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Erik Vloeberghs
Incomplete Discography of Erik Vloeberghs (by Kristoffer Westin)
1.Long-Play cassette releases credited to Angst and Erik Vloeberghs
2.Groups + Groups Vloeberghs been mistaken for participating in
3.Compilation appearances
4.Label catalogues of Geef Appel Neem Chocolade and Gezonde Boerse Copulaties
1.Long-Play cassette releases credited to Angst or Erik Vloeberghs
-Angst (Geef Appel Neem Chocolade, ZZ ZZZ 02), C60, 1982. Re-released as De Kreet on Gezonde Boerse Copulaties (02), unknown year. Also re-released as De Kreet (third re-release) by Kubus Kassettes (GBC 02), unknown year.
-Muziek Voor Zelfmoorden (Geef Appel Neem Chocolade, ZZ ZZZ 03), C90+3xC60, 1982. Re-released by Kubus Kassettes (ZZ ZZZ 03), C90+3xC60, unknown year. Note: Danny van Looy contributes on one or two titles according to Vloeberghs.
-Angst Levend (Geef Appel Neem Chocolade, ZZ ZZZ 04), unknown length, 1982(?). Note: unconfirmed if this is correct.
-Live (Geef Appel Neem Chocolade, ZZ ZZZ 06), C60, 1983(?). Re-released by Kubus Kassettes (ZZ ZZZ 06), C60, unknown year. Note: Unconfirmed if it was issued as ”Live” on Geef Appel Neem Chocolade.
-Last Exercise in Self-Destruction (Geef Appel Neem Chocolade, ZZ ZZZ 07). Note: first tape as Angst according to Club Moral Stocklist — appear to be a wrong assumption. Vloeberghs himself contributed the info on the cat#.
-De Witte Villa (Geef Appel Neem Chocolade, ZZ ZZZ 08), C60, unknown year. Re-released by Kubus Kassettes (ZZ ZZZ 08), C60, unknown year.
-De Kreet (Gezonde Boerse Copulaties, 02), C60, unknown year. Re-release of the self-titled tape on Geef Appel Neem Chocolade (ZZ ZZZ 02). Also re-released as De Kreet on Kubus Kassettes (ZZ ZZZ 02).
-Strijd Tegen de Kerk (Gezonde Boerse Copulaties, GBC 04), C60, 1984. (Kubus Kassettes, GBC 04), C60, unknown year.
-Greatest Hits (Gezonde Boerse Copulaties, GBC 07), C90, 1983. From CM Stocklist: "Greatest Hits contains the best from earlier tapes Live and De Witte Villa on the previous label ZZ ZZZ as well as some unreleased older and new tracks.” I’ve been able to trace the original sources of nine tracks, presented below.
[First released on De Witte Villa (Geef Appel Neem Chocolade, ZZ ZZZ 08):
*A6, ”White Hell” (originally under the title ”Intro 'De Witte Ville'”)
*A11, ”There is a god, but where” (originally under the title: ”Er is 1 God (maar waar?)”)
*B2, ”Luc”
First released on Live (Geef Appel Neem Chocolade, ZZ ZZZ 06):
*A3, ”Fuck man music” (originally under the title: ”Paarmannetjesmuziek”)
*A4, ”Angst Disco Show”
*A9, ”Jules & Marie”
*A13, ”Sex with mussels” (originally under the title ”'s Nachts Bij De Mosseltent (Witte Villa - Mosseltent 12 Sep 1982)”)
*B9, ”Pushed in the dirt (I feel fine)” (originally under the title: ”Mogen Wij Nog Eens Een Paar Zonnige Uurtjes Genieten In Den Hof?”)
First released on the compilation-tape The Value Of Quality:
*B4, ”Rabies (Hydrophobia)”]
Angst & Danny Van Looy
-De Weg Naar De Hel (Gezonde Boerse Copulaties, GBC 08), C90, 1983.
-Koning Der God! (Gezonde Boerse Copulaties, GBC 10), C-60, unknown year. (Kubus Kassettes, GBC 10), C60, unknown year. According to CM stocklist this tape contain live recordings.
-Lies on 45 (Gezonde Boerse Copulaties, GBC 13), C30, 1983. (Kubus Kassettes, GBC 13), C30, unknown year.
-Hell Side (self-released), C90, unknown year. One tape in a series of four, the other three being: De Executie Van God, Een Dag in de Hel, and Cultural Ghetto. Erik Vloeberghs comment: ”’Hell Side’ is the title of one of the 4 solo tapes with songs sung in Dutch which I released at the same time. Maybe I can give the correct titles of the songs later - don't have them here where I now am.”
