomorrow Never Knows Blue China Tonakai Mol and Bean Kawazu
Too Many Creeps Bush Tetras
Too Many Lies Hymn
Topology (as Joe McPhee Po Music) Joe Mc Phee
TOPY TV : Tribute to PTV Various
Tormentor Skinny Puppy
Torso In Aspik Dr. Koch Ventilator Tot au tard Miriodor
Total Recess 6 Various
Total Sex Whitehouse
Totentanz L.G. Mair Jr Tour de France John Tesh
Tra Special Comics Various
Track 4 Mania D
Track 4 Mania D
TrÀneninvasion TrÀneninvasion
Tranches De Temps Jeté La STPO
Trans Europa Express Kraftwerk
Trans-Millenia Consort Pauline Anna Strom
Trans-Millenia Consort Pauline Anna Strom
Trans-Siberian Mitch Rushton Transcendence Steven Cooper Transcendence Steven Cooper
Transfer Station Blue Michael Shrieve with Kevin Shrieve and Klaus Schulze
Transition Peter Michael Hamel Transluminance Nightcrawlers Transmission Vrije
Transmission Vrije
Transport Steven Blackhall TransâąPlantedâąBody C46 Various
Traveler's Companion Sonic Disorder
Traveller's Companion Port Said
Treatment and Design DDHR
Treble Tone Poets
Trenkers Traum Kasperle Killerpilz
Triade Intence Trial Of Murder Viktimized Karcass
Trio Instrumental Ălectroacoustique Various Triogulaire Triogulaire
Triptych Bevis Frond
Triptych Bevis Frond
Triptych E.P E.g Oblique Graph
Tristesse Psychotronique Dark Alceste De SocaĂŻ VĂŽmie
Trucchi Senza Volto Various Trucchi Senza Volto C40) Various Truth Or Consequences Lauri Paisley / Andrew Rath
Truth Or Consequenses Tom Dyer
Try Anything Once!!! Love Choir
Tu If, Bwana
Tubo Masaki
Tutankhamun Art Ensemble Of Chicago
Twankin Nuvo West
Twentieth Century Introverts
Twilight Marc Barreca
Twilight Of The City Schatten Unter Eis
Twist And Decease Laxative Souls (LXSS) Two Faces M.A.L.
Two Little, Two Large and Two Middle Sized Pictures Erik MĂ€lzner & Konsorten
Two Nights Colin Potter
Two Views Of The Amazon Roberto Laneri Un Destin Si Funeste C60 Various Un Minuto Luca Miti
Under the Flag Fad Gadget
Unentitled Zoviet France / Jim O'Rourke / The Hafler Trio
Unexpected Passage Tekst Unikum 2 Various
Union Sukursaal
United States Live Laurie Anderson
United States XV Hessel Veldman
unknown Takami
Unknownmix Unknownmix Unleashed Psyche
Unmacht Mutagen Grau
Unmodern Der Moderne Mann Unpopulair Incest Songs Experiment Incest
Uns Geht's Doch Gut Die Hazards Uns gehtâs doch noch gut Hazards Unstroken Frank Lentz
Unter-Haltung TASS 2
Unterhaltung TASS 2 Untitled Art Remains Tangible
Untitled Das FrÀulein Niemand
Untitled First Aircrash In Nevada Untitled Leben und Arbeiten & Die Ich's
Untitled Pavillon 7B Untitled Totentanz Untitled Totentanz & Jean-Pierre Espil
Untitled Zeitgeist And The 7 Year Itch
Untitled Die Stunde Null / Endzeitgeneration
Untitled Der Plan
Untitled Marc And The Mambas
Untitled Michael Nyman
Untitled Group 180 with Reich / Rzewski / Melis / Szemz Untitled Geile Tiere
untitled Blair Petrie
Untitled Album Carnage Uro: 1981-83 Kraang (John Murphy as Kang, Krang, Krang Music, Kranng, Rkang ) UĆŸivo Iz Kopra SexA
Vagabondage Gregor Jamroski
Valley Of The Birds Emerald Web
Vampire Radio Douglas Bregger
Variety Theater - An Anthology of Recorded Sound Poetry Various Variety Theater, an Anthology of Sound Poetry Various
VerrĂŒckt Nach GlĂŒck Ami Marie
Versackt Harald Sack Ziegler
Via Limpe Fuchs / Anima
Via Del Latte Doxa Sinistra
Viaggio A Nybro Amok Viaggio Per Spazzio Region 5 Victimless Crime Paper Bag
Victims Of Circumstance / Speechless The Third State
Victory Through Grace C. W. Vrtacek
Video Rideo Cultural Amnesia
Video Rideo Cultural Amnesia Virgo Marc Behrens
Virtual Terrain - Ninety Minutes Of Recent Electronic Music Gregory Taylor
Visions Every New Dead Ghost
Visions of the Forest Peter Tedstone Visitor Parking Mars Everywhere
Vistas Other Skies (Keith Walsh & Anton Tibbe)
Viva La DĂŒsseldorf
Viva Negativa! - A Tribute To The New Blockaders Volume II Various
Viva Now Rosengarten
Voice of Eye Voice of Eye Voice Of Theatre Solanaceae Tau
Voices Roger Eno
Voices Notes & Noise Various
Voicespace Roger Reynolds
Volume I Mastermind
Vor Der Flut (Hommage An Einen Wasserspeicher) Various
Vorn RĂŒdiger Carl
Vorsicht (8 StĂŒcke fĂŒr den Laienbedarf) Erik MĂ€lzner Vortexes Roland Barker
VorwĂ€rts / RĂŒckwĂ€rts Hits Berlin
Voyage Brainticket
Voyage Vers L'Harmonie Luc Marianni
Vuelo QuĂmico Neuronium
W:O:M Sleep Chamber
Wah Yu Wan If, Bwana
Wahre Arbeit - Wahrer Lohn Die Krupps
Walking Everywhere Polyphonic Size
Walking In Slow Circles David Prescott
Wallagh Wallagh
Wand Inside Jar Sponge
Wanton Non Toxique Lost
War TRE War is the health of the state Various
War Is The Health Of The State Various
War music Vampire Rodents
War Muzak FOMT (DJ at Fomt)
Ware 11 Non Toxique Lost
Warm Leatherette Sleep Chamber
Warp 10+1 Influences Various
Warum Sollte Ich Wohl?: Ein Elektroakustisches Manifest Gegen Die Phallokratie Martin Fischer / Martin Schwarzenlander
We Buy A Hammer For Daddy Lemon Kittens We Know Time Various
Wechselbad Poison Dwarfs
Weil Das System Nicht Funktioniert! Saal 2 / Saal 3
Weird / Mod-Modern Man Ryth-A-Rama
Welcome to my World Swinebolt 45
Wenn Dein Herz... Didi und die Herzschrittmacher Wer Mit Wem? Various Wer Nicht Arbeiten Will Soll Auch Nicht Essen! P16.D4
Wer Nicht Arbeiten Will Soll Auch Nicht Essen! P16.D4
Werk ĂĂ©n Polar Praxis
West Africa Tour (Sierra Leone, Liberia & Guinea), April 1985 with John Tchicai / Hartmut Geerken / Famoudou Don Moyé Hartmut Geerken
Westdeutsche Christen Westdeutsche Christen What Is To Be Gun Problemist What Meaning Standing Ovation
What So Ever Thy Hand Findeth - Do It With All Thine Might Crash Worship Whatever Happened To The Sulky Boys? 3 Way Dance
Wheel In The Roses Rema-Rema
Whispered Visions Emerald Web
White Christmas Tabea Blumenschein, Frieder Butzmann, Gudrun Gut & Bettina Köster
White Hawk Atomic Magic Moments At Twilight Time
White Hawk Atomic Magic Moments At Twilight Time White Patterns On Her Dress The 012
White Rushes Underneath David Myers
White Souls In Black Suits Clock DVA
White Water Malaria!
