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Kunst No.1
Press/Orga: Kunst
Year: 1988
Country: France
Format: Mag/Lit
Death in June, Hafler Trio, Clair Obscur, COIL, La Muerte, Leather Nun, Laibach, Aryan Aquarians..

Related Releases
#@$ - 11 Mal Elektronische Musik Aus München Various
2 D Filme The Laszivious Ears presented by: Secret Department for Cynical Musicology and Semiotics of Sound
20 Jazz Funk Greats Throbbing Gristle
20 Jazz Funk Greats Throbbing Gristle
23: Meinsplatteringblissfuel Zanstones
24 Hours Throbbing Gristle
A Persons Healthy Guide To Listening Various
Abstract Energy Albrecht/d
Adrenalin / Distant Dreams (Part Two) Throbbing Gristle
All 5 Industrial Records Lp's (pictures with Second Annual) Throbbing Gristle
All 9 Industrial Records 7inches Throbbing Gristle
All other 12 Industrial Records Cassettes (IRC25-35) plus later released IRC0 (Best of Volume 1) Throbbing Gristle An die Schwarze Kunst An die Schwarze Kunst
Angeldust Die Tödliche Doris
Art - Vol. 1 "Musik" Various
Assume Power Focus Throbbing Gristle
At Ajanta Cinema, Derby Throbbing Gristle
At Ajanta Cinema, Derby Throbbing Gristle
At Butlers Wharf, London 23rd December 1979 Throbbing Gristle
At Centro Iberico, London Throbbing Gristle
At Goldsmith's College, London Throbbing Gristle
At Goldsmiths College, London 13th March 1980 Throbbing Gristle
At Leeds Fan Club 24th February 1980 Throbbing Gristle
At Now Society, Sheffield University Throbbing Gristle
At Nuffield Theatre, Southampton Throbbing Gristle
At Oundle Public School 16th March 1980 Throbbing Gristle
At Sheffield University 10th June 1980 Throbbing Gristle
At The Air Gallery Winchester Throbbing Gristle
At The Architectural Association, London Throbbing Gristle
At The Architectural Association, London Throbbing Gristle
At The Art School Winchester Throbbing Gristle
At the Art School Winchester Throbbing Gristle
At The Brighton Polytechnic Throbbing Gristle
At The Brighton Polytechnic Throbbing Gristle
At The Brighton Polytechnic Throbbing Gristle
At The Crypt Club, London Throbbing Gristle
At The Factory, Manchester Throbbing Gristle
At The Guild Hall, Northampton Throbbing Gristle
At The Highbury Roundhouse, London Throbbing Gristle
At The Highbury Roundhouse, London Throbbing Gristle
At The ICA London Throbbing Gristle
At The ICA London Throbbing Gristle
At The Industrial Training College, Wakefield Throbbing Gristle
At The London Film Makers Co-Op Throbbing Gristle
At The Nag's Head, High Wycombe Throbbing Gristle
At The Rat Club The Valentino Rooms Throbbing Gristle
At The Rat Club, London Throbbing Gristle
At The Rat Club, London Throbbing Gristle
At The YMCA, London Throbbing Gristle
Aumann, Stadtoberinspek Die Anarchistische Gummizelle
Austrian Radio Special Throbbing Gristle
Band-It 11 Cassette Magazine Various
Berlin 2 Throbbing Gristle
Best of Volume... I Throbbing Gristle
Best of Volume... I Throbbing Gristle
Best of Volume... I / The Best of Volume I Throbbing Gristle
Best of Volume... I / The Best of Volume I Throbbing Gristle
Best of Volume... II Throbbing Gristle
Best of Volume... II Throbbing Gristle
Best Of... Volume II Throbbing Gristle
Beyond Jazz Funk TG Psychic Rally In Heaven - 23rd December 1980 London Throbbing Gristle
Bordun Chants P.C.R.
Burros De Dios - Asses Of God Escupemetralla
Campaign: Wahlkampf In Den USA Ferdinand Kriwet
Concerts Henry Cow
D.o.A. The Third And Final Report Throbbing Gristle
D.o.A. The Third And Final Report Throbbing Gristle
Dabei Sein Ist Alles Harry The Hirsch
Dachskulpturen Reiner Ruthenbeck
Death Of The Moon And Other Early Works Rune Lindblad December. Live 12 12 82 Nekropolis
Der Kulturbefördernde Füll Dreidimensional
Der Sampler: Collage Various
Der Weisse Rausch Cinéma Vérité Derdakunst / Chemische Ameisen Scheisse Derda & Chemische Ameisenscheisse
Destiny Throbbing Gristle
Die Electric Eels Electric Eels
Diedrich Diedrichsen Wird Getötet Werden Georgie D.