-De Executie Van God (self-released), unknown length & year. One tape in a series of four, the other three being: Hell Side, Een Dag in de Hel, and Cultural Ghetto.
-Een Dag in de Hel (self-released), unknown length & year. One tape in a series of four, the other three being: Hell Side, De Executie Van God, and Cultural Ghetto.
-Cultural Ghetto (self-released), unknown length & year. One tape in a series of four, the other three being: Hell Side, De Executie Van God, and Een Dag in de Hel.
-Master Hell Side (self-released), unknown length & year. According to discogs this tape was released under the name of Erik Vloeberghs (not Angst). Possibly the same tape as Hell Side, perhaps a master-tape?
2.Groups (in some cases unknown whether it’s a group or a solo project)
The Firing-Squad (Erik Vloeberghs, Jan Grietens, Herbert De Ryck)
-Pig And Face (Gezonde Boerse Copulaties, GBC 11), C60, 1984.
Kwajongens in Bloei (Erik Van Woensel, Wim Ceuppens, Erik Vloeberghs and Luc Van Den Bruel aka "E.Coli"), three tapes known to have been released:
-In Wording (Kwajongens in Bloei, KIB 1), unknown length, 1981. Source: CM stocklist. Note: Cat # unconfirmed.
-De Mars der Kwaadaardige Gezwellen (Kwajongens in Bloei, KIB 2), unknown length, 1981.
-Kousen Breien voor Melaatsen (Finger In The Dike, hole 009), C60, 1982. Note: according to CM stocklist a joint release — possibly addition of label and cat #: Kwajongens in Bloei, KIB 3 ; or Geef Appel Neem Chocolade, ZZ ZZZ 01.
The Parts (Erik Vloeberghs, Danny Devos & Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven)
-Auschwitz War Wunderbar! (Gezonde Boerse Copulaties, GBC 015), C60, 1984. Erik Vloeberghs comment: ”The Parts was not really a group. Danny Devos (DDV) and Annemie Van Kerckhoven 'AMVK) used my lyrics specially written for the occasion and performed them by themselves and I added solo synth titles which were added to the tape. The Parts never really played together. Later, DDV and AMVK kept performing some of my titles, sometimes together wirth for instance Mauro Pawlowski.”
Dansgroep De Knol (Erik Vloeberghs, Didi de Paris, Bert De Ryck)
-unknown contribution on the compilation tape De Heistse Zotten (Gezonde Boerse Copulaties, GBC 12), C-60, unknown year. Unknown track(s) by Dansgroep De Knol.
Groups Vloeberghs was mistaken for participating with:
TNA (unknown members)
-Hei Jullie! (Gezonde Boerse Copulaties, GBC 06), C90(?), unknown year. According to CM stocklist: ”another alter-ego of Erik Vloeberghs”. According to Vloeberghs himself, he was never involved in this group.
Vervreemding (unknown members —according to Vloeberghs himself, he was never involved in this group)
-De Gevolgen Van De Absolute Top (Unie van de Opposities Tegen, 006), C90, unknown year. Source: 433rpm blog, also available on youtube.
3.Compilation appearances
-Belgium Hometaping - Techno-Beauty (Magisch Theater self-released), unknown length & year.
Angst: one untitled track
Kwajongens in Bloei: two untitled tracks
-Blanco (Club Moral, CM16), C90 1982 ; (Club Moral self-released), C90 2003. Angst: untitled live performance.
-Brief Exclamations And Outbursts (Sex On Sunday, ST 4), 1983.
Angst: ”N.A.T.O.-Song (Excerpt)”.
-Evergreens Compilation Vol.1 (Central Tapes, CT 01), 1982.
Angst: ”De Wereld Zinkt In Afval”.
-Evergreens Compilation Vol.2 (Central Tapes, CT 04), C60 1983.
Angst: ”De Nieuwe Pastoor”.
The Parts: ”Marry It”.
The Firing Squad: ”Slow Death In The Parents House”.
-De Heistse Zotten (Gezonde Boerse Copulaties, GBC 12), C-60, april 1985 [release date according to the student magazine De Moeial, May 1985].
Erik Vloeberghs appear both as Angst and in the groups The Parts & Dansgroep De Knol.
-Propagandum (Staaltape, STAAL TAPE 00C) ; C90 1984, (Club Moral, CM43), C90 1984.
Angst: untitled live performance.
-Radio Mondain Den Haag - De Sessies #2 (TW, 1011), C92, unknown year.
Erik Vloeberghs: ”Robot”.