Wiederaufnahmeverfahren II / 06 Mama BĂ€r / Kommissar Hjuler
Wiener Krem (Vienna Mortalis) Vienna Mortalis Winter's King Xisle
Wish Chant Alex McFee
Within 30 Miles MFH
Wizards J.D. Emmanuel
Wladiwostok 111984 Non Toxique Lost
Wladiwostok 111984 Non Toxique Lost
Work Electric Party Work For 4 Players And 90 Strings Ellen Fullman
Workdub Workdub
Works 2 / Block 64 Mori & Ushioku
World Of Steam Sponge
World! Brain Discipline
Wow and Flutter Stereolab
Wu-Nien Voidmusic Zone Void
Wunderbar Wolfgang Riechmann Wunstorf wie es singt und lacht Various
X-Zotica Quadraphase
Xmas Tapes Various
Xtra Various
Y. De Noir Takami
Yagato... Y. Fujimoto & T. Isotani
Years Passed By 83-85 Shizzo Flamingos
Yog Music No Unauthorized
YR 1 Culturcide
Zamizdat Trade Journal Volume 2 Various
Zamizdat Trade Journal Volume 4 Ultralocalism Various
Zazzy Music X-Ray Pop
Zeit Tangerine Dream
Zeitgenössische Musik In Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1945-1980 (complete Box-Series Vol. 1-10 Various
Zeitzeichen Zeit Zeichen
Zenith Wavestar
Zoen Nostalgia II Earhbound Magic Moments At Twilight Time Zu Dumm Um Mitzuklatschen Die Lustigen NĂŒsse
Zu SpĂ€t Ihr ScheiĂer. Hier Ist: Tommi Stumpff Tommi Stumpff Zwischenfall 13.5.92. Szmer
Zyklus D Various
«Cortex!» Zircon And The Burning Brains
Related Artists & Bands
...Of Tanz Victims38th Parallel4712A.D.H.Abartigen. Die. Allan Kaprow. Nam June Paik. Wolf Vostell. GĂŒnther Saree. Albrecht/d.. Toche. Hendricks (2)Absolute Body ControlAbsolute Controlled Clinical ManiacsAcanthometraAl RobertsonAlberto Savinio E George Antheil Daniele LombardiAlien PlanetscapesAlto StratusAluAndi ArrogantiAndreas GroĂerAndrew D. RathAnna HomlerAnne ClarkAnother ViewAnthon ShieldAnthony BarnettAnthony BraxtonAnthony CloughAnthony Di StefanoAnthony J. GnazzoAnthony PhillipsAnthrax for the PeopleAudio LeterAviador DroAviar DroAy-O & Emmett WilliamsBad SectorBerlin BlondesBernard SzajnerBernthölerBill NelsonBill PritchardBizarre Leidenschaftblack tape for a blue girlBlackoutsBlĂ€sseBlancmangeBox O' LaffsBunsenbrennerBush TetrasBushidoCarl MatthewsCassandra ComplexCeta JavuChanson DeuxChris MannChristian ClozierChromeClan of XymoxClock DVACompanyConcert SynthetiqueCoum TransmissionsCrash Course in ScienceCri PrimalCroinersCut Up SwingersD. StorrsD.C.3DamenbartDan LanderDance NakedDas Synthetische MischgewebeDas Synthetische Mischgewebe & HatersData-Bank-ADave LuntDave Zack (Nazario Zarakanustra)David SinfieldDe FabriekDĂ©bile MentholDes Duyvels DoedelsackDeutsche SchĂ€ferhundeDeutsche WertarbeitDeutscher KaiserDie Synthetische RepublikDie UnbekanntenDon SlepianDonald MillerDr. PhilDurutti ColumnDZ Lectric & Anthon ShieldEd HerrmannELECTRIC WEASEL ENSEMBLEEleventh Dream DayEmerald WebErik VloeberghsExperimental ProductsFabrikFra Lippo LippiFront Line AssemblyGabble RatchetGalen HerodGAM (GĂŒnther Schicker, Axel Struck, Michael Leske)George AntheilGiancarlo Schiaffini / Michele IannacconeGiancarlo ToniuttiGil MellĂ©GilaGnazzo, Anthony J.Go Back To Your Precious Wife And SonGraeme RevellGraf HaufenGraf Haufen & Monty Cantsin & Das Synthetische MischgewebeGĂŒnther EichGĂŒnther Guben and Gerd SchermGĂŒnther MĂŒllerGuenther RuchGĂŒnther Saree. Albrecht D.Hands To / Kapotte Muziek / Merzbow / PBK / S.B.O.T.H.I. / Das Synthetische MischgewebeHenry AronsonHenry CowHermann Kopp Hidious In StrengthIan HartleyIldefonso AguilarIlitchInsektInstant MusicInter City StaticJacintheboxJackson Mac LowJerome RothenbergJFKJohn BenderJohn Di StefanoJohn Kaizan NeptuneJonathan Coleclough & Larry WendtKarl-Birger Blomdahl / Bengt Emil JohnsonKatastrophentheorieKeelerKen MooreKerry LeimerKevin LazarKevin O'NeillKFCKit WalkerKlaus SchonningKlaus SchulzeKrelKwajongens In BloeiL'Ăponge SynthĂ©tiqueL'Eponge SynthĂ©tique / MerzbowLa STPOLand Of YrxLarry WendtLarry Wendt / Stephen RuppenthalLaurie SpiegelLilaLilith (Scott Gibbons)Liquid G.Liza 'N' EliazLoch Ness MonsterLoren NerellMalcolm CecilMannschreckMarc BarrecaMark ShreeveMartin KornbergerMessehalleMetal UrbainMeteored EnthusiasmMetered Enthusiasm/Chbi DakaMGZMichael LawMittageisenMixed Band PhilanthropistMöslang & GuhlMoniek DargeMonochrome BleuMonoton (Konrad Becker)MoralMortification To The FleshMother Mallard's Portable Masterpiece CompanyMTVSMushroomMusica Elettronica VivaNatural DisastersNeil NappeNeonNepentheNeuroniumNick Loves Septic SynthiaNightcrawlersNitzer EbbNo AidNo UnauthorizedNocturnal EmissionsNorma LoyNOXNP.WatNTHOlaf SchirmOMD (Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark)Opera Multi SteelOrphxOther MusicP.D.Palais SchaumburgPaul BuckPaul NaglePaulchen PantherPelican DaughtersPerfect VisionPerformancePeroPeter Ferrets PartlyPeter SchĂ€ferPeter SynthetikPhilip BesombesPiefke & Pafke Und Die Jungs Aus Der DunkelkammerPierre MariĂ©tanPLX 15Pocke ĂhrströmPoĂ©sie NoirePopol VuhPrisonshakeProjekt Electronic AmerikaPseudo ElektronixxPsychePtĂŽse ProductionRalf Lundsten / Leo NilsonRalph LundstenRamlehRational YouthRDPRegion 5Release Music OrchestraRichard BoneRichard FraneckiRichard PinhasRichard TerminiRik RueRob Van Wijngaarden & Les ChatsRobert RichRollkommandoRon BerrySaal 2 / Saal 3Sacher Pelz (Maurizio Bianchi)SalĂČ MentaleSam RosenthalSection 25SeesselbergSektorSeventh SignSevered HeadsSigillum SSixth CommSoft MachineSolid SpaceSparifankalSpheric CornerStahlnetzSteve BrennerSteve FrostSteve HillmanSteve MooreSteve RoachSteve RuppenthalSteven CooperStragulaSuicideSwinging FishermenSymboterSynco-MusicSynthenphallTalk TalkTangerine DreamTara CrossTempesta NoireThe Door and The WindowThe Moon Lay Hidden Beneath A CloudThe Neon JudgementThe OrdinaryThe Seventh SealThe TwoThird Ear BandThomas StruszkaThrobbing GristleTodd BartonTodd Barton / TrapeziumTom GulchTomitaTomografia Assiale ComputerizzataTuxedomoonUbaldo GiacomucciUlrich BlumeVia LacteaVice VersaVisceraVK 88VoldarepetVolker Hamann / AEIOUVorsprungWavestarWendy CarlosWeR7White Colours (featuring Monty Cantsin)Willi Sodom & Die GomorrasWireWolfgang DĂŒrenWolfsheimXisleXylXylemYellow Magic OrchestraYrefZircon And The Burning BrainsRelated Artists & Bands Literature
"Forgive us our Synth" article in Sounds 1981 Throbbing Gristle
"Scenes of Victory" Antwerpen 1978 Coum Transmissions
'Cosmosis' COUM Transmissions mail art postcard Coum Transmissions
100 per cent man made fibre Advert Al Robertson
1001 Ways to Coum Coum Transmissions
16 Photos by Peter Bargh Throbbing Gristle live at Rafters 4 December 1980 Throbbing Gristle
1979 Band Photo at Telephone Clock DVA
1984 Ubaldo Giacomucci
20 Jazz Funk Center Label Proof Sheet Throbbing Gristle
21 matched Asymetries (Aloes Books) Jackson Mac Low
22 Light Poems (Black Sparrow Press) Jackson Mac Low
24 private photos Larry Wendt
28p Booklet to Fetish 5Lp-Set Throbbing Gristle
3 x early COUM photos, 1970, 2 of group, one of Dagger Lane (annotated âAlien Brain Hullâ), Hull (copies made ca. 1995 by GP-O) 10 x 8 inches. [Wreckers 1.21] Coum Transmissions
36th Light Poem (Permanent Press) Jackson Mac Low
