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Graf Haufen Tapes
Years running:
Country: Germany
Description: This Berlin, Germany based tape label, founded by mail- and neoist artist Karsten Rodemann (aka "Graf Haufen") in 1981 ran up until 1985. Most of the early releases were all done by Graf Haufen under various aliases to fit the specific sounds and style he was experimenting with. Later other artists joined the ranks, such as Deutsch-Polnische Aggression, the first project of Matthias Roeingh (aka Dr. Motte), Die Tödliche Doris, J.A.R., Überhaupt or the fun-punk band Soilent Grün (who preceded Die Ärzte). Several local and international compilations followed. Towards the end of the label, the musical interestes shifted strongly to industrial, power-electronics and noise. To turn away from commercialism, the sublabel Schrei Records was formed to release non-profit compilations.
After Graf Haufen Tapes was laid to rest, Graf Haufen founded the imprint Artcore Editions to publish magazines, art catalogues, books and the occational tape or record.
Another side label during the early years was Individuale Unterentwickelte Urwaldproduktion for releases that seemed too childish and grotesque for the main label.
GHT-01 was never published. It was intended to be a 10 minute cassette by Level (7), then schoolmates of Graf Haufen, but for some reason never saw the light of day. They were featured however on a later compilation.
GHT-06 (Soilent Green* - Live 26.9.81) was also never properly distributed. Only a few copies were made for the band (who didn't approve), and for a few close friends and associates. The contents were however released later as Soilent Grün - In Memorandum in a limited edition.

Related Releases
6x10=60 Vol. 1 Various
Ätsch Bätsch Sampler C60 Various
Alles In Einem Various
Alles Wurscht Pero
Anthologie Des Schreckens Schlappschwanz
Assillo Politico Various
Blech Auf Blech Pädagogische Hochschule
Clear Das Synthetische Mischgewebe
D.P.A. Live Album, Ltd, Num, C45 Deutsch Polnische Aggression
Das typische Ding Die Tödliche Doris
Das Typische Ding Die Tödliche Doris
Demo Tape Pero & T.O.L.L.
Die Beisetzung Verzögert Sich! Album Überhaupt
Die Einwegcassette T.O.L.L.
Dr. Black / Schwänze Graf Haufen
Ein Mann Räumt Auf!!! Graf Haufen & Various
Erwartung / La Espera Commando Bruno
Euphorie Und Wahnsinn Sampler Various
Flux Flux (german Band)
Geländeterror EP Geländeterror
Griechenland Ruft! Potenzstörung 81
In Memorandum Soilent Grün
In The Night JAR
Kontinuität Der Befindlichkeiten (Minimal Electronics 1981-1983) Various
Krach + Unrat Sampler C10 Various
Limited Paradise - Paradies Mit Macken JAR
Live 26.9.81 Soilent Grün
Lust Package (Kirchenglocken) Potenzstörung 81
Minutes to Go Various Named Demian Demian
Ohne Titel Non Toxique Lost
Ohne Titel Non Toxique Lost
P.H. Pädagogische Hochschule
Pero's Plastikmusik Pero
Plastikmusik 45% 293 Pero
Pyogenic Organism FâLX çèrêbRi Rite 64 FâLX çèrêbRi Rite 64 FâLX çèrêbRi
Rite 64 FâLX çèrêbRi Rite 64 FâLX çèrêbRi Rite 64 FâLX çèrêbRi
same Kaumasse Mit Fremdstoffen
Some Waves Various
Spandauer Tatendrang Sampler Various
Symbols JAR
Testen Sie mal Vol.2 Ein-Vertriebs-Cassetten-Ãœberblick Various
Thee Book Various
Tionchor P16.D4
Wassermusik 1 & 2 FâLX çèrêbRi
Werk 2 T.O.L.L.
Werk 3 T.O.L.L.
Related Artists & Bands
Commando BrunoDas Synthetische MischgewebeDeutsch Polnische AggressionDie Tödliche DorisFâLX çèrêbRiGeländeterrorGraf HaufenGraf Haufen & VariousJARKaumasse Mit FremdstoffenPädagogische HochschulePeroPero & T.O.L.L.Potenzstörung 81SchlappschwanzSoilent GrünT.O.L.L.ÜberhauptVariousRelated Artists & Bands Literature
Advocatus Diaboli Graf HaufenBooklet ter Graf Haufen
Graf with parents Graf Haufen
concert poster with Hapunkt Fliegenstrumpf Graf Haufen
Overview Tapelabels in Germany from 1982 Graf Haufen
Neoism Now Graf Haufen
very early Graf Haufen Label-Overview Graf Haufen
Graf Haufen Booklet For Didier Moulinier Graf Haufen
Neoism Now Poster Graf Haufen Ritus 64 Graf Haufen
You Suck Graf Haufen
Related Labels
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Graf HaufenRelated Labels-Literature
Catalogue Overview 1982 Graf Haufen Tapes
Distro-Catalogues Graf Haufen Tapes
Graf Haufen Vertriebsliste Graf Haufen Tapes
Unikum Poster Berliner Vertriebsbund