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VEC Audio

Years running:
Country: Netherlands
VEC Audio is run by mail artist Rod Summers. His SUblabels/Editions were VEC Audio Editions and VEC Audio Exchange. The intention of the VEC AUDIO EXCHANGE is to inform artists working with the medium audio about the contemporary situation. A mastertape programme is compiled by copying extracts from audio works received onto open reel tape which is then edited to fulfil form and time requirements. Realtime cassette copies of the mastertapes are made one at a time to order up to a total edition of 150. Four different programmes are published annually, each one featuring the works of approximately twenty artists. THE PROGRAMMES ARE AVAILABLE BY EXCHANGE. ONE PROGRAMME IN EXCHANGE FOR AN AUDIO WORK FROM YOU. Your cassette or tape will NOT be returned but will be included in the archive. If TECHNICALLY POSSIBLE an extract of UP TO six minutes of your work go onto the following programme. In exchange for the audio works you send you will receive a copy of the latest programme unless you specify otherwise. Once an artist has a work in the archive the other programmes are available to him/ her in exchange for blank cassettes OR new works OR (cassette+postage) per programme. The VEC AUDIO EXCHANGE is a non-profit making, non-subsidised, artist initiative. 25 copies of each programme are for sale at ;f20;DM20 per copy. -- Rod Summers, Maastricht 1978