4 Trains (Burning Deck Providence) Jackson Mac Low
4 x photos relating to âProstitutionâ, ICA, 1976, each ca. 14 x 9 cm, signed on verso and reprinted by Paul Buck ca. 1995 [Wreckers 6.28-29] Coum Transmissions
44 Live and Studio Photos taken by Kevin Thorne of We Be Echo Throbbing Gristle
4712 & Diskret Infos 4712
5 x black and white photographs 1973 (21.5 x 16.5 cm) by David Mayor, Coum Transmissions
7 colour photocopies all signed and with two pages of notes explaining context and significance Throbbing Gristle
7 x TG Pins Throbbing Gristle
9999999 miljonen erotische variatie Erik Vloeberghs
A Career in Dancing Review by Chris Jones Another View
a selection of 80 Magazines containing Cosey as a Model Cosey Fanni Tutti
a selection of Postcards Coum Transmissions
A Sonic, Visual & Oral History of Sound Poetry Larry Wendt / Stephen Ruppenthal
A4 flyer TG and Bauhaus at The Guildhall Northampton, 26 May 1979 Throbbing Gristle
A4 Sheet "everything about coum is true" Coum Transmissions
Action at the Los Angeles Institute for Contemporary Arts, November 1976 (in Curtains Magazin Le Prochaine Step) Coum Transmissions
add for Nazi Suicide Tape Throbbing Gristle
Add in New Musical Express 1974 Coum Transmissions
Adi Newton of Clock DVA at The Limit 1978-07-25 Clock DVA
Advantage Poster b/w Clock DVA
Advantage Poster coloured Clock DVA
Advantage Promo Poster Clock DVA Advocatus Diaboli Graf Haufen
Al Ackermans Arthur Turner Booklet Throbbing Gristle
Al Recording At Home article in Flowmotion No.1 and 2 Al Robertson
Al Roberston early Photo Al Robertson
Alien Brain Poster Coum Transmissions
Alien Brains Poster Coum Transmissions
Alien Planetscape Cassette Catalogue 1986 and ASTRO News Alien Planetscapes
Alphabet Message xerox print Coum Transmissions
ALu Promo Zine 1982 Alu
Alu PrÀsentiert Promo Alu
an Anthology 1963 La Monte Young An Interview With K Leimer in Eurock Kerry Leimer
Andrew McKenzie with Andy Warhol in summer 1986, Anthony D'Offay Gallery, London Hafler Trio
Anthology Robin Crozier
Anthology David Jackman
Anthroposophical Quarterly Vol.15 No.3 Various
Apocalypse A Gogo Nocturnal Emissions
Apocalypse A Gogo Throbbing Gristle
Applied Synthesis Bill Rhodes
Archive Index by David Minshall (Scans by Simon Dell) Throbbing Gristle
ARTE INGLESE OGGI 1960-1976, Electa, Milano 1976. Coum Transmissions
Article in Sounds 26 November 1977 Throbbing Gristle
Artwork / Promo Croiners
assorted early Posters Clock DVA
at Ajanta Cinema, Flyer, designed by Val Denham Throbbing Gristle
at Centro Iberico Throbbing Gristle
at Rafters Poster Throbbing Gristle
at Sheffield Poster April 1979 Throbbing Gristle at Sheffield Poster June 1980 (with Cabaret Voltaire) Throbbing Gristle
August Light Poems (Caterpillar 9) 1967 Jackson Mac Low Backshop Promo Ad Al Robertson
Bad Boy of Music George Antheil
Bad Mood Bio-Booklet (24 pages) Severed Heads
Bandphoto Throbbing Gristle
Beau Geste Press Exhibition Poster incl Coum Transmissions Coum Transmissions
Berlin SO36 Concert Poster Throbbing Gristle
Best wishes for X-Mas 1980 Postcard Throbbing Gristle
Between 1960 1963 (Fulcrum Press London) Jerome Rothenberg
Biography and Tape-Reviews Keeler
Black and White photograph of Cosey Fanni Tutti in Studio of Lust, Nuffield Gallery, Southampton, Coum Transmissions
Black and white photograph of Peter Christopherson Coum Transmissions
Black and white photograph. COUMing of Age Coum Transmissions
Black and white photograph. Live 1973 Coum Transmissions
Black and white photograph. Omissions Coum Transmissions
Black Words Clock DVA
BLOCKS (in Scratch Anthology 1) David Jackman
Blubberknife TV Severed Heads
Blues that must not try to imitate Sky (Lobby Press) Anthony Barnett
Booklet Sigillum S
Booklet ter Graf Haufen
Brigaden der Sehnsucht Flyer 4712
California Zen Romances Infosheet and Invitation Larry Wendt / Stephen Ruppenthal
Can you fix us up with a gig postcard Throbbing Gristle
Carl Matthews in Flowmotion 1 Carl Matthews
Catalogue De Fabriek
Cease to Exist No.1-3 Card Coum Transmissions
Chain Letter No Unauthorized
Chris Carter in front of TG Symbol Throbbing Gristle
Chris Carter Postcard to Adi Newton Clock DVA
Christmas Card Throbbing Gristle
Clock DVA in Grey Matter 3 Clock DVA
Clock DVA Live at the Moonlight West Hampstead 17th July 1980 Clock DVA
Clock DVA Review of Limit Concert Clock DVA
Clock DVA, Vice Versa and more playing at Stevo's Electronic Party 26th/27th June 1980 Clock DVA
Coded Note Xerox Flyer Coum Transmissions
Collages Clock DVA
Colour photocopy of original TG flash by Cosey Fanni Tutti signed by G-PO and blind stamped âP-Orridge with Everything Limitedâ. Ca. 1995. 207 x 279 mm Throbbing Gristle
Colour photograph of GP-O recording âJourney Through a Bodyâ in Rome. Inscribed on verso by GP-O. 131 x 88 mm Throbbing Gristle
Colour photograph probably a mid-1990s reprint. â Coum Transmissions
Compliments slip 1981 Throbbing Gristle
Conception Music to Be (Edition Pege) GĂŒnther Guben and Gerd Scherm
Concert Poster Musicians Club (with Scapa Flow) Severed Heads
concert poster with Hapunkt Fliegenstrumpf Graf Haufen
Concert Reviews 1979 Clock DVA
Concert-Poster, June 6th 1985 at Luv-A-Fair in Vancouver, B.C. Canada Severed Heads
Copyright Breeches (Beau Geste Press) Coum Transmissions
Copyright Breeches Letter Coum Transmissions
Copyright Breeches Postcard Ted Glass (Reflection Press) Coum Transmissions
Copyright Breeches Print signed and stamped Coum Transmissions
Cosey COllage and letter Throbbing Gristle
Cosey Fanni Tutti Personality Card 1981 Throbbing Gristle
Cosey Funni Tutti Card/Poster Throbbing Gristle
Cosey official Photos Coum Transmissions
Cosey performance Photo (part of letter) Coum Transmissions
Cosey performance Photo Women's Roll Coum Transmissions
Cosey publicity card ca. 1976, 209 x 148 mm. [Wreckers 6.25] with Alma Cogan stamps and publicity card, both inscribed and signed by GP-O explaining the connections. Coum Transmissions
Cosmosis postcard Coum Transmissions
COUM 'business' card, c. 1971. Coum Transmissions
Coum are Fab and Kinky in Torchlight 1971 Coum Transmissions
Coum Collage 1974 Coum Transmissions
COUM Decoumposition âSchlimmâ. 1974. 15 leaves, stapled binding. Coum Transmissions
Coum Fly with me Coum Transmissions
Coum in MIXED MEDIA 6 Coum Transmissions
Coum Introduction Sheet Coum Transmissions
Coum Penis Postcard signed and stamped by Gen Coum Transmissions
Coum Postcard Paranoia Club 1975 (Reflection press) Coum Transmissions
Coum Promo April 1975 Coum Transmissions
COUM publicity card Coum Transmissions
COUM publicity card Coum Transmissions
COUM publicity card showing Aalst arrows and mirror sculpture. 1975. Coum Transmissions
Coum Rabbits (Gen) Coum Transmissions
Coum Stickers Coum Transmissions
Coum Transmissions Coum Transmissions
Coum Transmissions "Scenes of Victory" 5-5-1978 Antwerpen Coum Transmissions
Coum Transmissions Exhibition 2017 - Photos by Amy Chiros Coum Transmissions
Coum Transmissions in Virus Vernal 1977 Coum Transmissions