Discipline Throbbing Gristle
Duett Paik/Takis / Klangraum Takis Nam June Paik / Takis
dunkle Schwingungen Monochrome Bleu
Editions Frankfurt-Berlin Throbbing Gristle
Ein Gespräch Joseph Beuys
Electronic Panorama: Paris, Tokyo, Utrecht, Warszawa Various
ExtremMist '81: Nur Vom Ãœbelsten Various
Face on Radio Conrad Schnitzler & Wolfgang Hertz
Festival D'Interventions 2 - In Memoriam George Maciunas Various
Festival Karlsruhe Various
FFM 11-10-80 Throbbing Gristle
Five Albums Throbbing Gristle
Five Albums (records only w/o Box/Booklet Throbbing Gristle
Fluxus Anthology 30th Anniversary 1962-1992 Sound Events Various
Foreplay - live Vets Auditorium Throbbing Gristle
Four Voices Head Resonance Company
Frustrierte Konsumenten / Dreidimensional Frustrierte Konsumenten & Dreidimensional
Führer Der Menschheit Throbbing Gristle
Führer der Menschheit Throbbing Gristle
Fundamental Decency, Volume of Society Zanstones
Funeral in Berlin Throbbing Gristle
Games People Ignore Jürgen Richter
Gelesen Und Vertont Adolf Wölfli
Grauzone Grauzone
Greatest Hits - Entertainment Through Pain Throbbing Gristle Heathen Earth Throbbing Gristle
Heathen Earth Throbbing Gristle
Heathen Earth Throbbing Gristle
Heathen Earth Throbbing Gristle
Heaven 23-12-1980 Throbbing Gristle
Here Various
Him Hanflang War Das Wort Ernst Jandl
Hippocosmos, Onuitgegeven Opnames 1967-1979 Paul de Vree
In The Shadow Of The Sun Throbbing Gristle
Interchange Compilation Various
Interview A & B Throbbing Gristle
IRCA / IRC B Interview Tapes from 24 hour Box Throbbing Gristle
JJJ Interview Throbbing Gristle
Joseph Beuys Stuka Dive Bomber Piece & Other Stories Al Hansen
Journey Through A Body Throbbing Gristle
Kannibalen und Missionare Kannibalen und Missionare
Kezar Pavillon Throbbing Gristle
Kino Aus Der Kassette 2/82 Various
Kitsch as Kitsch Can Erik Mälzner / Rolf Pax
Klaviersonate Für Arnulf Rainer Hermann Nitsch
Konkrete Poesie - Sound Poetry - Artikulationen Various Kreuzmusik Henning Christiansen Kreuzmusik Fluxid Behandlung Op 189 Henning Christiansen
Krst Pod Triglavom - Baptism Laibach Küttel Im Frost H.N.A.S. (Hirsche nicht aufs Sofa)
Küttel Im Frost H.N.A.S. (Hirsche nicht aufs Sofa)
Kunst und Politik - Ein Gespräch 9.Feb 1985 Joseph Beuys / Michael Ende
Lautpoesie. Eine Anthologie Folge 1 Various
Licht Und Blindheit Joy Division
Lied Für Fritz Honkas
Line Of Eloquence Head Resonance
Linkage Terry Fox
Live At Death Factory, May 79 Throbbing Gristle
Live at Factory Manchester 19-05-1979 (Assume Power Focus) Throbbing Gristle
Live at Kezar Palace San Francisco (Mission Of Dead Souls – The Last Live Performance Of TG) Throbbing Gristle
Live At Leeds Throbbing Gristle
Live at Oundle School Throbbing Gristle
Live at Rafters Manchester Throbbing Gristle
Live at Rafters Manchester 1981 Throbbing Gristle
Live At S.O.36 Club 25.2.83 (with Tass 2) Das Synthetische Mischgewebe
Live at SO36 and Frankfurt Kunsthofschule Throbbing Gristle
Live Berlin Number 2 Throbbing Gristle
Live Death Factory Manchester 18 May 1979 Throbbing Gristle
Live FFM Throbbing Gristle
Live Frankfurt Kunsthofschule 11-10-1980 Throbbing Gristle
Live From Death Factory Throbbing Gristle
Live From The Death Factory Throbbing Gristle
Live in Berlin 1 and 2 Throbbing Gristle
Live in Heaven Throbbing Gristle
Live Manchester Throbbing Gristle
Live Tere Monochrome Bleu
