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Sketchbook Part Six - Skizzenbuch Teil Neun

Artist: Erik Mälzner

Year: 1988
Country: Germany
Label: No Edition
Catalog No: No Edition Band 46
Format: Tape



live basic tracks and radio tapes recorded in New York

added with tapes / computer / drum computer / sound sampling / discs / synthesizer / e-guitar


hast mich geriefen / wus is / wer hat es dir gesoagt / und jetzt sorgt sich jeder für sich in die Welt hat man vergessen / meine Trächen hat ken Mensch nich gesehn / a bittere Zeit /


next morning I saw the mirror / it was not me / I saw words and many little pictures / ejaculated by my brain / the word revenge / a friendship card / inflamed with a feeling of nothing / little toys / linguistic signs / a torch / the idea of her / a complex organisation of rhythmically pattern and individually structured language / and behind / trashy sunday night snack and reference books / wrote by dilettante / interrelationship between torso and a half length portrait / a japanese word spelled / h / o / s / u / t / e / s / u / passport photos of persons I don't know / and around / thousands of little grey flies / it was in a rut / the flies around and a fancy dress / no reflex action / a death certificate / nothing refers to the creative power of the mind to form or recall an image of external objects in my mind /


da ji bau fu / da kai tian chuang shuo liang hua / pao zhuan yin yu / cu bu ji fang / shen bu zhi / gui bu juo / gai tou huan mian / ping shi bu shao xiang / ji lai bao fo jiao / xiao bu ren ze luan da mou / yi tui wei jin / an song qiu bo an song qiu bo an song qiu bo / an bing bu dong an bing bu dong an bing bu dong / an song  qiu bo an song qiu bo an song qiu bo / an bing bu dong an bing bu dong an bing bu dong


the uninhibited sentimentality of the nude study is unfashionable compared to some of the more erotic treatments now prevalent / but its undoubted charm and directness may be explained by the fact that the model is his younger sister /

when a mood is created by music and we then expect / from experience / particular kinds of optical information / our imagination or phantasy runs wild / that means / that our attitude is one increased expectation / a kind of emotional tension / which is either quenched or confirmed by the pictures as they appear /

he had bound his model with string and placed her in a specially made box / tired from keeping still for so long / she set about unravelling her bonds to free herself /






Original Basis-Aufnahmen und Radio-Bänder aufgenommen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und in der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik

ergänzt mit Tonbändern / Schlagzeug / Elektronenrechner / Stimme / Geräuschproben / Schallplatten / künstlichem Klangerzeuger / Schlagwerk


flieg Maikäfer flieg / das Wissen von der mehrwertigen Logik / das Wissen von den Hörfunkprogrammen / das Wissen von der Daktylologie / das Wissen von dem Swing / das Wissen von der starken und schwachen Wechselwirkung / das Wissen von den Computermodellen für Selbstorganisation und Selbstreproduktion / das Wissen von den linearen und den zellulären Automaten / das Wissen von der positio aversa und der positio obversa / graue Jacken / graue Jacken / graue Jacken / flieg Maikäfer flieg