Coum Transmissions Rectum As Inner Space Postcard as part of the Image Bank Post Card Show Box-Set Coum Transmissions
Coum Transmissions Works Overview (in Intermedia 1) Status 1974 Coum Transmissions
COUM with Monte Cazazza Envelope with 3 small colour prints Coum Transmissions
Couming of Age Coum Transmissions
Couming of Age Poster Coum Transmissions
D.O.A. the Third and Final Report Poster Throbbing Gristle Das Todesantlitz Giancarlo Toniutti
Das Todesantlitz Info Giancarlo Toniutti
Dave Zack CV Nut Art Show 1974 Dave Zack (Nazario Zarakanustra) David Sinfield Interview in Eurock David Sinfield
David Sinfield Oblique Strategy Ad David Sinfield
Dearset Frank Coum Transmissions Des Cerides Das Synthetische Mischgewebe
Discography 78-80 Clock DVA
Dogfood Advert Severed Heads
Don Slepian "Electronic Music from the Rainbow Isle Tape Program Info Don Slepian
Drama Action Coum Transmissions
Drift (by Klang) Tape Info John Di Stefano
DVA Line-Up 1980 Clock DVA
DVA-HQ 1978 and Now Clock DVA
early art/collages by Judd and Adi Clock DVA
early Biography and Interview Steve Roach
early Collage Coum Transmissions
Early COUMâ envelope containing 5 photocopies : a collage ; a page from a 1969 diary ; a 1969 flyer ; âmission is terminatedâ letter ; portrait in beret 1973. Coum Transmissions
Early DVA-Syth / Instruments Clock DVA
early Info Sheet in Unkown Press Clock DVA
early Live-and Bandphotos Clock DVA
early Pressclips Clock DVA
early promo-photo Psyche
early Tape-Promo Emerald Web
early Tapes related Promo Info photos collages etc Clock DVA
Edna Postcard Coum Transmissions
Egg Coum Transmissions
Entertaining the World Booklet Throbbing Gristle
Erotic Reversal (Tapocketa Press) Paul Buck
essential related Literature Throbbing Gristle
Ester K. comes to America (Unicorn Press) Jerome Rothenberg
Fab and Kinky Coum Transmissions
Fanzine Articles selected Throbbing Gristle
Fetish Records Press-Map Clock DVA
File Postcard Coum Transmissions
Final Solution Present a night with Industrial Records ... Monte Cazazza, The Leather Nun and Throbbing Gristle. 29 February 1980. Throbbing Gristle
Final Solution Present a Psychic Youth Rally Throbbing Gristle, A Certain Ratio & S.P.K. (Surgical Penis Klinik) in Heaven, 23 December 1980. Throbbing Gristle
Flyer "Victim of the Press" Throbbing Gristle
Flyer 1980.11.10 Frankfurt StÀdel Throbbing Gristle
flyer announcing a performance by Throbbing Gristle at the London Film-Makers' Co-op, London, 6th July (1978). Throbbing Gristle
Flyer Another Development for Tesco Throbbing Gristle
Flyer Assume Power Focus Throbbing Gristle
Flyer COllage signed Coum Transmissions
Flyer for 10th June 1980 Sheffiedl University (with Cabaret Voltaire) Throbbing Gristle
Flyer for F-Club Concert with Cazazza and Clock DVA Throbbing Gristle
Flyer for Final Solution Present ... four nights at the Prince of Wales Conference Centre 1979, including Joy Division, Clock DVA, Cabaret Voltaire and Throbbing Gristle. Throbbing Gristle
Flyer for Final Soultion Concert 7. April 1979 / The Institute for Continuing education Throbbing Gristle
Flyer for Live Kezar Pavillion May 29th Throbbing Gristle Flyer for LYCEUM 9th of May, 1980 with Cabaret Voltaire, Fad Gadget, Truth Club Clock DVA
Flyer for TG at YMCA 3rd August 1979 designed by Val Denham. (see Wreckers 9.7.) Throbbing Gristle
Flyer for Throbbing Gristle at Centro Iberico 21st January 1979 designed by Val Denham 297 x 210 mm. Throbbing Gristle
Flyer for Throbbing Gristle's "After Cease To Exist" film presentation Throbbing Gristle
Flyer Music from the Death Factory Throbbing Gristle
Flyer Psychic Ralley in Heaven Throbbing Gristle
Flyer Rat Club 17th December 1977 Throbbing Gristle
Flyer The Institute of Continuing Education / Final Solution 7 April 1979 Throbbing Gristle
Flyer to "Prostitution" Exhibition-Concert at ICA 1976 Coum Transmissions Flyer to Show Coum Transmissions
Flyer Union Hall 1978 Throbbing Gristle
Flyer Unleash me to Everywhere Throbbing Gristle
Flyer Vets Auditorium Los Angeles, May 22nd, 1981 Throbbing Gristle
Flyer, Mayor, I may resign Throbbing Gristle
Flyer: Hackney Gazette Press Throbbing Gristle
Foxtrott Echo Archive Photos Coum Transmissions
Frank Wanks Coum Transmissions
Frankfurt Poster Throbbing Gristle
Frankfurt Poster Throbbing Gristle
FRIGIDAIRE No. 6, April 1981, Primo Carnera publishing, Roma, Italy, Throbbing Gristle
Frog Peak Anthology. SCHOLZ, Carter and Larry Wendt. eds. Various
Fruiting Body Promosheets Nocturnal Emissions
Funeral in Berlin Inserts to 10inch release Throbbing Gristle
Galeria Akkumulatory Exhibition Postcard Coum Transmissions
Gary Gilmore Memorial Society T-Shirt Throbbing Gristle
Gematria 27 Jerome Rothenberg
Gemischtes 02/87 The Spinal COlumn Das Synthetische Mischgewebe
Gemischtes 03/88 Das Synthetische Mischgewebe
Gemischtes No.1/87 Das Synthetische Mischgewebe
Gen and Cosey in National Press Porn Mag Throbbing Gristle
Gen at Frankfurt Train Station 1980 Throbbing Gristle Gen Photo 1975 Coum Transmissions
Genesis P-Orridge and Throbbing Gristle in Hayward Annual 1979 Throbbing Gristle
Genesis P-Orridge Letters in Foxtrott Echo Archive Coum Transmissions
Genesis P-Orridge Omissions, Kiel, publicity card Coum Transmissions
Genesis P-Orridge selected art and photos in Foxtrott Echo Archive Coum Transmissions
Genetic Fear Flyer Industrial Music for Industrial People Throbbing Gristle
Genetic Fear Xerox original Throbbing Gristle
Gig-Review in Damn Latin No.7 by Peter Polanyk Throbbing Gristle
Graf Haufen Booklet For Didier Moulinier Graf Haufen
Graf with parents Graf Haufen
Guildhall Northampton Poster Throbbing Gristle
Hand Out to Mysterious Kitchen Compilation with Severed Heads on Terse Tapes Severed Heads
Heathen Earth Poster Throbbing Gristle
Heaven and Lyceum 1980 and 81 Photos by Akiko Hada Throbbing Gristle
Hipgnosis Postcard 8Peter Christopherson) Coum Transmissions
Homo Sonorus. An International Anthology of Sound Poetry Various
Hyperassault Sigillum S
I hate the Universe. Eine New Wave Songtext Anthologie Sylvia James
Industral Records Newsletters Throbbing Gristle
Industrial Music for Industrial People Poster Throbbing Gristle
Industrial News 4 November 1980 Throbbing Gristle
Industrial News Sept 3rd 1979 Throbbing Gristle
Industrial Records Postcard Throbbing Gristle
Industrial Records Staff Throbbing Gristle
Info 1980 SHeet Clock DVA
Info-Sheets to fLuxshoe Event 1973 (Hastings) Coum Transmissions
Info-Sticker to Second Annual Report Throbbing Gristle Information to Mark Shreeve Mark Shreeve
Infosheet / Catalogue Alien Planetscapes
Infosheet and Postcard to Trax Compilation "ANTHEMS 2" Various
Insert to 24 Hour Box (but unsigned) Throbbing Gristle
Interview in Music from the Empty Quarter Clock DVA
Interview in So What? - There is a kid....Mag; 1979 Clock DVA
Invitation Card for Heathen Earth Studio Recording Throbbing Gristle Invitation Card to Prostiution Show Coum Transmissions
IR Letter from Cosey re bounced cheque Throbbing Gristle