-The Value Of Quality (Aerosol P&P, AP 014), C60 1982.
Angst: ”Rabies” [also appeared on Greatest Hits].
-Vita Nova International (Vita Nova, VN 003), 1984.
Angst: ”De Wereld Zinkt In De Afval” [first appeared on Evergreens Compilation Vol.1] & ”De Nieuwe Pastoor” [first appeared on Evergreens Compilation Vol.2].
-Vorderingen (WW Tapes, wc 7), 2xk7, unknown length & year. Erik Vloeberghs: unknown tracks. Source: 433 rpm blog.
-Wij Zijn Belgie (Geef Appel Neem Chocolade, ZZ ZZZ 05), C90 1983, available in CM stocklist through Force Mental in the Jan-Feb 1983 issue ; (DELL' us Cassettes, DEX 2), C90 1984.
Angst: ”Een Eigen Vlaams Staat”.
4.Label catalogues of Geef Appel Neem Chocolade and Gezonde Boerse Copulaties
Geef Appel Neem Chocolade, also known as ZZ ZZZ (approx. 1982-83)
-ZZ ZZZ 01, unknown release
-ZZ ZZZ 02, Angst: Angst, C60, 1982.
-ZZ ZZZ 03, Angst: Muziek Voor Zelfmoorden, C90+3xC60, 1982.
-ZZ ZZZ 04, unknown release, Angst: ”Angst Levend” according to
-ZZ ZZZ 05, Wij Zijn Belgie (Geef Appel Neem Chocolade), C90, 1983. (Re-released by DELL' us Cassettes (DEX 2), 1984.)
-ZZ ZZZ 06, Angst: Live, C60, unknown year. (Re-released by Kubus Kassettes)
-ZZ ZZZ 07, Angst: Last Exercise in Self-Destruction. Note: Vloeberghs himself contributed the info on the cat#.
-ZZ ZZZ 08, Angst: De Witte Villa, C60, unknown year. (Re-released by Kubus Kassettes)
Unconfirmed whether there were any more titles released after ZZ ZZZ 08. In 1983 Vloeberghs started a new label, Gezonde Boerse Copulaties, and supposedly stopped issuing tapes on Geef Appel Neem Chocolade.
Gezonde Boerse Copulaties (approx. 1983-85)
-GBC 01, Escherichia Coli (solo project by Luc Van Den Bruel): Wo Sind Die Blumenkinder Geblieben?, unknown length, 1983.
-GBC 02, Angst: De Kreet, unknown year (1983?). Re-release of the self-titled tape on Geef Appel Neem Chocolade (ZZ ZZZ 02).
-GBC 03, Escherichia Coli: Die Traurigkeit, Die Toten Kann, C46, 1984 (correct year?).
-GBC 04, Angst: Strijd Tegen de Kerk, C60, 1984 (correct year?).
-GBC 05, One Hundred Poems From The Japanese (solo project by Guy De Bièvre): Burroughs, C90, 1983.
-GBC 06, TNA: Hei Jullie!, C90, unknown year. CM stocklist: ”another alter-ego of Erik Vloeberghs”, however Vloeberghs was never in this group.
-GBC 07, Angst: Greatest Hits, C90, 1983.
-GBC 08, Angst & Danny Van Looy: De Weg Naar De Hel, C90, 1983.
-GBC 09, Madame Desmet: Molensteen, C45, 1984. CM stocklist: ramblings of a local visionary recorded by EV
-GBC 10, Angst: Koning Der God!, C60, unknown year. According to the CM stocklist this tape contain live recordings.
-GBC 11, The Firing-Squad: Pig And Face, C60, 1984.
-GBC 12, Various: De Heistse Zotten, C-60, unknown year (including LEISD, The Parts, E.Coli, Dansgroep De Knol, Angst, KCN and Johnny Hitparade).
-GBC 13, Angst: Lies on 45, C30, 1983.
-GBC 14, unknown release
-GBC 015, The Parts: Auschwitz War Wunderbar!, C60, 1984.
-GBC 016, Guy De Bièvre: I Love You More Than The Washing Up, C60, 1985.
-GBC 01-03, E. Coli: Onnozel Leven, C90 (compilation of his two tapes, previously released separately as GBC 01 and GBC 03)
Unconfirmed if GBC 16 was the last tape to be issued on GBC. The reason for starting Gezonde Boerse Copulaties was explained in Force Mental and has to do with creating a channel for mainly Flemish artists to publish their experimental works on tape. In consequence there were tapes by several artists and not only Angst, as opposed to his former label (except for a comp-tape).
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9999999 miljonen erotische variatie Erik Vloeberghs