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Steve Moore

Gender: Male
Country: United Kingdom
Description: A Scottish composer (a psychologist by training) exploring experimental post-industrial areas. Artistically active since 1980, initially with a number of obscure rock bands, he went on to work solo under his own name, producing structurally elaborate, lyrical pieces based on electroacoustic collages echoing the academic avant-garde of electronic music. He was deft at fusing natural field recordings with the sterile sound of synthesi- zers or traditional acoustic instruments, including the violin, saxophone, horns, with both female vocals and enigmatic tunes. Thematically, his work revolved around psychoanalytical study of human personality, archetypal human behaviour and unrestrained desires. In 1990, he briefly operated his own label INNER EAR RECORDINGS, but in the same year he definitely terminated his musical activities, unsatisfied with the minuscule feedback for his work. Discography: The Return Of The Poet (Mirage 1983) tape A Quiet Gathering (ReR Megacorp 1988) LP The Way In (Inner Ear Recordings 1990) tape The Threshold Of Liberty (Inner Ear Recordings 1990) tape