IR Letter from David Brooks re returned cheque 12th March 1981 Throbbing Gristle
JAZZWAYS (Rosenthal) Various
John Bender i dont remember now insert John Bender
John Peel on COUM Coum Transmissions
Judd selfies Clock DVA
Judd Turner and Adi Newton of ClockDVA in Committee Room 1979-02-02 Clock DVA
Jusqu a la balle Crystal Poster 18 Feb. 1975 Coum Transmissions
Keeler & Great Orm Label Catalogue/Map Keeler
Keep on Throbbing COllage Coum Transmissions
Ken Moore Photo Ken Moore
Ken Moore Review Tempus Fugit in Surface Noise Winter 83 Ken Moore
Ken Moore_Review in OP Ken Moore
Kevin Lazar "Mutant 3" Promo-Sheet Kevin Lazar
Kevin Lazar Promo-Map Kevin Lazar
Kezar Pavillon Ticket Throbbing Gristle
KĂŒnstler Machen Fahnen 1974 Rottweil Stadtfest Coum Transmissions
LA performance Photos Coum Transmissions
Larry Wendt and Christian Scholz Photo 1980 Larry Wendt
Larry Wendt Performances Recordings Anthologies Publications Larry Wendt
Last Exit: Berichte von der Punkt-Front (rororo panther) Various
Leaflet Spiellinie Kiellinie, 21 â 29 Juni 1975, with COUM listing. Single sheet folded to make 8 pages 21 x 10.5 cm. Coum Transmissions
Letter Tara Cross
Letter Richard Franecki
Letter Severed Heads
Letter by Daily Mirror to Ted Little (ICA coordinator and responsible for the Prostition Sho of Coum Transmissions Coum Transmissions
letter Fizzy Paet to Monte Coum Transmissions
Letter to Andrew Rodgers Clock DVA
Letter to Monte by Fizzy Paet Coum Transmissions
Letters by Chris Carter Throbbing Gristle
Light Poem for Larry Eigner (Tetrad Press) 1969 Jackson Mac Low Live 1989 Insekt
Live at Alchemical Theater Alien Planetscapes
Live at La SĂ©bale, Opera Night, Paris Promo NOX
Live at Leeds Fan Club Flyer (with Clock DVA / Monte Cazza) Throbbing Gristle
Live at the Zodiak 1968 Tangerine Dream
Live Atmosphere Poster Clock DVA
Live Germany Tour, Photos by Arg/Gee Gleim Throbbing Gristle
Live Guildhall Northampton Flyer Throbbing Gristle
Live in Heaven 1981 (with Bauhaus) Clock DVA
Live Leeds Flyer Throbbing Gristle
Live Melkfabriek 91 Info Anna Homler
Live photos to Rafters Gig by Throbbing Gristle 4.Dec.1980 Throbbing Gristle
Live Posters 7th of April 1979 and 3rd of September 1979 Throbbing Gristle
Live SO36 Poster Throbbing Gristle
Lyric Sheet 'The World Is A War Film' Throbbing Gristle
Lyrics to Sleep/Girl/Walk (Sonambulist), Female Mirror, Don't Listen to Mother Clock DVA
Mail-Art Show 1983 Ubaldo Giacomucci
Martin Fry on Clock DVA Clock DVA
Marylin Collage Clock DVA
Memories Ken Moore
Metanarkosis Inserts/Info Giancarlo Toniutti
Metropolitan Fractlizations Info-Sheets Larry Wendt
Milarepa Gatha Jackson Mac Low
Mission is Terminated postcard Throbbing Gristle
Moments of Terror. A Story to the early days of DVA (76-83) by Steven O'Connor Clock DVA
Moments of Terror. A Story to the early days of DVA (76-83) by Steven O'Connor (early versions unpublished and unedited) Clock DVA
Moors Murder article Coum Transmissions
MUM and DAD PASTCORD Coum Transmissions
Murmurs Cassette Promo-Sheet Rik Rue
Music and Video Catalogue Monochrome Bleu
Music from the Death Factory Throbbing Gristle
Musiques expérimentales, une anthologie transversale d'enregistrements emblématiques (Philippe Robert) Various Mysterious Semblance - A Tangerin Dream Chronology Tangerine Dream
Neoism Now Graf Haufen
Neoism Now Poster Graf Haufen
Neutron Add in Stabmental No 2 Vice Versa
Nigel Ayers letter to Tommy Rinnstein Nocturnal Emissions
Nocturnal Emissions Fruiting Body Sterile Promo Poster Nocturnal Emissions
Nocturnal Emissions Information 1983 Nocturnal Emissions
Nocturnal Emissions printed in colour xerox by TRAX Unit 01 Piermario Ciani, London early Eighties. Nocturnal Emissions
Nothing Doing in London Two (ONO, Yoko) Various
Nothing Short of a total War postcard (supplement to Albrecht D's Violence Permanente Booklet of Reflection Press Throbbing Gristle
Off Course Chris Mann
OMD Book OMD (Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark)
Omission - Everything about COUM is true Flyer Coum Transmissions
Ommissions Poster Coum Transmissions
Opportunity Knocks Flyer Coum Transmissions
Oreiginal Telegram Show Offer 1981 for Roma to Peter Christopherson Throbbing Gristle
original COum Archive Photo of Gen Collage Coum Transmissions
Original Ministry Of AntiSocial Insecurty Form Coum Transmissions
Original Mockup signed and stamped later Coum Transmissions
original Penis Postcard Coum Transmissions
original photo to postcard Throbbing Gristle
Overview of Live-Concerts 1978-1981 and early Clock DVA discography-attempt (by Steven O'Connor) Clock DVA
Overview Tapelabels in Germany from 1982 Graf Haufen
Performance Los Angeles 1976. Report in Curtains Mag Coum Transmissions
Personality card 1981 Throbbing Gristle
Peter Christopherson in front of TG Symbol Throbbing Gristle
Phone (Printed Editions / Kontext Publications) Jackson Mac Low
Photo of members Throbbing Gristle
photo of the original cover of the Since the Accident cassette with clip board today courtesy of Bruce Dale a friend of Paul Gough (Pimmon/Yclept Dinmakers) Severed Heads
Photos LA performance Coum Transmissions
Photos of Actions 1973-76 for Galeria Akumulatory 2 Coum Transmissions
Photos of Actions 1973-76 for Galeria Akumulatory 2. (original unsigned edition) Coum Transmissions
pictures of Carlos Alvarado Via Lactea Pin Sixth Comm
Pin 1 (Industrial Music) Throbbing Gristle
Pin 2 (TG Logo red) Throbbing Gristle
Pin 3 (TG Logo red with symbol) Throbbing Gristle
Pin 4 (TG with white symbol) Throbbing Gristle
Plastic Logo to San Francisco Gig at KEZAR Throbbing Gristle
Portrait Photo Throbbing Gristle
Postcard Das Synthetische Mischgewebe
Postcard Coum Transmissions
Postcard 1979 Clock DVA
Postcard from 1979 Clock DVA
Postcards Nocturnal Emissions
Poster Voldarepet
Poster 1981-05-29 USA-California-San Francisco Kezar Pavilion Throbbing Gristle
Poster and Promo Pseudo Elektronixx
Poster Butler's Warf 23th December 1979 Throbbing Gristle
Poster by Genesis P Orridge (Assume Power Focus) Throbbing Gristle
Poster Centro Iberico Throbbing Gristle
Poster Centro Iberico Throbbing Gristle
Poster Clock DVA Live Sheffield University, Bar 2, 13th November 1979 Clock DVA
Poster for 19th May 1979 Manchester Factory Throbbing Gristle
Poster for 20 Jazz Funk Greats Throbbing Gristle
Poster for Control Agents to Throbbing Gristle - Brighton Polytech (26 March 1977) Throbbing Gristle
Poster for December 1982 Concert with O Yuki Conjugate and 391 38th Parallel
Poster for Galerie S:t Petri Archive of Experimental and Marginal Art, 1978, Lund, Sweden Coum Transmissions
Poster for Live at Chevron Necropolis Aug.1.1984 Severed Heads
Poster for TG's second Gig at Hat Fare Winchester of August 1976 Throbbing Gristle
Poster Goldsmith College Throbbing Gristle
Poster industrial Records Present a Final Solution for your LEAP YEAR SURPRISE Throbbing Gristle
Poster Kezar Pavillion Golden Gate Park 29th May 1981 Throbbing Gristle
Poster Live 3.March 1978 Architectural Association Throbbing Gristle