Long String Installations 1982-1985 (with Johan Goedhart) Paul Panhuysen Macht Musik Gundel
MAG MAGAZIN Nr. 3 Joan La Barbara / Terry Fox
Making of Heathern Earth and Oundle School Throbbing Gristle
Mensch Im Eis Vorgruppe Mission Is Terminated / Nice Tracks (with Various Artists) Throbbing Gristle Mission of Dead Souls Throbbing Gristle Mit Dem Ofenrohr Ins Gebirge - Der Rosenheim Sampler Various
Moderne Klavieravond Petro van Doesburg
Monochrome Bleu Monochrome Bleu
Monochrome Bleu Monochrome Bleu
Music from the Death Factory Throbbing Gristle
Music from the Death Factory 12 and 18.June 1976 Throbbing Gristle Musik zur besseren Verständigung Monochrome Bleu Musique En La Sainte Chapelle L'Avis G821
New T.G. - live 76 Throbbing Gristle
New T.G. 1 and 2 Throbbing Gristle Nothing Short Of A Total War Throbbing Gristle
Nothing Short Of A Total War Throbbing Gristle
Nothing Short Of A Total War Throbbing Gristle
Nova Akropola Laibach
Österreichische Musik Der Gegenwart: Elektronische Musik 1 - 30 Jahre Elektroakustische Musik Various
On Earth Hans Otte
Once Upon A Time Throbbing Gristle
Pastimes / Industrial Muzac Throbbing Gristle
Piano Work'd Philip Corner
Pianomusic Elmar Kräling
Poème Symphonique Für 100 Metronome György Ligeti
RADIO ARTPOOL No. 5 casette-radio, radio-work Various
Radio Special - Alien Soundtracks Throbbing Gristle
Rafters Throbbing Gristle
Recording Heathen Earth / Live At Oundle School Throbbing Gristle
s/t An die Schwarze Kunst
s/t Honkas
Sacra Conversatione Erik Mälzner / Klaus Schneiderheinze
Sacrifice Throbbing Gristle
Scala Cinema, London 29th February 1980 Throbbing Gristle
Second Annual Report Throbbing Gristle
Sehr Nett Altes Eisen
Singing Shelley Hirsch
Slippenbekenntnisse Various
Smells Ok ! F. Art
SO36 Throbbing Gristle
Some more TG Tapes not on Industrial Records (1982-1984) Throbbing Gristle
some more Throbbing Gristle Releases 1979-1982 not on Industrial Records Throbbing Gristle
Sounds Of A Sculpture Bogart
Stay Or Go (360º Of Monochrome Bleu) Monochrome Bleu
Studio Für Elektronische Musik - Konkret - Instrumental - Vokal Various
Subhuman / Something Came Over Me Throbbing Gristle
Synthetik 1. Seesselberg
Tanzlos Die Wahre Kunst
Texte Und Gelegenheitsgedichte Helmut Heissenbüttel The Best Of The Rest 13/14 Various The Haunted House Of Hirsch Various
The Nazi Suicides Throbbing Gristle
The Occupied Europe Tour 1985 Laibach
The Second Annual Report Throbbing Gristle
The Second Annual Report Throbbing Gristle
Thee Psychick Sacrifice Throbbing Gristle
Three in One Video Throbbing Gristle
To Disappear when time has come Thae Collective
True Lies Dive
Two Little, Two Large and Two Middle Sized Pictures Erik Mälzner & Konsorten
Und Gleich nach dem ersten Fliegerangriff Various Unikum 2 Various
United (Master-Tape) Throbbing Gristle
United / Zyklon B Zombie Throbbing Gristle
US-Trek 1989 Monochrome Bleu
Very Friendly Throbbing Gristle
Vhutemas Archetypi Various Virgo Marc Behrens
Vorsicht (8 Stücke für den Laienbedarf) Erik Mälzner
We Hate You (Little Girls) / Five Knuckle Shuffle Throbbing Gristle
What Is A Linz ? Monochrome Bleu
Wolfsburg Sampler - Noten im Akkord Various
Wondering & Calling Birgitte Grimstad
Zeitgenössische Musik In Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1945-1980 (complete Box-Series Vol. 1-10 Various
Related Artists & Bands
