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White Colours (featuring Monty Cantsin)

Gender: Male
Country: Germany
A multiple-use name, without any close ties to any particular artist, associated with NEOISM, it was first used in 1978 by mail artist David ZACK as a pseudonym for a Latvian poet and vocalist Maris KUNDZIS. Over the 1980s and 1990s it was employed by a number of artists of diverse fields and genres, including Vittore BARONI, GRAF HAUFEN, and The HATERS. The one who is most associated with it is a Hungarian multimedia perfor- mance artist Istva?n ”AMEN!” KA?NTOR (b. 1949), renowned for his para- theatrical performances in which he splattered his blood over the walls, canvas and the audience to the backdrop of his own music spanning elec- tronic pop, new wave, and the industrial avant-garde of rock music. With time he became the central figure of the NEOISM movement, in terms of both artistic and promotional activities. In the early 2000s he founded a body art collective MACHINE SEX ACTION GROUP. Its S/M cyber-futurist shows are concerned with complex transcendental relations between the human body and technological progress. It frequently employs radical shock tactics, resorting even to vandalism, which in many cases related to his being banned from performing in public venues. Selected discography: Neoist Songs (Yul Records 1983) 12” EP Mass Media (Yul Records 1984) 12” EP split with DAS SYNTHETISCHE MISCHGEWEBE Blood & Gold - Propaganda (Artcore Editions 1987) tape Born Again In Flames (Maldoror Records 1987) 12” EP