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Artist: Der Künftige Musikant
Year: 1982
Country: Germany
Label: Bubu Musikverbreitung
Catalog No: Bubu Musikverbreitung, none, Schrott, none, Was Soll Denn Dass, none
Format: Vinyl 7"

Seite A | ||
A1 | Warten Auf Das Große Ha-Ha | |
A2 | Zu Tot Um Zu Sterben | |
A3 | Es Ist Kalt | |
A4 | Ja Ja | |
Seite 1 | ||
B1 | Die Doofe(n) Lawine(n) | |
B2 | Mein Freund | |
B3 | Ich Bin Zu Weit Weg Für Dich | |
B4 | Laluna |
Companies, etc.
- Produced For – Was Soll Denn Dass
- Composed By [Gemacht], Performer [Gespielt] – Musikanten*
- Producer – Mike Just, Rolf Schobert
Released by "Cooperation zur erhaltung des abendländischen Liedgutes" (transl.: "Co-operation for conservation of western songs").
Recorded in March 1982
Limited to 200 hand-numbered copies (number found on the Side A label). Includes folded A4 sized, photocopied, single-sided insert with credits and lyrics (in German and English!).
The cover consists of two photocopies.
Side A is referred to as "Seite a", while side B is referred to as "Seite 1".
The back cover features the project name "Der Lustige Musikant" with "Lustige" replaced with "Künftige".
Also released together with the cassette compilation Spring Doch in a limited edition of 50 copies with red cover and photo insert.
The label "Schrott" is not listed as such on the release.
Recorded in March 1982
Limited to 200 hand-numbered copies (number found on the Side A label). Includes folded A4 sized, photocopied, single-sided insert with credits and lyrics (in German and English!).
The cover consists of two photocopies.
Side A is referred to as "Seite a", while side B is referred to as "Seite 1".
The back cover features the project name "Der Lustige Musikant" with "Lustige" replaced with "Künftige".
Also released together with the cassette compilation Spring Doch in a limited edition of 50 copies with red cover and photo insert.
The label "Schrott" is not listed as such on the release.
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