An die Schwarze KunstDie Wahre KunstEruptionMonochrome BleuThrobbing GristleVorgruppeRelated Artists & Bands Literature
"Forgive us our Synth" article in Sounds 1981 Throbbing Gristle
16 Photos by Peter Bargh Throbbing Gristle live at Rafters 4 December 1980 Throbbing Gristle
20 Jazz Funk Center Label Proof Sheet Throbbing Gristle
28p Booklet to Fetish 5Lp-Set Throbbing Gristle
44 Live and Studio Photos taken by Kevin Thorne of We Be Echo Throbbing Gristle
7 colour photocopies all signed and with two pages of notes explaining context and significance Throbbing Gristle
7 x TG Pins Throbbing Gristle
A4 flyer TG and Bauhaus at The Guildhall Northampton, 26 May 1979 Throbbing Gristle
add for Nazi Suicide Tape Throbbing Gristle
Aktionen Kontepte Ausstellung (Oldenburger Kunstverein) Milan Knizak
Al Ackermans Arthur Turner Booklet Throbbing Gristle
Apocalypse A Gogo Throbbing Gristle
Archive Index by David Minshall (Scans by Simon Dell) Throbbing Gristle
Article in Sounds 26 November 1977 Throbbing Gristle
at Ajanta Cinema, Flyer, designed by Val Denham Throbbing Gristle
at Centro Iberico Throbbing Gristle
at Rafters Poster Throbbing Gristle
at Sheffield Poster April 1979 Throbbing Gristle at Sheffield Poster June 1980 (with Cabaret Voltaire) Throbbing Gristle
Bandphoto Throbbing Gristle
Berlin SO36 Concert Poster Throbbing Gristle
Best wishes for X-Mas 1980 Postcard Throbbing Gristle
Can you fix us up with a gig postcard Throbbing Gristle
Chris Carter in front of TG Symbol Throbbing Gristle
Christmas Card Throbbing Gristle
Colour photocopy of original TG flash by Cosey Fanni Tutti signed by G-PO and blind stamped ‘P-Orridge with Everything Limited’. Ca. 1995. 207 x 279 mm Throbbing Gristle
Colour photograph of GP-O recording ‘Journey Through a Body’ in Rome. Inscribed on verso by GP-O. 131 x 88 mm Throbbing Gristle
Compliments slip 1981 Throbbing Gristle
Cosey COllage and letter Throbbing Gristle
Cosey Fanni Tutti Personality Card 1981 Throbbing Gristle
Cosey Funni Tutti Card/Poster Throbbing Gristle
D.O.A. the Third and Final Report Poster Throbbing Gristle
Das interaktive Hoerspiel als nicht erzaehlende Radiokunst (Verlag die Blaue Eule) Hartmut Geerken
Die Kunst der Geräusche Luigi Russolo
Die Kunst ist wieder Lustig (Lyric-booklet) Die Radierer
die Schnelligkeit bei der Kunstproduktion nicht unterschätzen (Verlag Monika Schmidt) 1983 Siegfried J Schmidt
Die Stimme und ihre Schrift. Die Graphophonie der akustischen Kunst Various
Dimensionales Ausstellungskatalog Bonner Kunstverein 1983 Dieter Roth
Entertaining the World Booklet Throbbing Gristle
Eruption: Elektronische Meditation und Rockmusik Quartier Latin Dezember 1970 Eruption
essential related Literature Throbbing Gristle
Fanzine Articles selected Throbbing Gristle
Final Solution Present a night with Industrial Records ... Monte Cazazza, The Leather Nun and Throbbing Gristle. 29 February 1980. Throbbing Gristle
Final Solution Present a Psychic Youth Rally Throbbing Gristle, A Certain Ratio & S.P.K. (Surgical Penis Klinik) in Heaven, 23 December 1980. Throbbing Gristle
Flyer "Victim of the Press" Throbbing Gristle
Flyer 1980.11.10 Frankfurt Städel Throbbing Gristle
flyer announcing a performance by Throbbing Gristle at the London Film-Makers' Co-op, London, 6th July (1978). Throbbing Gristle
Flyer Another Development for Tesco Throbbing Gristle