Poster Live Atmosphere March 18th Clock DVA
Poster Live HEAVEN 23.December 1980 Throbbing Gristle
Poster London Scala Cinema 1980-02-29 Throbbing Gristle
Poster Mayor I may resign Throbbing Gristle
Poster Oundle School 16th March 1980 Throbbing Gristle
Poster Severed Heads and Mice Against God at ICE January 1981 Severed Heads
Poster Throbbing Gristle At the Air Gallery/Winchester 6th July 1976 Throbbing Gristle
Poster to Sedition Festival 1983 incl Severed Heads Severed Heads
Poster University London 1980 Clock DVA
Poster with Metabolist and Religious Overdose Clock DVA
Poster: Severed Heads and Hiroshima Chair at Exiles Book Shop 1982 Severed Heads
Poster: with Negative Reaction at Institute of Contemporary Events - ICE (1st SH live show, Man of My Dreams performed) Severed Heads
Postmodern Phone Art Ubaldo Giacomucci
Press Clipping to 3rd performance at Nag's Head Wycombe, 11 February 1977 Throbbing Gristle
Press Clippings Throbbing Gristle
Press Clippings to Prostitution Show at ICA Throbbing Gristle
Press Clips 79/80 Throbbing Gristle
Press Map Anna Homler
Press Release Sub Human Adrenalin Throbbing Gristle
Press-clipping in Sounds 26.Nov 1977 (Sandy Robertson Article) Throbbing Gristle Private view card for 'Prostitution' an exhibition by Coum Transmissions at the ICA 18th October 1976 Coum Transmissions
Program 5 - Kopfstich Booklet Monochrome Bleu
Promo Das Synthetische Mischgewebe
Promo for collaboration with Steve Roach Mark Shreeve
Promo for collar with Mark Shreeve Steve Roach
Promo Info-Sheet to Journey Through a Body Lp Throbbing Gristle
Promo Map Chrome
Promo Postcard to Simon Fords "Wreckers of Civilisation Book" Throbbing Gristle
Promo Poster for Apocalyso A Gogo Nocturnal Emissions
Promo Poster to "Mutant Generation" Kevin Lazar
Promo Text 1982 Ken Moore
Promo-Poster for three Industrial releases Throbbing Gristle Prostituion Info Sheet Coum Transmissions
Prostitution Poster Coum Transmissions
Prostitution Poster IVA 1976 Coum Transmissions
prostitution Show Flyer Coum Transmissions
Prostitution Show Flyer, Presccutting, Invitation Coum Transmissions
Prostitution Show Invitation Card Coum Transmissions
Prostitution Walkerprint publicity card /press cuttings) / invitation and announcement and ticket Coum Transmissions
PTI Infosheet and Photo Clock DVA
PtĂŽse Interview in ADN by Takuya Sakaguchi PtĂŽse Production
Publicity Card signed Throbbing Gristle
Rafters Poster and Ticket signed Throbbing Gristle
Ramleh in Maelzel No.3 Ramleh
Rat Club Poster 22 May, 1977 Throbbing Gristle
Rectum As Inner Space (Made on a Bed of Lies) Postcard (part of Image bank Postcard Set) Coum Transmissions
Rectum As Inner Space Poster (Maid on a Bed of Lies) Coum Transmissions
Red Eye open Performance Mar.3 1984 Severed Heads
REMEMBER âEDNA AND THEE GREAT SURFERSâ Extra Long Tail Postcard Coum Transmissions
Review Loubi Stem by Tony Bingham Ken Moore
Review Sheet John Di Stefano
Review Tempus Fugit and Sense of Recreation John Dilberto for Express 1981 Ken Moore
Review Tempus Fugit by Tony Bingham Ken Moore
Review To come Into Being Thom Holmes Ken Moore
Reviww to ICA performance "Prostitution" in Stuggarter Tageszeitung Coum Transmissions Ritus 64 Graf Haufen
ROCKSTAR N. 12, Sept 1981, Actual media, Roma, Italy, p. 14: Red Ronnie, Throbbing Gristle (re TG end) Throbbing Gristle
Sacred Music from the Death Factory envelope Throbbing Gristle
Scenes of Victory 1973-77 Invitation-flyer for Vernissage at Atelier Milchstrasse, Freiburg Coum Transmissions
Scraptures British Columbia Monthly Vol.III No4 bpNichol
Scratch Anthology of Compositions Scratch Orchestra
Second Annual Report Sticker Throbbing Gristle
selected Industrial Records Press Clippings Throbbing Gristle
selected photos Larry Wendt
selected Pins and Badges by TG, PTV, Coum Throbbing Gristle
Selected postcards and posters etc Coum Transmissions
selected Press Cuttings Poster ICA October 1976 Throbbing Gristle
selected press to the Prositition event Coum Transmissions
selected Throbbing Gristle and related Shirts from Jordi Valls Throbbing Gristle
Selected Works Larry Wendt
Selected Writings (compiled and scanned by Simon Dell) Coum Transmissions
Self-Portrait in Robin Crozier Mail-Art-Mag "Portraits" of 1976 Coum Transmissions
Selten Gehörte Musik (Oswald Wiener, Gerhard RĂŒhm, DIeter ROth, GĂŒnther Brus, Hermann Nitsch) 1974 Various
Sense of Recreation Friday reviews Bingham OP1981 Ken Moore
Setlist for Reunion Show Throbbing Gristle
Sev Com Communications Booklet 3 Severed Heads
Sev Com Communications Booklet 4 Severed Heads
Sev Com Communications Booklet 5 Severed Heads
Sev Com Communications Booklet 6 Severed Heads
several Concert Flyers Throbbing Gristle
Several pomp-letters to Yog Music and More No Unauthorized
several Promo and Infosheets Alien Planetscapes
Several Promosheets Robert Rich
Several Video-Tapes Throbbing Gristle
Severed Communications Update 5.1 Severed Heads
Severed Heads - Nothing on 45 Handbill November 1983 Severed Heads
Severed Heads / Scattered Order concert poster, 13.08.1983, Sidney/Australia Severed Heads
Severed Heads and Negative Reaction at Filmmakers 1981 . 18/19th of July 1981 Severed Heads
Severed Heads Concert-Poster Live Breda 25.10.1984 Severed Heads
Severed Heads Hand Out 1982 Severed Heads
Severed Heads live to Air on Green Tea Poster Severed Heads
Severed Heads Necropolis Hand Bill August 1983 Severed Heads
Severed Heads Rocket Summer Handout April 1982 Severed Heads
Severed Heads Trade Union Club Handout January 1984 Severed Heads
Severed Heads Trade Union Club Handout November 1983 Severed Heads
short Biography and Bio 1986 Larry Wendt
signed Hotel Room Publicity Card Throbbing Gristle
Signed Inserts to 24 Hour Tape-Box-Set Throbbing Gristle
Signed Sheet for Rafters (never again....) Throbbing Gristle
Silver Weddings Coum Transmissions
Simon, Judd and Adi Clock DVA at The Limit 1978-07-25 Clock DVA
six black and white photographs of environs of Hackney Throbbing Gristle
Skinny Puppy / Severed Heads - Dig It Bigot 1986 tour poster Severed Heads
Slug Bait Flyer Throbbing Gristle
SO36 Poster Throbbing Gristle
some pre-TG / Coum related Coum Transmissions
Somnility Promo to Tape Tom Gulch Songs Of Love And Revolution Nocturnal Emissions
Songs of Love and Revolution Promo Photo Nocturnal Emissions
Sound Poems for an Era of Reduced Expectations (Lucarini Editore) Larry Wendt
Sound Poetry Now: The 1978 Toronto Festival Larry Wendt
Special in Den Allierte Sardin 7 Absolute Controlled Clinical Maniacs
Stadtfest Rottweil 1974 Festival Flyer incl Coum Coum Transmissions
Sticker Another View
Sticker 'Music from the Death factory' to backside of Second Annual Report Throbbing Gristle
Sticker Music from the Death Factory and TG Logo Sticker Throbbing Gristle
Sticker TG Throbbing Gristle
Stickers: "COUM YOUR LOCAL DIRTY BANNED" and COUM "Guarantee Disappointment" Coum Transmissions
Studies towards a Portrait (Lobby Press) Paul Buck
