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The Grief

Alias: Grief
Gender: Male
Country: France
This band was born in the city of Saint-Malo, France in the 80s. In 1984, The Grief emerged from the ashes of Döppler-Fizeau (a notable first part of Ubik (10) - Surf to their active), with a line-up as follow: Jean-Louis Morgère a.k.a JLM on machines and bass, Jean-Philippe Guihard a.k.a JPG for backing vocals and homemade Super8 visuals, and Jean-Yves Delamer a.k.a JYD on vocals. To release their records, they create the label Les Nourritures Terrestres, an homage to the 1897 poem of André Gide, French writer and winner of literature Nobel prize in 1947. Jean-Louis is now a producer, therefore he adopts his alias Norscq. In 1986, they get a distribution from Danceteria, therefore start touring all over Europe, and in 1991 they'll even play at La Route Du Rock. In 1992, the band splits definitely.