Flyer Assume Power Focus Throbbing Gristle
Flyer for 10th June 1980 Sheffiedl University (with Cabaret Voltaire) Throbbing Gristle
Flyer for F-Club Concert with Cazazza and Clock DVA Throbbing Gristle
Flyer for Final Solution Present ... four nights at the Prince of Wales Conference Centre 1979, including Joy Division, Clock DVA, Cabaret Voltaire and Throbbing Gristle. Throbbing Gristle
Flyer for Final Soultion Concert 7. April 1979 / The Institute for Continuing education Throbbing Gristle
Flyer for Live Kezar Pavillion May 29th Throbbing Gristle
Flyer for TG at YMCA 3rd August 1979 designed by Val Denham. (see Wreckers 9.7.) Throbbing Gristle
Flyer for Throbbing Gristle at Centro Iberico 21st January 1979 designed by Val Denham 297 x 210 mm. Throbbing Gristle
Flyer for Throbbing Gristle's "After Cease To Exist" film presentation Throbbing Gristle
Flyer Music from the Death Factory Throbbing Gristle
Flyer Psychic Ralley in Heaven Throbbing Gristle
Flyer Rat Club 17th December 1977 Throbbing Gristle
Flyer The Institute of Continuing Education / Final Solution 7 April 1979 Throbbing Gristle
Flyer Union Hall 1978 Throbbing Gristle
Flyer Unleash me to Everywhere Throbbing Gristle
Flyer Vets Auditorium Los Angeles, May 22nd, 1981 Throbbing Gristle
Flyer, Mayor, I may resign Throbbing Gristle
Flyer: Hackney Gazette Press Throbbing Gristle
Frankfurt Poster Throbbing Gristle
Frankfurt Poster Throbbing Gristle
Frequenzen [hz] = Frequencies [hz] - Audiovisuelle Räume, (ohne die CD),, Katalog der Ausstellung in der Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt 9. Februar - 28. April 2002, Various
FRIGIDAIRE No. 6, April 1981, Primo Carnera publishing, Roma, Italy, Throbbing Gristle
Funeral in Berlin Inserts to 10inch release Throbbing Gristle
Gary Gilmore Memorial Society T-Shirt Throbbing Gristle
Gen and Cosey in National Press Porn Mag Throbbing Gristle
Gen at Frankfurt Train Station 1980 Throbbing Gristle
Genesis P-Orridge and Throbbing Gristle in Hayward Annual 1979 Throbbing Gristle
Genetic Fear Flyer Industrial Music for Industrial People Throbbing Gristle
Genetic Fear Xerox original Throbbing Gristle
Gig-Review in Damn Latin No.7 by Peter Polanyk Throbbing Gristle
Guildhall Northampton Poster Throbbing Gristle
Hanne Darboven - John Cage, Staatsgalerie Moderner Kunst. John Cage
Heathen Earth Poster Throbbing Gristle
Heaven and Lyceum 1980 and 81 Photos by Akiko Hada Throbbing Gristle
Hören – Eine vernachlässigte Kunst? Karl-Heinz Blomann und Frank Sielecki (Hg.) Various
Industral Records Newsletters Throbbing Gristle
Industrial Music for Industrial People Poster Throbbing Gristle
Industrial News 4 November 1980 Throbbing Gristle
Industrial News Sept 3rd 1979 Throbbing Gristle
Industrial Records Postcard Throbbing Gristle
Industrial Records Staff Throbbing Gristle
Info-Sticker to Second Annual Report Throbbing Gristle
Insert to 24 Hour Box (but unsigned) Throbbing Gristle
Invitation Card for Heathen Earth Studio Recording Throbbing Gristle
IR Letter from Cosey re bounced cheque Throbbing Gristle
IR Letter from David Brooks re returned cheque 12th March 1981 Throbbing Gristle
Jazz in Köln seit 1945: Konzertkultur und Kellerkunst. Hrsg. v. Histor. Archiv d. Stadt Köln Various
John Cage und die Moderne Kunst als Grenzbveschreitung 1991 John Cage