STUDIO INTERNATIONAL Vol. 191 no. 981 may-june 1976, Studio International, London: Coum Transmissions
STUDIO INTERNATIONAL Vol. 192 no. 982 july-aug 1976, Studio International, London: Coum Transmissions
STUDIO INTERNATIONAL Vol. 192 no. 982 july-aug 1976, Studio International, London: Hugh Adams: Against a Definitive Statement on British Performance Art. Coum Transmissions
Synthesis Info Peter Kaminski
Synthesizermusik und Live-Elektronik: Geschichtliche, technologische, kompositorische und pÀdagogische Aspekte der elektronischen Musik Various
T-Gasm Issue 1 Throbbing Gristle
T-Gasm Issue 3 Throbbing Gristle
T-Gasm No.1-5 Throbbing Gristle T-Shirt Severed Heads
Tapes Flyer Rik Rue
Teenage Sex Ubaldo Giacomucci
Tempus fugit in Eurock 1980 Ken Moore
Text Facts Throbbing Gristle
TG Buttons (each) Throbbing Gristle
TG Christmas Greetings to Monte Throbbing Gristle
TG Enamels (not TG but Townswomen Guild) Throbbing Gristle
TG Heaven Video Bootleg COver Throbbing Gristle
TG in Melodie Maker 23-12-78 Throbbing Gristle
TG in SpÀt aber Doch Throbbing Gristle
TG Interview (Part 1) with Genesis P Orridge in AURA Issue 1 Throbbing Gristle
TG Patches Throbbing Gristle
TG Questionnaire Throbbing Gristle
TG Sticker Throbbing Gristle
TG with Robert Rental the Normal Cabaret Voltaire and Metabolist at the Crypt 11.11.1980 Throbbing Gristle
The Albums Promo-Sheet Severed Heads
The Cassandra Complex Lyrics 1984-89 Cassandra Complex
The Industrial Revolution Sounds 1980 Throbbing Gristle
The MF Chronicle Coum Transmissions
The Neon Judgement Releases Info The Neon Judgement
The New Product Info 1981 Clock DVA
The Notebooks (Membrane Press) Jerome Rothenberg
The Pronouns (Station Hill) Jackson Mac Low
The Pronouns - a collection of 40 dances Jackson Mac Low
the Rationales (NMA Publications) Chris Mann
The TG Catalogue by Flowmotion Records Throbbing Gristle
The Tiwn Plays (Great Baer Pamphlet) Jackson Mac Low
the Virginia Woolf Poems (Burning Deck) Jackson Mac Low
The Voice of Larry Wendt Poster Larry Wendt
Thirst Studio-Lyric-Sheets Clock DVA
Throbbing Gristle Forgive Us Our Synths Sounds 1981 Throbbing Gristle
Throbbing Gristle Pin Throbbing Gristle
Throbbing Gristle Promo-Poster (A Riot of Laughter) Throbbing Gristle
Throbbing Gristle Psychic Youth Rally at Thee Lyceum 8th February 1981 Throbbing Gristle
Throbbing Gristle Publicity Card, hotel room. 302 x 211 mm. Throbbing Gristle
Ticket for Northampton Guildhall Throbbing Gristle
Tide of Availability (Pressed Curtains performance series) Paul Buck
To Come Review by Carlberg in Polyphony 1981 Ken Moore
Tourposter "Entertaining the World" Tottenham Throbbing Gristle, Monte Cazzaza, Leather Nun Throbbing Gristle
Tract Volume 1 Nr.1 (May 1982) Nocturnal Emissions
Transmedia (pre Coum Transmissions) Pictures and Documents Coum Transmissions
tuesday Chris Mann
Two Concert Posters Throbbing Gristle
two original Shirts Throbbing Gristle
Two Stickers (TG Symbol and Assume) Throbbing Gristle
United / Zyklon B Lyric Sheet (came with early versions of United / Zyklon B 7inch) Throbbing Gristle
United / Zyklon B Promo Flyer Throbbing Gristle
United / Zyklon B Promo Poster Throbbing Gristle
University of london Poster Clock DVA
V/S USA Address Listing Margaret Freeman
VEC Audio Associated Artists: Directory of adresses VEC Audio Associated Artists
very early Graf Haufen Label-Overview Graf Haufen
very early Promo Nightcrawlers
Veterans Auditorium 5-22-1981 Vox Pop Flyer Throbbing Gristle
Via Lactea in Eurock Via Lactea
Vice Versa 1st fifteen mins advert Vice Versa
Vice Versa and Human League Poster Vice Versa
Vice Versa in NME 1980 Vice Versa
Vice Versa in Spex 1980 Vice Versa
Vice Versa in Strange Sounds Number 1 Vice Versa Vice Versa in ZigZag 1978 Vice Versa
Vice Versa Information Jazz Drugs Vice Versa
Vice Versa NT002 Datapack Vice Versa
Vice Versa search for visuals operator Vice Versa
Victims of.. Throbbing Gristle
Vile International Postcard. Undated postcard (circa 1977). Coum Transmissions
Vintage Photo in Hotel Room (standing) Throbbing Gristle
Vintage Throbbing Gristle âDeath Factoryâ Black and White photograph by Monte Cazazza. 10 x 8 inches. Circa 1977-78. Throbbing Gristle
Vocable Gestures: A Hitorical Survey of Sound Poetry Larry Wendt / Stephen Ruppenthal
Wakefield Poster (designed by Monte Cazazza) Throbbing Gristle
Walter Hartmann Archiv pictures Throbbing Gristle
We Cast Tall Shows (unreleased Lp-Prototype) Clock DVA
Wechselwirkung INserts/Info Giancarlo Toniutti
What has COUM to mean booklet Coum Transmissions
White Souls 78/79 Promo Clock DVA
Winston Spencer Churchill supergroup event 1973 Coum Transmissions Word for word (Christine, New York) Chris Mann
Wreckers of Civilisation Throbbing Gristle
Wreckers of Civilisation Invitation Card for Book by Simon Ford Coum Transmissions
You Suck Graf Haufen
âCOUM are KINKY!!â Poster Coum Transmissions
âE HATE COUMâ publicity card, Coum Transmissions
âWeepingâ Lyrics by Throbbing Gristle 1978. A4 Vintage photocopy, age related tanning and couple of small rust marks on verso. Throbbing Gristle
ÂŽTicket for Centro Iberico gig 21st January 1979. 110 x 57 mm Throbbing Gristle
Related Labels
Can-CanRelated Labels Persons
Gerd NeumannRelated Labels-Literature
Audio Associated Directly of Vec Artists VEC Audio
Bain Total - Bulletin Adhesion Bain Total
Bain Total - Catalog 1 Bain Total
Bain Total - Catalog 1987 Bain Total
Bain Total - Catalog 4 Bain Total
Bain Total - Catalog 5 Bain Total
Bain Total - Catalog 7 Bain Total
Bain Total - early Flyer Bain Total
Bain Total - Shaved Girls Bain Total
Bain Total Blue Catalog and more from 1987 to 90 Bain Total
Bain Total Logo catalog Bain Total
Bain Total Press Kit 1983 Bain Total
Bain Total Promo Flyers and Stikcers and Infos Bain Total
Bain Total selected Photos Bain Total Banned Productions Label-Catalogue Banned Production
Can-Can Label Overview Can-Can
Centre of Gravity Add Stride
Concert Poster Bain Total
COnventional News 03 Conventional Tapes
Conventional News 04 The End of an Error Conventional Tapes
DD. Records Product Overview 001-100 DD. Records
DD. Records Product Overview 101-200 DD. Records Early Overview Bain Total
early Tape-Overview with Non Toxique Lost (NTL) Can-Can
Factshee Fac. 2A Factory
Graph 01 Bain Total
Graph 02 Bain Total
Graph 03 (Throbbing Gristle Special) Bain Total
Graph X Bain Total
Handwritten Info Sheet Skating Pears
Howard Comic Conventional Tapes
Letter International Terrorist Network (I.T.N.)
Letter From Label Manager Skating Pears
Overview Peal Of Label
Overview Das Cassetten Combinat
Photos Bain Total
Poster Das Cassetten Combinat
Poster Bain Total
Product Overview Can-Can
Promo Info Bain Total
Promo Sheet for 4 new Tape-releases Conventional Tapes
Promo-Sheet Conventional Tapes
Raison X (Bain Total Productions G06) Bain Total
selected Postcards Bain Total
selected Posters Bain Total
Sex and Bestiality Promo Bain Total
Skating Pears Product Overview Skating Pears Stimulus & Response 1 International Terrorist Network (I.T.N.)