John Cage. Partituren, Graphik, Zeichnungen, Aquarelle. Stooss, Toni / Abbt, Theres Verlag: Zürich Kunsthaus Zürich John Cage
Kezar Pavillon Ticket Throbbing Gristle
Klangkunst (AKADEMIE DER KÃœNSTE Berlin) Various
Konzeptuelle Kunst - Konkrete Poesie Various
Kunst ? Musik: Deutscher Punk und New Wave in der Nachbarschaft von Joseph Beuys Various
Kunst als Grenzbeschreitung Poster John Cage
Kunst als Grenzüberschreitung. John Cage und die Moderne. John Cage
Kunsthalle Nuernberg 1967 Giuseppe Capogrossi
Künstler Machen Fahnen 1974 Rottweil Stadtfest Coum Transmissions
Letters by Chris Carter Throbbing Gristle
Live at Leeds Fan Club Flyer (with Clock DVA / Monte Cazza) Throbbing Gristle
Live Germany Tour, Photos by Arg/Gee Gleim Throbbing Gristle
Live Guildhall Northampton Flyer Throbbing Gristle
Live Leeds Flyer Throbbing Gristle
Live photos to Rafters Gig by Throbbing Gristle 4.Dec.1980 Throbbing Gristle
Live Posters 7th of April 1979 and 3rd of September 1979 Throbbing Gristle
Live SO36 Poster Throbbing Gristle
Lyric Sheet 'The World Is A War Film' Throbbing Gristle
Make it Funky: Crossover zwischen Musik, Pop, Avantgarde und Kunst Groos, Ulrike; Müller, Markus Various
Mission is Terminated postcard Throbbing Gristle
MuKu : Multimedia - Kunst Various
Music and Video Catalogue Monochrome Bleu
Music from the Death Factory Throbbing Gristle Natur und Kunst Programm, Münster 1977 Planstudio Siepmann ( Ulla und Gerd Siepmann)
Nothing Short of a total War postcard (supplement to Albrecht D's Violence Permanente Booklet of Reflection Press Throbbing Gristle
NSK - Neue Slowenische Kunst Laibach
NSK from Kapital to Capital: Neue Slowenische Kunst-an Event of the Final Decade of Yugoslavia (Mit Press) Various
Oreiginal Telegram Show Offer 1981 for Roma to Peter Christopherson Throbbing Gristle
original photo to postcard Throbbing Gristle
Personality card 1981 Throbbing Gristle
Peter Christopherson in front of TG Symbol Throbbing Gristle
Photo of members Throbbing Gristle
Pin 1 (Industrial Music) Throbbing Gristle
Pin 2 (TG Logo red) Throbbing Gristle
Pin 3 (TG Logo red with symbol) Throbbing Gristle
Pin 4 (TG with white symbol) Throbbing Gristle
Plastic Logo to San Francisco Gig at KEZAR Throbbing Gristle
Portrait Photo Throbbing Gristle
Poster 1981-05-29 USA-California-San Francisco Kezar Pavilion Throbbing Gristle
Poster Butler's Warf 23th December 1979 Throbbing Gristle
Poster by Genesis P Orridge (Assume Power Focus) Throbbing Gristle
Poster Centro Iberico Throbbing Gristle
Poster Centro Iberico Throbbing Gristle
Poster for 19th May 1979 Manchester Factory Throbbing Gristle
Poster for 20 Jazz Funk Greats Throbbing Gristle
Poster for Control Agents to Throbbing Gristle - Brighton Polytech (26 March 1977) Throbbing Gristle
Poster for TG's second Gig at Hat Fare Winchester of August 1976 Throbbing Gristle
Poster Goldsmith College Throbbing Gristle
Poster industrial Records Present a Final Solution for your LEAP YEAR SURPRISE Throbbing Gristle
Poster Kezar Pavillion Golden Gate Park 29th May 1981 Throbbing Gristle
Poster Live 3.March 1978 Architectural Association Throbbing Gristle
Poster Live HEAVEN 23.December 1980 Throbbing Gristle
Poster London Scala Cinema 1980-02-29 Throbbing Gristle
Poster Mayor I may resign Throbbing Gristle
Poster Oundle School 16th March 1980 Throbbing Gristle
Poster Throbbing Gristle At the Air Gallery/Winchester 6th July 1976 Throbbing Gristle
Press Clipping to 3rd performance at Nag's Head Wycombe, 11 February 1977 Throbbing Gristle
Press Clippings Throbbing Gristle
Press Clippings to Prostitution Show at ICA Throbbing Gristle
Press Clips 79/80 Throbbing Gristle
Press Release Sub Human Adrenalin Throbbing Gristle
Press-clipping in Sounds 26.Nov 1977 (Sandy Robertson Article) Throbbing Gristle
Program 5 - Kopfstich Booklet Monochrome Bleu
Promo Info-Sheet to Journey Through a Body Lp Throbbing Gristle
Promo Postcard to Simon Fords "Wreckers of Civilisation Book" Throbbing Gristle
Promo-Poster for three Industrial releases Throbbing Gristle
Publicity Card signed Throbbing Gristle
Rafters Poster and Ticket signed Throbbing Gristle
Rat Club Poster 22 May, 1977 Throbbing Gristle
ROCKSTAR N. 12, Sept 1981, Actual media, Roma, Italy, p. 14: Red Ronnie, Throbbing Gristle (re TG end) Throbbing Gristle
Sacred Music from the Death Factory envelope Throbbing Gristle
Second Annual Report Sticker Throbbing Gristle
selected Industrial Records Press Clippings Throbbing Gristle
selected Pins and Badges by TG, PTV, Coum Throbbing Gristle
selected Press Cuttings Poster ICA October 1976 Throbbing Gristle
selected Throbbing Gristle and related Shirts from Jordi Valls Throbbing Gristle
Setlist for Reunion Show Throbbing Gristle
several Concert Flyers Throbbing Gristle
Several Video-Tapes Throbbing Gristle
signed Hotel Room Publicity Card Throbbing Gristle
Signed Inserts to 24 Hour Tape-Box-Set Throbbing Gristle
Signed Sheet for Rafters (never again....) Throbbing Gristle
six black and white photographs of environs of Hackney Throbbing Gristle
Slug Bait Flyer Throbbing Gristle
SO36 Poster Throbbing Gristle
Sticker 'Music from the Death factory' to backside of Second Annual Report Throbbing Gristle
Sticker Music from the Death Factory and TG Logo Sticker Throbbing Gristle
Sticker TG Throbbing Gristle
T-Gasm Issue 1 Throbbing Gristle
T-Gasm Issue 3 Throbbing Gristle
T-Gasm No.1-5 Throbbing Gristle
Text Facts Throbbing Gristle
TG Buttons (each) Throbbing Gristle
TG Christmas Greetings to Monte Throbbing Gristle
TG Enamels (not TG but Townswomen Guild) Throbbing Gristle
TG Heaven Video Bootleg COver Throbbing Gristle
TG in Melodie Maker 23-12-78 Throbbing Gristle
TG in Spät aber Doch Throbbing Gristle
TG Interview (Part 1) with Genesis P Orridge in AURA Issue 1 Throbbing Gristle
TG Patches Throbbing Gristle
TG Questionnaire Throbbing Gristle
TG Sticker Throbbing Gristle
TG with Robert Rental the Normal Cabaret Voltaire and Metabolist at the Crypt 11.11.1980 Throbbing Gristle
The Industrial Revolution Sounds 1980 Throbbing Gristle
The TG Catalogue by Flowmotion Records Throbbing Gristle
Throbbing Gristle Forgive Us Our Synths Sounds 1981 Throbbing Gristle
Throbbing Gristle Pin Throbbing Gristle
Throbbing Gristle Promo-Poster (A Riot of Laughter) Throbbing Gristle
Throbbing Gristle Psychic Youth Rally at Thee Lyceum 8th February 1981 Throbbing Gristle
Throbbing Gristle Publicity Card, hotel room. 302 x 211 mm. Throbbing Gristle
Ticket for Northampton Guildhall Throbbing Gristle
Tourposter "Entertaining the World" Tottenham Throbbing Gristle, Monte Cazzaza, Leather Nun Throbbing Gristle
Two Concert Posters Throbbing Gristle
two original Shirts Throbbing Gristle
Two Stickers (TG Symbol and Assume) Throbbing Gristle