Stimulus & Response 2 International Terrorist Network (I.T.N.)
Stimulus & Response 3 International Terrorist Network (I.T.N.)
Stride Publications 1983 Stride
Vertraue Uns Poster Das Cassetten Combinat
Related Press & Organisations
AnthraciteAtlas AnthologyCurtainsDMA Festival BordeauxEletronotesEphemeraInternational AnthemJust Another AssholeMusicsPolyphonyRhinocerosS.I.N. (Sinthetic International Network)SoundingsSource: Music of the Avant GardeStabmentalSYNE (Newsletter)SYNEX (The Synthesizer Exchange Newsletter)Synthese Festival International de Musique Experimentale BourgesWest Coast International Sound Poetry FestivalRelated Press & Org Literature
Casual Abuse & The Fault Casual Abuse & The Fault (The Fault Press)
Cult No.1 Neue Deutsche Welle. Die jungen Wilden Cult
Culture - Post Mortem Culture
Safety Curtain Curtains A Range of Curtains Curtains
Curtains No.1 Curtains
Split Curtains Curtains
Curtains No 4 Curtains
Velvet Curtains Curtains
bal:le:d Curtains Curtains
Curtain-Raiser Curtains
Upside down Curtains & Appendages Curtains Curtains Curtains
French Curtains Curtains A Supplement to Split Curtains Curtains
Curtains, le prochain step Curtains
early Overview Curtains Curtains in the Meantime Curtains
Drawn Curtains Curtains
Group Photo DMA DMA Festival Bordeaux
DMA Festival 1984 and 85 DMA Festival Bordeaux Ephemera 08 Ephemera
Ephemera 04 Ephemera
Ephemera 05 Ephemera
Ephemera 02 Ephemera
Ephemera 10 Ephemera
Ephemera 12 Ephemera
Ephemera 06 Ephemera Ephemera 11 Ephemera
Ephemera 03 Ephemera
Ephemera 07 Ephemera
Ephemera 01 Ephemera
Ephemera 09 Ephemera
Just Another Asshole #6 Just Another Asshole
Percussion 'n' Improvising Poster London Musicians Collective
Musics 23 (November 1979) Musics
Musics 01 (April / May 1975) Musics
Musics 06 (February / March 1976) Musics
Musics 11 (February 1977) Musics
Musics 16 (February 1978) Musics
Musics 21 (March 1979) Musics
Musics 04 (October / November 1975) Musics
Musics 09 (September 1976) Musics
Musics 14 (October 1977) Musics
Musics 19 (September 1978) Musics
Musics 02 (June / July 1975) Musics
Musics 07 (April / May 1976) Musics
Musics 12 (May 1977) Musics
Musics 17 (March 1978) Musics
Musics 22 (June 1979) Musics
Musics 05 (December 1975 / January 1976) Musics
Musics 10 (November 1976) Musics
Musics 15 (December 1977) Musics
Musics 20 (December 1978) Musics
Musics 03 (August / September 1975) Musics
Musics 08 (July 1976) Musics
Musics 13 (August 1977) Musics
Musics 18 (July 1978) Musics
Rhinoceros 63 Rhinoceros
Rhinoceros 09 Rhinoceros
Soundings No.12 Soundings
Soundings No.07/08 Soundings
Soundings No.16 Soundings
Soundings No.09 Soundings
Soundings No.01 Soundings Soundings No.05 Soundings
Soundings No.11 Soundings
Soundings No.13: The Music of James Tenney Soundings
Soundings No.06 Soundings
Soundings No.03/04 Soundings Soundings No.02 Soundings Soundings No.14/15 Soundings
Soundings No.10 Soundings
Soundings: Ives, Ruggles, VarĂšse Soundings
Magic Animals Soundings Book 3 Soundings
Source: Music Of The Avant Garde Issue Number 11 Source: Music of the Avant Garde
Source: Music Of The Avant Garde Issue Number 02 Source: Music of the Avant Garde
Source: Music Of The Avant Garde Issue Number 09 (with 2x10") Source: Music of the Avant Garde
Source: Music Of The Avant Garde Issue Number 10 Source: Music of the Avant Garde
Source: Music Of The Avant Garde Issue Number 04 (with 2x10") Source: Music of the Avant Garde
Source: Music Of The Avant Garde Issue Number 03 Source: Music of the Avant Garde
Source: Music Of The Avant Garde Issue Number 10 Source: Music of the Avant Garde
Source: Music Of The Avant Garde Issue Number 01 Source: Music of the Avant Garde
Source: Music of the Avant Garde Issue Number 06 Source: Music of the Avant Garde
Source: Music Of The Avant Garde Issue Number 07 / 08 (with 2x10") Source: Music of the Avant Garde
Source: Music of the Avant Garde Promo to Issue Number 4-10 Source: Music of the Avant Garde
Source: Music Of The Avant Garde Issue Number 05 Source: Music of the Avant Garde
Stabmental 02 Stabmental
Stabmental 03 Stabmental
The Stabmental Tape List Stabmental
Stabmental 04/05 Stabmental
Stabmental 07 Stabmental
Stabmental 01 Stabmental
Stabmental 06 Stabmental
SYNE INTRODUCTION AND LETTER TO ROBERT CARLBERG SYNE (Newsletter) SYNE 1980 No.01/02 SYNE (Newsletter) Syne September 1980 (Syne Vol.4 No.2) SYNE (Newsletter) SYNE 1981 No.3 (Syne Vol.5 No.3) SYNE (Newsletter)
SYNE 1983 No.6 SYNE (Newsletter)
SYNE 1982 No.5 (05/82) SYNE (Newsletter)
SYNE 1979 No.10 (Volume 1 No.10 October) SYNE (Newsletter)
SYNE 1982 No.3 (3/82) SYNE (Newsletter) SYNE 1980 No.6 (Syne Vol.3 No.3) SYNE (Newsletter)
Syne January 1981 (Syne Vol.5 No.1) SYNE (Newsletter)
SYNE 1981 No.7 (Syne Vol.5 No.7/8) SYNE (Newsletter) SYNE 1985 No.1 (Interview w/Peter Kaminski by Lauri Paisley) SYNE (Newsletter)
SYNE Winter 1985 SYNE (Newsletter) SYNE 1980 No.4 (Syne Vol.3 No.1) SYNE (Newsletter)
Syne October 1980 (Syne Vol.4 No.3) SYNE (Newsletter)
SYNE 1981 No.4 (Syne Vol.5 No.4/5) SYNE (Newsletter)
SYNE 1982 No.6-8 (Syne 06-7-8 82) SYNE (Newsletter)
SYNE September 1984 SYNE (Newsletter)
SYNE 1979 No.7 (Volume 1 No.7/8) SYNE (Newsletter)
SYNE 1982 No.1 (2/82) SYNE (Newsletter) SYNE 1980 No.7 (Syne Vol.4 No.1) SYNE (Newsletter)
SYNE 1981 No.2 (Syne Vol.5 No.2) SYNE (Newsletter)
SYNE 1984 No.12 SYNE (Newsletter)
SYNE 1982 No.4 (4(82) SYNE (Newsletter) SYNE 1984 No.2 Newsletter Jim Finch, Lauri Paisley, Ken Moore) SYNE (Newsletter)
SYNE 1985 No.3 SYNE (Newsletter)
SYNE 1979 No.11 (Volume 1 No 10/11) SYNE (Newsletter)
SYNE 1982 No.1 (01/82) SYNE (Newsletter) SYNE 1980 No.5 (Syne Vol.3 No.2) SYNE (Newsletter)
SYNE 1980 No.11 (Syne Vol.4 No.4) SYNE (Newsletter)
SYNE 1981 No.6 (Syne Vol.5 No.6) SYNE (Newsletter) SYNE 1986 No.1 full size (Interview w/Steve Kellogg by Lauri Paisley) SYNE (Newsletter)
SYNE 1984 No.3 SYNE (Newsletter)
Zweitschrift 06 How to write in Bielefeld und anderswo Verlag Zweitschrift
Vital 2 Vital
West Coast International Sound Poetry Festival 1977 West Coast International Sound Poetry Festival
ZfT&T 21: Franz-Josef Weber (D) Zeitschrift fĂŒr Tiegel & Tumult (ZfT&T)