United / Zyklon B Lyric Sheet (came with early versions of United / Zyklon B 7inch) Throbbing Gristle
United / Zyklon B Promo Flyer Throbbing Gristle
United / Zyklon B Promo Poster Throbbing Gristle
Veterans Auditorium 5-22-1981 Vox Pop Flyer Throbbing Gristle
Victims of.. Throbbing Gristle
Vintage Photo in Hotel Room (standing) Throbbing Gristle
Vintage Throbbing Gristle ‘Death Factory’ Black and White photograph by Monte Cazazza. 10 x 8 inches. Circa 1977-78. Throbbing Gristle
Vom Klang der Bilder. Die Musik in der Kunst des 20. Jahrhunderts Various
Wakefield Poster (designed by Monte Cazazza) Throbbing Gristle
Walter Hartmann Archiv pictures Throbbing Gristle
Wreckers of Civilisation Throbbing Gristle
Zeichen-Buch (Hamburger Kunsthalle) Gerhard Rühm
‘Weeping’ Lyrics by Throbbing Gristle 1978. A4 Vintage photocopy, age related tanning and couple of small rust marks on verso. Throbbing Gristle
´Ticket for Centro Iberico gig 21st January 1979. 110 x 57 mm Throbbing Gristle
Related Press & Organisations
Die Schastrommel / Die DrosselKunstRelated Press & Org Literature
1968 Konkrete Utopien in Kunst und Gesellschaft (Dumont) Various
Audio Art Kunst in der Stadt Kunsthaus Bregenz Kunsthaus Bregenz
Auditive Poesie - Kunst aus Sprache Museum des 20.Jahrhunderts Wien
Buchstäblich Nürnberger wörtliche Tage Butzmann, F; Johansson, S A; Kapielski, T Verlag f. mod. Kunst, 1990, Softcover Various
Casual Abuse & The Fault Casual Abuse & The Fault (The Fault Press) Exhibition Exhibition
Heute Kunst 7 1974 Heute Kunst
Heute Kunst 8 1974 Heute Kunst
Institut für Moderne Kunst Nürnberg Nummer 01 Institut für Moderne Kunst Nürnberg
Institut für Moderne Kunst Nürnberg Nummer 02/03 Institut für Moderne Kunst Nürnberg
Institut für Moderne Kunst Nürnberg Nummer 04 Institut für Moderne Kunst Nürnberg
Institut für Moderne Kunst Nürnberg Nummer 10 Institut für Moderne Kunst Nürnberg
Institut für Moderne Kunst Nürnberg Nummer 11 Institut für Moderne Kunst Nürnberg
Institut für Moderne Kunst Nürnberg Nummer 12 Institut für Moderne Kunst Nürnberg
Institut für Moderne Kunst Nürnberg Nummer 13/14 Institut für Moderne Kunst Nürnberg
Institut für Moderne Kunst Nürnberg Nummer 15/16 Institut für Moderne Kunst Nürnberg
Institut für Moderne Kunst Nürnberg Nummer 17/18 Institut für Moderne Kunst Nürnberg
Institut für Moderne Kunst Nürnberg Nummer 19/20 Institut für Moderne Kunst Nürnberg
Institut für Moderne Kunst Nürnberg Nummer 21/22 Institut für Moderne Kunst Nürnberg
Katalog Nr.30 Kunst des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts Buchhandlung Walther König
KGNM 09 - Berlin-Kölner Musikfest im Kunstverein Kölner Gesellschaft für Neue Musik
KGNM 16: 2. Kölner Musikfest im Kunstverein Kölner Gesellschaft für Neue Musik
Kunst (Mag) 1 Kunst (Mag)
Kunst No.1 Kunst
Kunst of Kunstmere Egmont Various Kunst und Medien Kunst und Medien
Kunstgruft No.4 Kunstgruft
Kunstpost 1984 Various
Kunstvermittlung in der Diaspora (Beter Below) Various
Neue Kunst 1982 Neue Kunst (Verlag Kretschmer & Großmann)
Neue Kunst 1983 plus Ergänzungsliste Neue Kunst (Verlag Kretschmer & Großmann)
Neue Kunst 1984 Neue Kunst (Verlag Kretschmer & Großmann)
Openbare Kunstwerken 1980 Various
Sound - Medium der Kunst Dany Keller Galerie
Stempelkunst Various
Stempelkunst in Nederland Various Wien - Bildkompendium WIener Aktionismus Peter Waibel / Valie Export